PEP六年级上册Unit 4 联系客服

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学优教育(Silu Education) 中小学课外个性化辅导

小六上 Unit 4

一. 写出下列单词的现在分词。 1. swim __________ 4. draw __________ 2. read __________ 5. make __________ 3. climb __________ 6. watch __________ 二、按要求写单词。

1. dance (现在分词)__________ 6. watch (三单)__________ 2, collect(现在分词)__________ 7. go(三单)__________ 3. teach (三单)__________ 8. draw (三单)__________ 4. do (三单)__________ 9. sing (现在分词)__________ 5. swim (现在分词)__________ 10. am (复数)__________ 三、翻译词组。

1. 骑车_________________ 4. 听音乐_________________ 2. 睡觉_________________ 5. 做运动_________________ 3. 放风筝_________________

四、用下列字母组成正确的单词。 1. usitesd _________________ 3. khiing_________________ 2. upezzl_________________ 4. ocok_________________ 五、首字母填空。

1.—What’s your h___________ ?--I like singing . 2. Tell me a___________ your pen pal ?

3. –What do you like ?—I like r___________ a bike .

4. –Why not go to the stamp show today ?—OK . Let’s go t____________. 5. Lucy’s father is a doctor . He works in a big h__________ . 六、单项选择。

( )1.—What’s your hobby ?—I like _____ music .

A. listening B. to listen C. listening to

( )2. –What’s your pen pal’s hobby ?—He _____ .

A. like to swim B. likes swiming C. likes swimming

( )3. –I like playing football . What about you ?--______

A. Yes , I do B. Me too C. He likes playing football

( )4. She doesn’t like playing ____ .

A. violin B. the violin C. a violin

( )5. --_____ he _____ in Australia ?—Yes , he does .

A. Does , lives B. Does , live C. Do , live

( )6. She _____ to play chess with her father .

A. want B. wanting C. wants

( )7. Can I also _____ his pen pal ?

A. be B. am C. is

( )8. The pupil doesn’t _____ playing football .

A. like B. likes C. liked

( )9. Mr Wang _______ very much

1 广州市荔湾区东漖北路708号 进步热线: 020-81715025

佛山市南海区穗盐东路雅居蓝湾5号 进步热线:0757--85725103


学优教育(Silu Education) 中小学课外个性化辅导

A. don’t dance B. aren’t dance C. doesn’t dance

( )10. This is my pen pal in ______

A. Canada B. English C. Australian D. Japanese

( )11. I like playing _____ piano , but I don’t like playing ____ chess .

A. the , the B. the , / C. / ,the D. / ,/

( )12. Tell me something ____ you .

A. at B. in C. about D. for

( )13. What’s ____ hobby ?

A. he B. Mike C. his D. him

( )14. Different people in our club _____ different things .

A. teach B. teaches C. teaching D. to teach


1.How many ___________ (hobby ) do you have ?

2. My father often ___________(draw ) cartoons for me. 3. –Do you like these ____________(story) ?—Yes , I do . 4. He often teaches me __________ (play) the piano .

5. Amy and Cehn Jie ___________ (take ) a trip to Qingdao next Saturday .

6. I often _____ (clean ) my room on weekends . Now I ________ (clean ) the room . 7. He usually _____ (watch ) TV at noon . Look , he __________(watch ) TV now . 8. I like __________(dive) in the pool .

9. Does he cook _____________(China ) food ? 10. I like __________ (write ) emails . 11. She _________ (like ) taking pictures . 12. __________ ( do ) she live in China ?

13. We’re going to ____________ (climb ) mountains .

14. My brother often ___________ (play ) sports at 4 o’clock . 八、根据情景选出最佳答案。

( )1. 你想知道别人的爱好,应该问:_____

A. What do you like best ? B. What do you want to do ? C. What are your hobbies ?

( )2.你的朋友对你说他喜欢游泳,你也喜欢,应该说_____

A. I like swimming .B. Me too .C. You like swimming too.

( )3. 你打算教你朋友放风筝, 应该说_____

A. I am going to teach you to fly kites B. I want to teach you to fly kites . C. I am going to fly kites .

( )4. 当你对别人说你喜欢跳舞时,应该说________

A. I like dancing B. I want to dance C. I like singing


1. boys , like, listening , to , music ,the (.)

____________________________________________________ 2. Sunday , a , stamp , is , there , show, on (.)

2 广州市荔湾区东漖北路708号 进步热线: 020-81715025

佛山市南海区穗盐东路雅居蓝湾5号 进步热线:0757--85725103


学优教育(Silu Education) 中小学课外个性化辅导

____________________________________________________ 3. is , your ,hobby, cousin’s , what (?)

____________________________________________________ 4. student , singing , one , likes (.)

____________________________________________________ 5. he , to , cows , sometimes , reads , the (.)

____________________________________________________ 6. hobby, her , what , is ,pen , pal’s (?)

____________________________________________________ 7. likes , she , playing, violin , the (.)

____________________________________________________ 8. is , a , there , painting , Sunday ,show , on (.)

____________________________________________________ 9. sister , twin , my , likes , pictures , drawing (.)

____________________________________________________ , China , in ,with , my , I , parents (.)

____________________________________________________ 十、改错题。

1. My father always go to work at 8:30 in the morning ._______________ 2. He live in Beijing . ______________

3. Jack like collecting stamps . ______________ 4. A panda doesn’t eats meat . ______________

5. We plays ping-pong on Sunday afternoon. ______________ 6. What are they talk about ? ______________ 7. The boy is 11 year old . ______________

8. I am interesting in Australia . ______________ 9. He likes going hikeing . ______________

10. How old is the girl in Australia ? ______________ 11. There is going to a dancing class . ______________

12. We are gong to have a football match in the playground . ______________ 13. He often teaches us doing hung fu . ______________

14. Does Oliver does word puzzles every day ? ______________ 十一、按要求改写句子。

1. I like drawing pictures .(对画线部分提问) _________ __________ your hobby ?

2.She likes playing the violin .(对画线部分提问) ________ ___________ her hobby ?

3. Sarah likes listening to music .(改为一般疑问句, 并作肯定回答)

--________ Sarah _________ listening to music ?--_________ , she _______ . 4. He likes collecting stamps .(改为否定句) He _________ ________ collecting stamps .

5. My father doesn’t like watching TV.(改为肯定句) My father ________ watching TV.

3 广州市荔湾区东漖北路708号 进步热线: 020-81715025

佛山市南海区穗盐东路雅居蓝湾5号 进步热线:0757--85725103


学优教育(Silu Education) 中小学课外个性化辅导

6. She doesn’t have breakfast at 7:00 at home .(改为肯定句) She ___________ breakfast at 7:00 at home .

7. Sarah always does her homework at school .(改为一般疑问句) _________ Sarah always _________ her homework at school ? 8. Miss Smith goes to work by subway .(对画线部分提问) __________ _________ Miss Smith _________ to work ? 9. He likes reading comic books .(对画线部分提问) _________ _________ he like ________ ?

10. Does your sister like reading books ?(作否定回答) _________ , ________ ______ 十二、选词填空, 并用其正确形式。 play, read , watch , live , goes , listen,, look , teach Jimmy is an English boy . He __________ in Beijing with her parents . He ____________ like his father . They look the same . His father is a teacher . He _________ English in our school . Jimmy often ___________ football with his classmates after school . He __________ Harry Potter after supper , then he _________ cartoons on TV at 7:00 p.m . Sometimes he __________ to music before he _________ to bed at 8:00 p.m . He is my pen pal . We are good friends . 十三、奥赛题:

( )1. ______ Alice and her grandfather _____ tonight ?

A. Are ,coming B. Is , coming C. Do , came D. Did, come

( )2. –Can parrots talk ____ people ?

--Yes , and my brother _____ feeding parrots .

A. to , like B. like , likes C. likes , likes D. like , like

( )3. You are asking for the moon if you want to have a plane .

A. 想要月亮 B.异想天开 C.花好月圆

4. Who works only one day in a year , but never gets fired ?You can answer it in Chinese .(在一年中,谁只工作一天却不会被开除?)_______________________ 5. What is the answer to the sum(算数) ?

Legs on a spider — letters in BEETLE = _______

4 广州市荔湾区东漖北路708号 进步热线: 020-81715025

佛山市南海区穗盐东路雅居蓝湾5号 进步热线:0757--85725103