江苏省七市(南通、泰州、扬州、徐州、淮安、连云港、宿迁)高三第二次调研考试(4月)英语 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章江苏省七市(南通、泰州、扬州、徐州、淮安、连云港、宿迁)高三第二次调研考试(4月)英语更新完毕开始阅读0ffd0be3d35abe23482fb4daa58da0116c171fe8

you have to put in the time.

Passage outline A tough problem Supporting details Bullying in school is hard to deal with, and not all anti-bullying programs are (71)________. ●Hosting an anti-bullying assembly might be a good start, which, however, will (73)________ students from seeking help in the bullying. So the short-term approach makes little (74)________. ●Encouraging the bully and victim to understand the problem and promise to reach a(n) (75)________ sounds reasonable, but may have a(n) (76)________ effect. ●By better understanding novels students can (77)________ negative features which may be the (78)________ of bullying. ●A school program makes students clear about what or who they can (79)________ on to address bullying. ●Teaching social-emotional learning helps reduce bullying. Anti-bullying programs and schools' (80)________ of time and energy can jointly produce ideal results. (72)________ approaches Integrated approaches Summary 第五部分:书面表达(满分25分) 请阅读下面文字及图表,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。

Mandarin(普通话) is the common language in China, but each region has its own dialect(方言). For travelers, a familiar accent can refresh the memory of their hometown.

According to an official video by the Chinese Education Ministry's Language Commission, among the more than 130 languages spoken in China, 68 of them are spoken by less than 10,000 people; and 25 by under 1,000.

Hu Shuning, a dialect preservationist, said, “I think it is natural with a society's development that a dominant language appears, but from a cultural aspect I think dialects are still important, because they reflect cultural diversity.”

“Mandarin can take you further, but your dialect tells you where you come from,” said Wang Han, a well-known TV host.

第页 9

【写作内容】 1. 用约30个单词概述上述信息的主要内容;2. 结合上述信息,简要分析保护我国地方方言的重要性;3. 根据你的分析,谈谈保护地方方言的途径和方法。

【写作要求】 1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;3. 不必写标题。


第页 内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。





1~5 BCCAB 6~10 BCACA 11~15 AABBA 16~20 CCBCA 单项填空

21~25 BCBAD 26~30 ADCAD 31~35 CCBAD 完形填空

36~40 BDBDC 41~45 BDACD 46~50 CBADB 51~55 ACDBA 阅读理解

56~57 BA 58~60 DAD 61~64 CBDA 65~70 BCACCA 任务型阅读

71. effective 72. Common/Ineffective 73. discourage/block/prevent/stop/keep

74. difference/sense 75. accommodation/compromise/agreement 76. opposite/contradictory 77. identify/discover/see 78. cause(s)/source(s) 79. depend/rely/count/calculate 80. commitment/devotion/ dedication 书面表达

One possible version:

In the face of the growing influence of mandarin, dialects are losing ground gradually. A survey reveals that younger people are more likely to be incapable of speaking their dialects.

Mandarin is crucial for China's development in politics, economy and culture, but the significance of local dialects is undeniable. Actually, not only are dialects communication tools, but they also play a very important role in cultural heritage. Besides, it is dialects that contribute to the diversity of cultures in different regions.

Therefore, it is high time that dialects preserving intangible should be protected so that they can be heard for the generations to come. Cultural activities can be organized in schools and neighborhoods to enhance people's awareness of dialect protection. Live tutorials and salons on how to speak the language can also be given online. What's more, local people are encouraged to write history books and compile textbooks and dictionaries in dialects.

听力材料 Text 1

M: We should discuss our plans for the movie. Since it starts so soon after work, getting there might be a problem. W: I'm not really familiar with the underground. Why don't we take a taxi or bus?

M: No, we might be late if we run into traffic. Don't worry. I know well about the underground. Text 2

W: Hello, I want to order two large pizzas. I'd like them for delivery. My address is 14 Walnut Drive.

M: The pizza is 10 dollars each and you need to pay 5 dollars for delivery. It should take about forty-five minutes to get to your place.

Text 3

M: I heard you were going to attend the meeting on Wednesday, Mary. I didn't know you would go.

W: Yes,Gary. I am responsible for the project now. I took Dan's place since he had to be on sick leave. Text 4

W: Are you satisfied with the restaurant?

M: Well, I have to say it's not my thing. The food was fine, but the restaurant was too crowded and the waiters kept shouting all the time. I thought they should be working in a quieter and friendlier way.

Text 5



W: Have you read this new best-seller by Mike Brooklyn? M: No, I haven't. I don't really enjoy fiction.

W: I think you'd like this one—it's a very fast paced adventure, and Brooklyn has a really wild imagination. M: Really? Maybe I'll try to read it when I'm on vacation. Text 6

W: Has Mr. Jones sent you the figures for next year's advertising campaign yet?

M: No, I haven't received anything from him. If we don't get those figures by tomorrow morning, we won't be able to draw up next year's budget on time.

W: We have to set the budget until Thursday, so maybe you should call him and find out what happened. M: I think I will. If I don't hear from him by four, I'll try calling his office. Text 7

W: Thank you for meeting me, Dr. Freeman. M: It's my pleasure. I'm glad to be here.

W: Sorry for the short notice, but we're hoping to air this story on tonight's evening news. The producer already briefed you about our interview, right?

M: Yes, she told me we're going to discuss the research results of our study.

W: Yes, hopefully the results will encourage more people to recycle and care for the environment. The interview should take about thirty minutes. Are you ready to begin?

M: Sure, let's start.

W: Good evening. Today with me is Dr. Freeman. And you know he is… Text 8

W: So, Eric, how is life in Greenland these days?

M: Oh, you know. Winters are long. I live on the coast, though, so I get to see the ocean every day. That's always nice.

W: I heard that winters in Greenland are somewhat shorter than they used to be—global warming, I guess? M: Yes, that's true. They're calling it “the greening of Greenland”. W: The “greening”? What does that mean?

M: Well, the average temperature in Greenland is rising twice as fast as in other places. So, now I have a few trees near my house. Trees didn't use to exist in Greenland, you know! And we, um, people are growing some vegetables now—cabbage, potatoes, and things like that. And farmers can grow more grass for their animals.

Text 9

W: Hello, this is Tina. I haven't booked my flight to DC yet, but I was wondering if you have any advice on how to best get to you from the airport?

M: Yes, well, if you're flying, Reagan National is the closest. You can take the underground right in from there. Dulles is further away and a taxi is probably the easiest. And then Baltimore-Washington Airport connects to a train that you can take right into the main train station in town.

W: OK, cool, I think Reagan should be the best. And do you pretty centrally lie in DC? Like, next to all the sights and everything? My friend asked me to stay in her house, but I don't think it would be very convenient.

M: Yep. We're in the Dupont Circle area, pretty central to DC. You can walk down to the White House. The underground is right around the corner.

W: Do you include breakfast?

M: Yes, madam, and we also offer dinner if you like.

W: OK. That sounds good. Thank you. I'm going to think about it and once I've got everything booked, I'll give you a call.

M: OK. Have a good day. Text 10
