企业年金管理模式的比较分析 联系客服

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compare and analysis of enterprise annuities management mode

陈肖琳 江西财经大学 研究生部06级社会保障专业



In abroad supplementary old-age pension insurance (enterprise annuities, pensions) market, in the trust system, there are two management mode: Council entrusted with the

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fiduciary mode and corporate mode, the second one is more common. China's management mode of Enterprise Annuity under \annuities pilot scheme\is divided into two major categories: Council entrusted with the fiduciary mode and corporate mode.

According to the main market for enterprise annuity with the services provided by different legal entities, Council entrusted with the fiduciary mode and corporate mode have several specific manifestations during the actual operation. After comparative and analysis, we find Corporate bodies entrusted with the independence of the legal status, human resources, technology and services, and other areas, provide enterprises with a more professional, less costly enterprise annuity fiduciary services, reduce the risk of enterprises

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at the same time. The corporate mode is the excellent management of enterprise annuity mode.

关键词:企业年金 法人受托模式 理事会受托模式

Key words: enterprise annuities Council

entrusted with the fiduciary mode corporate mode

1 发达国家和地区企业年金市场的主流趋势 1.1 国外企业年金的主要管理模式




国家/地区 美国 英国 比利时 补充养老保险的主要管理模式 企业内部管理(理事会);多个企业联合管理(托管委员会);法人受托管理。 行业性年金基金;法人受托管理;个人受托管理 企业内部管理;法人受托管理(养老金公司) 3 / 14

荷兰 我国香港地区 行业性年金基金;法人受托管理 只能是法人受托管理 在国外养老金市场中,法人受托模式比较常见。近年来,许多以前采用了理事会受托模式的企业也在陆续将养老金计划转为法人受托管理模式。

1.2 美国的退休金计划




1.3 我国香港地区的强积金制度


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