新人教版八年级上册英语第七单元精选练习题附答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章新人教版八年级上册英语第七单元精选练习题附答案更新完毕开始阅读0d255840a1116c175f0e7cd184254b35effd1a9c


1.Cities in the future will be bigger and ________ (crowded) because there will be a lot ________ (many) jobs.

2.People will have more free time so they'll probably have ________ (many) vacations. 3.There will be ________ (few) trees and there will be ________ (much)pollution than now. 4. ________ (越来越多) robots will work around the house to help make our life ________ (越来越好).

5.With the help of modern medicine,people will live to be much ________ (long). (二)用because,however,but,so,so that等连词连接句子。 1.I will meet lots of interesting people. I want to have more friends.

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2.My apartment may be too small. It will be no good for pets.

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 3.Kids won't go to school. They'll study at home on computers.

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 4.The environment will be in great danger. Everyone should play a part in saving the earth. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________


根据短文内容及首字母或汉语提示,写出空白处所缺单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。 Life in the f________ is different from now.

For example,there won't be ________ (纸) money any more. People will shop on the Internet.And the Internet will play an important p________ in our daily life. Of course the net ________ (环境) will never be ________ (危险的).

As for education,there ________ (甚至) won't be any schools on the ________ (地球).Students will have lessons at home on computer.________ (很可能,大概) teachers will teach them and give out homework on the Internet. Children hand in their homework and they can also check it by themselves on the Net.

Today there are ________ (已经) robots working in different ________ (工厂). They do some simple jobs all day and all night. We ________ (相信) there will be more machines in our future life. Robots will do all the boring and tiring housework for ________ (人类).Parents won't cook or wash clothes. A cooking robot will cook breakfast and a servant r________ will wake us up and serve breakfast to us.

Thanks to robots,it's ________ (可能的) that people will be much freer.There will be more ________ (假期).Families will be able to spend more time staying together.________ (在……期间) their holidays,people will go sightseeing or traveling around the world more often.

Life in the future will certainly be easier and more comfortable.


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假如你是杨立,你的美国好友吉姆(Jim) 来信询问你对未来生活的畅想。请你根据下面的内容提示,发挥想象,给吉姆写一封回信。

提示:1.your job; 2.your home;

3.your free time activities;

第一课时 Section A(1a~2d)

Ⅰ.1.prediction 2.environment 3.parts 4.earth 5.planets Ⅱ.6.crowded 7.plants 8.pollution 9.paper 10.teach Ⅲ.11-15 CCBAB

Ⅳ.16.in great danger 17.live to be 18.play a part 19.move to 20.There will be Ⅴ.21-25 FCAGD

第二课时 Section A(3a~3c)

Ⅰ.1.sea 2.sky 3.peace 4.built 5.spends Ⅱ.6.few 7.little 8.fewer 9.less 10.more Ⅲ.11-15 BCBAC

Ⅳ.16.What will 17.Will you 18.don't think;will 19.will be 20.How long will

Ⅴ.21.write 22.be 23.part 24.bluer 25.with 26.working 27.again 28.able 29.space 30.impossible

第三课时 Section B(1a~1e)

Ⅰ.1.apartment 2.space 3.astronauts 4.kidding 5.rockets

Ⅱ.6.plays 7.is watching 8.bought 9.will work 10.will have;will be;won't be Ⅲ.11-15 ACDAD

Ⅳ.16.lived with 17.on the space station 18.will fly;to 19.took the train 20.computer programmers

Ⅴ.21.Because she thinks it is relaxing. 22.Once a week. 23.He is an engineer. 24.She thinks she will be a violinist. 25.In Europe.

第四课时 Section B(2a~2e)

Ⅰ.1.words 2.sides 3.holiday 4.disagree 5.already

Ⅱ.6.possible 7.shapes 8.factories 9.dangerous 10.believes Ⅲ.11-15 CACCB

Ⅳ.16.not be able to 17.at some point 18.fall down 19.over and over again 20.There are;swimming

Ⅴ.21.play 22.never 23.humans 24.either 25.work 26.inside 27.becoming 28.future 29.even 30.than


一、Ⅰ.1-4 ACDB

Ⅱ.5.yet 6.still 7.already 8.already 二、Ⅰ.1-4 CABC

Ⅱ.5.agree that 6.agree with 7.agreed to take

三、1.fell asleep 2.fell ill 3.fell off 4.fell down 5.fall behind 四、Ⅰ.1-3 DAD

Ⅱ.4.There are;waiting for 5.There is;walking 6.Are there;taking

单元写作小专题&Section B(3a~4)

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1.study at home on computers 2.live to be 200 years old 3.more free time 4.be in great danger 5.look like humans 6.do the same job as people

7.help with the housework 8.over and over again 9.never get bored 10.be able to do sth. 11.take hundreds of years 12.in the near future 13.at some point 14.agree with sth.


(一)1.more crowded;more 2.more 3.fewer;more 4.More and more;better and better 5.longer

(二)1.I will meet lots of interesting people because I want to have more friends. 2.My apartment may be too small,so it will be no good for pets. 3.Kids won't go to school because they'll study at home on computers. 4.The environment will be in great danger,so everyone should play a part in saving the earth.


future paper part environment dangerous even earth Probably already factories believe humans robot possible holidays During


One possible version: Dear Jim,

I'm very glad to hear from you. Let me tell you about my future life in 30 years. In 30 years,I think I'll be a painter. I will work in a small town in the south of China,because the environment is good there.

I will have a small but a happy family. I will have a dog and a cat in my home because I love animals. My child will be happy to play with them. In my free time,I will travel with my family.

As a painter,I will go to different places and meet different people,so I think my life will full of interesting stories. I hope to live a simple but happy life in the future.

Yours, Yang Li

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