最新中考英语试题分类汇编对话情景交际(130套) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章最新中考英语试题分类汇编对话情景交际(130套)更新完毕开始阅读0d6aa105f56527d3240c844769eae009581ba2a6

A:How about you ,Susan? B.What are you going to do? C.Who are you going with? D.I went there two years ago. E.Are you going to swim in the sea/ F.How long are you going to stay there? G.Who are they?

【答案】71.B 72. E 73.A 74.F 75.C

(2017 四川达州 阅读理解 每小题2分 )从对话后的方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。

M: You look unhappy. 61 W: Oh… my clothes are out of style. I don’t look cool. M: Well, maybe you should buy some new clothes. W: Yes, but I don’t have enough money. M: Huh. 62

W: I can’t, because my parents want me to stay at home every night. I argued with them about it.

M: Well, you shouldn’t argue with your parents. 63 W: And guess what else is wrong? M: What?

W: 64 A. My brother plays his CDs too loud! I can’t go to sleep. B. You should talk about your problems. C. Maybe you could get a part-time job in the evenings. D. What’s wrong? 【答案】61-64 DCBA


B)补全对话从方框A—G中选出可以填入对话空白处(16-20)的最佳选项。 A:How are you? B: 16 A:It's a great party, 17 B:Yes,it is.Do you like the music?

A: 18 I play this kind of music with my band(乐队). B:You're in a band? A:Yeah, 19

B:Really? Well,I work on the Internet all my free time.

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A: 20

B:You're right,it's cool. A.What do you mean? B.isn't it? C.That sounds good. D.Oh,no.What a pity! E.we play in our free time. F.I Iove it. G.Fine,thanks. 【答案】GBFEC

(2017·山东省滨州市,九,5)根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子,并将其字母标号填入对话相应的空白处,使对话完整,合乎情景。(有两个多余选项) Jack: Was the concert good? Sadie: (96) ___________________

Jack: Why are you angry then? (97) ___________________

Sadie: Well, after the concert I waited outside the theatre—in the rain. I wanted their autographs.

Jack: Did you see them? Sadie: (98) ___________________ Jack: Did they talk to you?

Sadie: No, they didn’t. They didn’t wave. They didn’t smile. They didn’t say hello.

(99) ___________________ They just jumped into a big, black car and then disappeared.

Jack: (100) ___________________

Sadie: Yes. But that was yesterday. A. They didn’t even look at us. B. No. You love them as before. C. Yes, it was great! D. What’s the matter? E. Were they friendly to you? F. You once loved them so much. G. Yes, I did. 【答案】96—100: CDGAF (2017·四川省巴中市,四,10)从对话后方框内的选项中选择适当的选项补全对话,并将其字母标号填入题后相应的横线上。


A: Good morning, Sue. Did you enjoy your holiday in the country? B: 86 And some friends went with us. A: 87 B: In a hotel. And we could enjoy the beautiful scenery from the window. A: Sounds goood. 88

B: The sun shone nearly every day and it didn’t rain at all. A: 89 用心 爱心 专心

B: Yes,they were great. We met some farmers and had some food in their houses. ___90 Did you have a good weekend? A: Yes,but I didn’t do much. I just stayed at home. A.What was the weather like? B.Where did you stay? C.How about you? D.Yes,we had a great time. E.Did you like the people there? 86._______ 87._______ 88._______ 89._______ 90._______ 【答案】86—90.DBAEC


A: Hello, Sally! Congratulations to you for winning the first prize in the speech contest!

B: 91

A: You used to be shy when you talked to others. Why did you take part in the speech contest?

B: Yeah, I used to be shy. And my mother was really worried about it. She told me I must have confidence in everything. She encouraged me to do that. A: 92 B: I practiced the speech every day. In order to make it good, I had practiced it hundreds of times. A: 93 B: I got excited and couldn’t help crying when I won the prize,but at first I could hardly believe I was the winner. A: 94

B: Yes, it changed me a lot. And it made me feel confident. I’m very thankful to all the people who helped me.

A: Thanks for answering my questions. B: 95 A.How could you do such a good job? B.How did you feel when you won the prize? C.Thank you. D.You’re welcome. E.Did it change you? 91._______ 92._______ 93._______ 94._______ 95._______ 【答案】91—95.CABED 考点二、填词类对话

(2017.湖南长沙 ,完成对话 通读下面的对话,根据上下文补全对话内容。计10分)

A:Hi,Sandy ,what are you going to do this weekend?

B:I’m going to see a movie.Can you give me some advice? A:Sure.___________66__________? B:I like action movies.

A:Have you ever seen the movie Avatar(阿凡达)?

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B:____________67__________.But I heard it is great. A;Oh,I saw it yesterday. B:_________68_________?

A:I think it is the best movie I have seen. B:_________69__________?

A:It lasts about two and a half hours. B:Is lasts about two and a half hours. B:Is the ticket price high?

A:Yes.Watching it in 3D costs 120 yuan. B:___________70__________. A:You’re welcome.

【答案】66.What kind of movie do you like?


68.What do you think of it? 69.How long is it? 70.Thank you!


(Miguel ,a volunteer in 2017 Shanghai Expo,is talking with his pen pal Xiang Peng in Huanggang on the phone).Miguel-M Xiang Peng –X

M:Hi,Xiang Peng!The final exam is coming ,I feel a bit nervous. X:So do I.How time flies!We’ll gradute from junior school soon.

M:I have the same feeling as you.Oh,did you see the open ceremony of 2017 Shanghai Expo on TV last night?

X:87.________________________.You know ,I am busy with my entrance exam to senior school these days.

M:88______________________________!It was really wonderful and unique.

X:But my father said he would take me to Shanghai after the exam.I think I’ll know better about it.


X:No,but my father has been there before.

M:Hm…It’s more beautiful than before.By the way ,90.__________________?

X:We’ll take a train there.It’s much safer and faster.I hope that you can be our guide then.

M:91.___________________________.I’m a volunteer in China Pavilion (中国馆),I’ll show you around when you come.

X:Great!I’m looking forward to the coming day.

M:Oh,It’s time to go to bed.Hope you’ll have a good luck in your exam. X:Thank you!Yoo too.Bye! M:Bye!


88.What a pity!

89.Have you ever been to Shanghai?

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