085《经济学家》读译参考之八十五正大光明-中国资本市场聚财有道-文档资料 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章085《经济学家》读译参考之八十五正大光明-中国资本市场聚财有道-文档资料更新完毕开始阅读0f89c36c974bcf84b9d528ea81c758f5f71f2969


Chinese capital markets中国资本市场

Out of the shadows 正大光明(陈继龙 编译)

Dec 13th 2019 | HONG KONG From The Economist print edition New ways to recycle fat profits 重复利用丰厚利润有新招

(1)COMMERCIAL bankers, nostalgic[1] for the days when corporate customers still belonged to them rather than the capital markets, have for some time gazed longingly at China. Under sanction from regulators, Chinese banks pay 2% for deposits, lend at a bit more than 6%, and that is that. Loan losses are high, but the spreads are so large that with any semblance of credit discipline there should be room for profits. It is rather like what was once fondly referred to in New York as 3-3-3 banking: pay 3%, charge 3% more, and get out of the office (and on the golf course) by 3pm.


Change, however, is on its way. (2)Capital-markets activity is growing and, according to recent research from two prominent academics, there may even be flickers[2] of interesting activity in unregulated and hitherto unwatched corners of China's economy, where companies are recycling vast profits made abroad. 然而,一切正在发生变化。资本市场生机勃勃,而且两家著名学术机构最近研究表明,中国经济一些不规范、至今未纳入监管范围的市场甚至也隐约出现了一些颇为有意思的活动,各公司将从国外赚得的巨额利润拿到这里再利用。

First the regulated markets. By the end of 2019, reckons Stephen Green, an economist at Standard Chartered, a bank, a record 21% of funding for Chinese companies will have come through the country's share and debt markets (the banks themselves have been the biggest share issuers). As the chart shows, funding from outside the banking system will have grown sixfold since 2019, to 806 billion yuan ($103 billion).


Even some of China's regulators have come round to believing that putting their faith in the capital markets might not be a bad idea. Since the local bond-market crumpled[3] in the early 1990s, there have been severe restrictions on companies issuing long-term conventional bonds. So they have developed the short-term market instead. In May 2019 the People's Bank of China, the central bank, approved the issuance of bills, somewhat similar to commercial paper, which are issued by companies for periods of three months to a year. All that is needed is a credit rating and a registration (not an approval). (3)Annualised rates are about 4%, perhaps not coincidentally halfway between banks' borrowing and lending rates, so both lenders and borrowers feel they are getting a bit extra. The market has exploded. During the first three-quarters of this year, $27 billion was raised, about 10% of the total amount of lending channelled through banks. Mr Green believes the demand for short-term debt has also shaken the long-term bond market out of its torpor[4], pushing issues from $8 billion to $13 billion.



More obscure, but still hugely popular, are other alternatives, such as “drafts” issued either directly by companies or by banks on behalf of companies. These are used instead of cash for purchase, and are settled within 90 days. They trade at a discount, but carry an interest rate just a bit over 3%. (4)There are also “entrustment loans”—lending from one company to another with a pause at a bank, which receives a fee for giving a legal blessing to the transaction. According to Chinese law, firms cannot lend directly to one another. 其它一些方式虽不太引人瞩目,但一样很受欢迎,比如由公司直接发行或由银行代理发行的“汇票”。这些“汇票”在购买时可用于抵现,承兑期限为90天。“汇票”采用贴现交易,但利率仅为3%多一点。此外还有“信托贷款”,从一家公司借款,通过银行中介贷给另一家公司,而银行收取一定费用用于从法律上保证交易安全。根据中国法律,公司之间不得直接放贷。

But do they anyway? That is the contention in some striking research due to be issued on December 15th by two economists, Ronald Schramm, of the Columbia University Graduate School of Business, and Lin Guijun, of the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing. (5)It looks at the huge amount of Chinese national savings and concludes that much of it does not seem to be captured by the banks. Where does it go? Some argue that it is used for internal investment by firms, or does not exist. Messrs Schramm and Guijun believe that companies secretly become lenders themselves.


(6)In this informal market, they say, operating companies may be in a better position to evaluate credit than Chinese banks, which have short histories and as children of the state have frequently relied on politics rather than credit analysis to determine loan suitability. This would be all the more true if the recipients were suppliers to their creditors.


That, Mr Schramm believes, is the optimistic case. Alternatively, lending could be based on relationships, rather than returns, with the companies that extend credit using the same wretched loan criteria as China's banks traditionally have—but with even less pressure to reveal their problems.

施拉姆认为,这是个让人感到高兴的事情。除此之外,放贷也可能是基于与公司的“关系”而不是回报情况。有了这层“关系”,贷款信用自然也就提高了。中国的银行向来都是这么做的。——但面对的压力就不足以暴露其存在的问题。 (7)If so, the amount of poor-quality lending will one day become so large that the problems can no longer be hidden. In the meantime, it is heartening to see some of this capital-markets activity coming out of the shadows. Investment bankers will see it as an opportunity, even if their commercial colleagues view it as a threat. 如果这样的话,不良贷款的不断增加,总有一天会让问题无处藏身。与此同时,我们会深受鼓舞地看到资本市场的某些活动能够正大光明的进行。虽然商业银行家会把这看成是一种威胁,但在投资银行家看来是一个机遇。




1. nostalgic adj. of, feeling or causing nostalgia 对往事怀恋的; 怀旧的; 感到或引起对往事怀恋的: I get very nostalgic when I watch these old musicals on TV. 我从电视中看到这些旧音乐影片, 怀旧之情油然而生. * a nostalgic song, poem, etc 令人怀念往事的歌曲、诗等.

2. flicker n. (a) flickering movement or light 闪动; 闪烁; 摇曳: the flicker of pictures on the cinema screen 银幕上闪动的画面. (b) (fig 比喻) faint and brief experience, esp of an emotion 微弱短暂的体验(尤指情感): a flicker of hope, despair, interest, etc 一线希望、一丝绝望情绪、微弱的兴趣.

3. crumple v. (up) (fig 比喻) come suddenly to an end; collapse 垮掉; 崩溃: Her resistance to the proposal has crumpled. 她对这个建议的抵触情绪化为乌有了.