(完整word)高考英语数词的用法语法复习 联系客服

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数词包括基数词和序数词。 基数词 1.一般表达

-teen,十几 -ty,几十 hundred,百 thousand,千 million,百万 billion,十亿 13--- thirteen 40 --- forty 91--- ninety-one 100--- one/a hundred 1,000--- one/a thousand 10,000 ---ten thousand

100,000--- one hundred thousand 1,000,000--- one/a million 1,000,000,000--- one/a billion one/a thousand million 5,487 five thousand, four hundred and eighty-seven 258,147 two hundred, fifty-eight thousand, one hundred and forty-seven 76,543,213 seventy-six million, five hundred and forty-three thousand, two hundred and thirteen 2.注意:

1)zero= nought, 表示号时可以读作zero, o e,g My room number is 302. --- three o two

2). 基数词和another, more连用时,表示再、又、还,基数词放于more之前,放于another之后,如: e,g Please give me one more apple. I need another two more minutes to finish my work. 3)Exercises:

34 __________________ 72_________________ 305__________________458_________________ 6,587_____________________________________ 234,158___________________________________ 12,345,678__________________________________ 序数词

表示事物顺序的词,往往与定冠词the 连用。 1. 一般表达

1st—the first 2nd—the second 3rd—the third 4th—the fourth 5th—the fifth 6th-- the sixth 17th--- the seventeenth 20th—the twentieth 30th—the thirtieth 80th—the eightieth 91st—the ninety- first 100th—the one hundredth 101st --- the one hundred and first 2. 注意

1). 序数词前有the时表示排列顺序“第几”,序数词前有a/an表示“再一”,“又一”的意思:

This is the first time I have been to Shanghai.

用心 爱心 专心


I will go to Shanghai a second time next month. --- Do you think the film Let the Bullets Fly worth seeing___ second time? --- Yes, without ___ question.

A the, the B a, the C the, 不填 D a, 不填 2). 不加the,相当于形容词或副词 First, I will introduce myself. He got two first prizes last term. 3). 倒数的表达

倒数第二行 the second line from the bottom/end 倒数第二名 the last but one 倒数第三名 the last but two 数词的应用

1. 年月日、时刻及年代的表达

1) 年月日的表达:顺序为月、日、年, 年月前用in, 月日前用on, 年月日前用on,月与年用逗号隔开。

in 1998--- in nineteen ninety-eight in 1990--- in nineteen hundred

in 2000--- in twenty hundred in 2009—in two thousand and seven

in February in May on 1st--- on the first on 15th--- on the fifteenth 在2008年6月 in June, 2008

在九月一日 on September (the) first/ on the first of Sep. 在2010年10月1日 on October (the) first, twenty ten 2) 年代世纪

在19世纪70年代 in the 1870’s/1870s --- in the eighteen seventies 在20世纪80年代 in the 1990’s /1990s--- in the nineteen nineties 3)时间的表达

整点:at nine (o’clock) a.m. at five p.m.

过几分:at four thirty= at half past four at five past six= at six o five at a quarter past eight= at eight fifteen 差几分:at twenty to four= at three forty

a quarter to eight= at seven forty –five 2. 年龄的表达方法

1)整岁:He is 12.= He is twelve. He is a twelve-year-old boy. 2) 十几岁:He is in his teens. 少年

(13-19) He is in his early teens. 十三十四

He is in his late teens. 十八十九

They are teenager children.= They are teenagers.

3)不到、、、、、、岁:He is close to forty. 他快四十了。

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He is almost forty. 他差不多四十了。 He is just under forty.他还不到四十岁。 He is not yet forty.

He is two years off forty.过两年就是四十了。 He is getting on forty.他年近四十岁。

He will be forty years old next week.他下周就四十了。 4)超过、、、、、、岁 他五十多岁。

He is over fifty. He is above forty. He is more than fifty. He is in his fifties. He is in his early fifties. 他五十出头。 3分数、小数、百分数及度数的表达 1) 分数

分子用基数词,分母用序数词。分子超过1时,分母要加s. 三分之一: one-third 五分之三:three-fifths 四分之一:one/a quarter或one-fourth

二分之一:one/a half或one-second 半小时: half an hour 一年半:a year and a half/ one and a half years 2)小数

用基数词加小数点表示,小数点读作point 0.4 zero point four 12.06 twelve point zero six 45.567 forty-five point five six seven 0 可以读作:zero, o, nought 2) 百分数

1%:one percent 3%: three percent 15%:fifteen percent

主语中有百分数时,谓语动词的单复数由百分数后面名词的单复数决定。 e.g Fifty percent of the students have come already. More than fifty percent of the surface of the earth is covered with water. 4倍数的表达

1) 倍数+as+形容词原形(副词)+as This room is twice as big as that one. Toms runs three minutes as fast as I. 2) 倍数+形容词比较级(副词)+than The room is twice larger than that one. Tom runs three times faster than I.

3) 倍数+the+size(length, height,weight,time)+ of The city of Shanghai is three times the size of that city. The rope is three times the length of that one. 4) 倍数+that of

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In this area the grain output is five times that of before liberation.

注意:一倍once, 两倍 twice, 三倍级以上由“基数词+timeshare” 如: three times, four times double表示增加一倍

e.g Tom worked very hard, so the company doubled his salary. 5. 数次的其他用法 1)每隔

every+基数词+复数名词 every+序数词+单数名词

每隔一天:every two days/every second days/every other day 每隔几天:every few days 隔一行: every other line 2)数量增加

用动词increase, go up, grow, rise,表示幅度用介词by 增加四倍:increase five times 增加15%:rise by 15% 3) 数量减少

用动词reduce, fall, drop, 表示幅度用介词by,to 降到10%:reduce to 10%(减少90%)

减少20%:reduce by 20%(只有原来的80%) 下降35%:fall/drop by 35% 4)习惯表达

一两个 :one or two 乱七八糟 :sixs and sevens 我们中的两个:two of us 三三两两:twos and threes 十有八九:ten to one 我们两个人:the two of us 5)其他 类别 多于 少于 大约 正好 总共 两数之间

例子 over, above, more than, or more, at least Below, no more than, under, not more than, less than, or less, at most about, around, or so, more or less, almost, nearly, some, round clear, clearly, add up to In all, total, exactly to… from… to … between… and… 用心 爱心 专心 4