(新课标)2015年高中英语Unit2五步教学设计(4)新人教版必修5解析 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章(新课标)2015年高中英语Unit2五步教学设计(4)新人教版必修5解析更新完毕开始阅读0ef758ce11a6f524ccbff121dd36a32d7375c7a2

教材原句 But she was thrilled by so many wonderful treasures from different cultures displayed in the museum. 但是让她感到最为震惊的却是博物馆里有如此之多的来自不同文化的珍宝。 (1) vt.使激动;使胆战心惊

He was thrilled to see the scene in the play. 看到剧中这个场景,他胆战心惊。

All the audience were thrilled at the athletes' performances at the Asian Para Games.

所有的观众都为运动员们在亚残会上的表现而感到激动。 (2)n.[C](因快乐、恐怖、兴奋等)一阵激动;战栗

Meeting with Zhang Yimou in Beijing was a great thrill to me. 对我来说,在北京遇到张艺谋是件令人兴奋的事情。 [自主归纳]

①be_thrilled_to_do_sth. 胆战心惊地做某事 ②be thrilled at/with sth. ③a_thrill_to_sb. [word family] thrilled adj. thrilling adj.

感到兴奋、激动的 令人兴奋的



It was a thrilling experience to meet the president. 会见总统令人兴奋不已。 [多角度演练]


①The film thrilled all the audience. ②It was thrilling to cross the desert. ③I'm absolutely thrilled that you are coming.

④It gave her quite a great thrill to shake hands with the movie star. 2.完成句子


The boy was_thrilled_with the story. ⑥收到邀请,我非常激动。

I was_thrilled_to_receive/at the invitation. 3.单项填空

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⑦In the 1960s, the idea of space exploration became a great ________ to the public.

A.confidence C.surprise





1.What_interested_her_most was the longitude line. 她最感兴趣的是那条经线。

What interested her most是一个由what引导的主语从句。意为:她最感兴趣的事情。 what引导名词性从句时一般在从句中作主语、宾语或表语。多译为“所……的东西/事情”,相当于the thing that。

What I need is a mobile phone. 我所需要的是一部移动电话。

In some countries, what is called “equality” does not really mean equal rights for all people.

在某些国家,所谓的平等并不真正意味着所有的人都有平等的权力。 The terrorists declare war on us and that's what they get. 恐怖分子向我们宣战,他们得到的就是战争。 [关键一点]



After what seemed a long time, he came back. 过了似乎很长的一段时间,他回来了。(不可用which) One of the boys kept laughing, which annoyed Jane. 有一个男孩一直在笑,这让Jane气恼。 (不可用what) It's no surprise that our team has won the game. 我们队会赢得比赛,没什么惊讶的。(不可用what)

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[多角度演练] 1.单句改错

①Which surprised us most was the chairman's absence.Which→What_ ②My idea is what you shouldn't have left the country.what→that

③A supermarket has been set up in where was a wasteland ten years ago.where→what 2.句型转换

④We believe what you have devoted yourself to is certain to come true. →We believe the thing that you have devoted yourself to is certain to come true. 3.完成句子

⑤我们所需要的是好医生。 What_we_need_are good doctors.


What_we_cannot_get always seems better than what_we_have.


1、(2011·北京高考)________ Barbara Jones offers to her fans is honesty and happiness.

A.Which C.That

B.What D.Whom

解析:考查名词性从句。由句中的is 可知空格处为主语从句的引导词,且该引导词在从句中作offer 的宾语,故可排除C项;which“哪一个”;whom“谁”。故只有B项正确。


2.It_seemed_strange that the man who had developed communism should_have_lived_and_ died in London.

似乎很奇怪,这个发展了共产主义的人居然生活且死在了伦敦。 句中的it是形式主语,句子的真正主语是 that 引导的主语从句。

在It is strange ( necessary, natural, important, a pity ...) that ...这类句型中,that 所引导的主语从句的谓语动词常用should+动词原形,should 可以省略。

should在此结构中表示一种惊讶的语气,常译为“居然;竟然”。 It's strange that he should say that. 很奇怪他居然那么说。

It's necessary that young and old people should communicate more with each other.

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It is really amazing that they should have done the work so quickly. 他们这么快就把活儿干完了,实在令人惊讶。 [关键一点]

本句型如果描述现在或将要发生的事情,用(should+)do的形式,如果描述过去发生的事情用should have done的形式。



①It's important that we (should)__learn (learn) English well.

②It is strange that he should_have_failed (fail) even after he had got so much help.




④It is strange that such a gentleman should be so rude to a lady. 让人吃惊的是,这样一位绅士竟然对女士这么粗鲁 3.单项填空

⑤It is strange that the winner of last season ________ have lost at the beginning of the season.

A.could C.might







1.The two sides ________ each other ________ who would win the most gold medals in the 2016 Olympic Games.

A.quarreled with; about C.argued with; about

B.argued with; of

D.quarrelled to; of

解析:考查quarrel与argue的区别。句意:关于2016年奥运会谁将获得最多的金牌,双方就此争辩起来。quarrel“争吵;吵架”,重在表达因生气或强烈的不满而同别人争吵; argue“争论;辩论”,重在就自己的看法或立场提出论证说理,力图说服他人。

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