2019年内蒙古赤峰市中考英语试题(含解析) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章2019年内蒙古赤峰市中考英语试题(含解析)更新完毕开始阅读0f25850b8662caaedd3383c4bb4cf7ec4bfeb66b

68.kicking 考查动词.根据语境\牛开始踢了\,由首字母k考虑用动词kick,意为\踢\,由start doing sth.推断此处填-ing形式,故答案为 kicking;

69.mine 考查代词.根据语境\奶牛的前部是我的,我可以做任何我想做的事\,考虑用名词性物主代词mine,意为\我的\,故答案为 mine;

70.together 考查副词.根据语境\从此以后,兄弟俩一起喂牛,并分享卖牛奶的钱\,由语音提示考虑用副词together,意为\一起\,故答案为 together.


A.根据短文内容,完成空格,每空一词。请将正确答案填写在答题卡指定的横线上。 NAO is a 58cm- tall robot. He is small, cute and round. You can' t help but love him! NAO is

created to be a friendly partner around the house. He moves, recognizes(识别) you. bears you and even talk to you.

Since his birth in 2006, he has been better and better at pleasing, understanding and loving you.

Maybe one day he will become your friend. His cute look and wonderful communication skills make him really lovely and popular.

He can be a good helper. Ask him to do something and he does. For example, ask NAO to wake

you up in the morning, to watch your home during the day or to teach you new things whenever you want. You no longer need a keyboard, a computer or a mouse to communicate with technology. All you have to do is to talk to him.

He can be a sweet family member. He can learn to read your moods, so that he always knows the

right thing to say. He can recognize your family members and call them by their first names. You can

teach him how to choose the music, food and film you like best.

【解答】(71)height.细节理解题.根据NAO is a 58cm-tall robot.NAO是一个58厘米高的机器人.可知是身高58厘米.故答案是height.

(72)years.细节理解题.根据Since his birth in 2006自2006年出生以来,今年2019年,可知他13岁了.故答案是years.

(73)communication.细节理解题.根据His cute lok and wonderful communication skills make him really lovely and popular.他可爱的外表和出色的沟通技巧使他非常可爱和受欢迎.可知是交流技能,故答案是communication.

(74)when.细节理解题.根据 to teach you new things whenever you want.随时随地教你新东西. whenever =no matter when.故答案是when.

(75)favorite.细节理解题.根据You can teach him how to choose the music, food and film you like best.你可以教他如何选择你最喜欢的音乐、食物和电影.like best =favorite.故答案是favorite.

B.根揖短文内容回答问题。请将正确答案填写在答题卡指定的位置上。 can throw it

One day, you open the fridge and find some moldy(发霉的)food. But before you away,your mother stops you. She doesn' t want to waste food. She cuts off the moldy pan and eats the rest. Is it safe to do this?

Mold(霉菌)can grow on almost all kinds of food. Mold is usually green, white, black or gray.

Mold makes food ?oft and changes it’s color. Moldy food tastes quite bad—and it's not safe to eat.

If you find mold in soft food, just throw it away. Bread, tomatoes and hot dogs are soft food. This

kind of food allows mold to easily grow below its surface.

But it's easy to remove mold from hard food. The mold can't grow very deeply inside this kind of

food. According to the BBC, you should cut about 2.5 cm around and below the mold and remove it.

It' s OK to cut the moldy parts out of hard food and eat the rest. But if the food is completely covered with mold, you should still throw it away.

Most kinds of mold are bad for us. But some kinds of mold can be used to make food. For example, peniciliium(青霉菌)can be used to make many types of cheeses, such as blue cheese. These cheeses are safe to eat and they' re quite delicious as well:

76. What color is mold? 77. How does moldy food taste?

78. How should you deal with the soft food when you find mold in it? 79. Is it easy or difficult to remove mold from hard food? 80. What can some kinds of mold be used to do?

【解答】(76)Green, white, black or gray.细节理解题.根据第二段

Mold is usually green, white, black or gray.霉菌通常是绿色的,白色的,黑色的或灰色的可知.故答案为:Green, white, black or gray.

(77)Quite bad.细节理解题.根据第二段Moldy food tastes quite bad发霉的食物尝起来很糟糕.故答案为: Quite bad.

(78)Just throw it away.细节理解题.根据第三段

If you find mold in soft food, just throw it away.如果你发现软的食物上面有霉菌,就扔掉吧可知.故答案为:Just throw it away. (79)Yes,it is easy.细节理解题.根据第四段

But it's easy to remove mold from hard food.但是很容易除掉除掉硬食物上的霉菌.故答案为:Yes,it is easy.

(80)To make food.细节理解题.根据第五段

But some kinds of mold can be used to make food.但是有些霉菌能用来制作食物可知.故答案为:To make food.

七.补全句子(共5个小题,每小题 2分,共10分)


81.上周, Jack从图书馆借了 5本书。

Jack__ _the library last week.

【解答】从…借borrow…from…,固定搭配,五本书five books;根据句意\上周,Jack从图书馆借了5本书\可知,要用一般过去时. 故答案为borrowed five books from.


_______ does your school hold a sports meet?

【解答】多久一次how often,固定短语;根据句意\你们学校多久举行一次运动会\可知,要用固定短语how often. 故答案为How often.


It's too hot. We don't mind ________

【解答】介意做某事mind doing sth.,固定句式,打开窗户open the window;根据句意\天太热了.我们不介意把窗户打开\可知,要用固定句式mind doing sth. 故答案为opening the window.


Darren was climbing a mountain while Kangkang_______.

【解答】上音乐课have a music lesson,动词短语;根据句意\康康在上音乐课的时候,Darren在爬山\可知,要用过去进行时,其构成为was/ were doing. 故答案为was having a music lesson.


People can_______their friends by Wechat now.

【解答】与某人保持联系keep in touch with sb.,动词短语;根据句意\现在人们可以通过微信与他们的朋友保持联系\可知,要用一般现在时,在情态动词后面用动词原形. 故答案为keep in touch with.


你校正在开展主题为“What should a good student be like?”的讨论,校园小记者采访了一些者师和家长。请根据采访内容,结合自己的观点,用英语写一篇短文与大家分享。


1、用上表格中所有要点,可适当发挥,100词左右(短文开头已给出,不计入总词数)。 2.不得引用或抄袭试卷前面阅读材料中的语句,否则不予赋分。

3.文中不得出现真实姓名、校名、地名,否则不予JR分。 4.请在答题卡指定位置作答,否则不予赋分。

What should a good student be like?

Teachers and parents have different opinions about what a good student

should be like.

As for teachers, they think
