外研版七年级英语下册 Module 5 Shopping第4课时教案 联系客服

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Module 5 Shopping

To understand the reading material about online shopping To learn to write a paragraph about shopping at a supermarket Key vocabulary—anyone, pay, post, safe, shopping , way, one of, 知识 almost, open, later, out, go out, over, one day, one 目标 Key structures -- … is changing our ways of life You’ll be able to.. 听: 能听懂有关购物的文章并理解文章的大意 技能 说:能从文章中获取信息,完成思维导图并复述课文 目标 读: 能阅读关于介绍不同购物方式的文章 写,能写简单的购物文章 情感 通过小组活动购买礼物,教育学生要以感恩的心关爱他人 目标 重点 理解并掌握有关购物的文章,复述课文 难点 恰当使用有关购物的词组和句式,复述课文 教学1. ways of shopping 关注 2. 2. the strcture of the passage 教学 教师准备 PPT, tape. 准备 学生准备 Textbooks.nootbooks 教学过程(教学环节、教师活动、学生活动、设计意图) 一、课前活动,交流点评 Ask 2 or 3 groups of the students to make the dialogue about the shopping 二、预习检测,明确目标 Ask the students to translate some sentences into English 1.There is a sale on today 2. What size does she take? 3. I’ve got some food to buy. 4. Shopping takes a lot of time. 5. Paying over the Internet isn’t always safe. 6. One day no one will go to the shop any more. 7. There are many new ways of shopping. 8. You will be able to buy anything on the Internew. 9. You will be able to receive it anywhere in the world at any time. 10. Online shopping is changing our way of life. 三、学习新知,探究质疑 单项选择 自备补充 集备补充 教 学 目 标

3. It will ______ me the whole summer to read this book. A. take B. cost C. spend 四、评价反思,整理归纳 Sum up the drills about shopping 五、强化训练,布置作业 .Homework: 1. Memorize new words. 2. Read, imitate and recite the dialogue. 板书设计 Module 5 Unit 4 What colour would you like? 围绕本课达成目标、教学方式、学习方式、课程资源的开发与利用等进行反思 课后 反思