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本篇知识点是我从100多篇改错中看到的 平时常考但不易分辨的 希望对高中学子有帮助 1何时用far away from正确

表示距离时 如前面已有具体数词不用far 否则可以 2关于to的用法


(1)连词连接两不定式前面的有do后面的to do的to省略,如: I have nothing to do but watch TV all day long. Tom have no choice but to give it up.

(2)用is连接,不定式作表语时前面主语有do时后面表语to do的to省略,如: What I want to do is stay at home. What I want is to stay with you.

(3)注意这里说的前有do后无to的前面的do要是实意动词do,不能是助动词do (4)固定搭配无to

let sb do make sb do have sb do had better do help sb (to)do (get sb to do wait for sb to do ) (5) 副词前不用to go home go anywhere

3 如果形容词说明不定式的逻辑主语的性质 用 of 不用 for It is kind of you

4 return home 不是return back home Enter the building 不是Enter into the building 5 名词后加’s 表示对应地址 my sister’s 我姐家 The doctor’s医院

6 except for +名词或代词或doing Except+that从句

Despite=in spite of为介词后接宾语不能直接接从句 Despite=in spite of the fact that从句 7 whennever 或if it is possible whennever 或if possible 8修饰比较级词

总共有7个, 按含义程度分—— 1、…多了:a lot, much, far 2、甚至更:even, still 3、稍微有点 a little和a bit同样可以接原级

I hope to do more to make my life many more beautiful (应该用much)

I hope to do more to make my life much beautiful(少more)

以上是 两种常见考法 9年级数 生日 用序数词 I was in my ninth grade This was my ninth birthday

10 关于时间 什么时候用on

具体的日子 或一个特定的时间 (如某日 某节日星期几);用于表示特定的上下午晚上 用on

On a rainy day on Sunday on the night of his arrival (in the 1986s in 1986 这两种用in) 11 以下这下搭配注意介词哦

In the newspaper in the future be graterful to sb forsth on duty take care of (照顾) take care(小心) shout或smile glare at sb nod to sb on time (准时) in time(及时) be admitted to on the contrary at your service at a low price at a cost at a discount at a loss in a voice hold sb in one ’s arms

12 in one’s fifties 注意复数哦 注意是one’s 13 a good many 后面无of Plenty of前面无a 14 一些常见的过去分词 A Be seated(seat oneself)

B a. Dressed in a red shirt,she was easy to find (Dressing herself in a red shirt,she went to a party)