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Translation and Comments on

The Future of Europe: Starring into the Abyss


The future of Europe: Starring into the abyss is an article from The Economist Jul. 8th 2010, describing the disagreements between France and Germany about what measures should be taken to save the single currency of EU. The purpose for translating this article is not merely for acquisition of European economic information, but for the capability of proof of the guiding values of application of functionalist translation theory in practice. The theory, put forward in Germany in the 1970s, has opened a new approach to the development of modern translation studies in the course of its formation, the thesis, therefore, will on the basis of the introduction to the theory’s three functionalist principles, make some of commends on the translation strategy and techniques used in the translation of the given text. Today, in the progress of the globalization in the world economy, shadowed by the financial crisis since 2008, our Chinese people have main concerns for our development, as well as for Europe’s, and the world’s. The thesis certainly hopes to be a testimony to the author’s translation practice and to the integration of functionalist translation theory into application.

Key words: translation; comments; functionalist theory; pragmatic application





西南大学育才学院外国语学院,重庆合川 (邮编号)

内 容 摘 要






1. 引言


2. 译文


3. 翻译评析



2)自己的翻译作品中最令人满意的地方有哪些,择要指出并评析3-5处; 3)通过翻译该作品,发现或揭示的关于翻译理论与实践问题的具体启示。)

翻译评析须尽量运用适当的翻译理论来支持自己的观点,其中直接或间接引用他人的文献,必须按照APA规定格式注明出处或加以注释,并在评析之后列出参考文献。翻译评析中的引用他人文献不能超过评析部分的四分之一。 文中引用,APA参考格式举例如下:

1) 1998年,韦努蒂的另一本新作《翻译之耻——存异伦理探索》(The Scandals of Translation —Towardsan an ethics of difference)出版。书中他对异化观有了新的诠释和提升,将异化称为“少数化”翻译(minoritizing translation),认为这种翻译能够创造出一种富有变化的“含有异质成分的话语”(1998:11),


同时将异化观上升到“存异伦理”(ethics of difference)。

2) 我们常常看到,在汉译英文本中,由于过分强调异化,一些不考虑具体语境、不考虑受众的译文丑化了汉文化,而在英译汉的情况中,由于“中国是第三世界弱势文化,汉语相对于英语是弱势语,汉语的差异需要保留”,“如果过分强调体现英语文化差异,抹杀中国的语言文化特色,正好是助长了英美文化霸权”(吴文安、朱刚,2006)。

3) 韦努蒂这里违反了“修辞话语得体与否必须由创作并解读该修辞话语的文化环境和情景环境所决定”(James L. Kinneavy, in Herrick, 2001:225)的准则,忽视了“译语文化”的具体语境,非难之声也就在所难免。说到底,翻译是要为保护和促进本国文化服务的。

4) 在“翻译策略的语境和方向”一文中,吴文安和朱刚两位学者告诫大家,异化式翻译如果丑化了民族文化,归化式翻译如果起到了颠覆民族文化的作用,保护民族文化都无从谈起。译者任务是吸收外来营养,丰富民族文化,而不是全盘接受外来文化,取代民族文化,丧失自己的民族身份。(2006)

4. 结论





Di Rado, A. (1995, March 15). Trekking through college: Classes explore modern society using the world of Star Trek. Los Angeles Times, p. A3.

Hatim, B., & Mason, I. (1996). The Translator as Communicator. London: Routledge. Herrick, J. A. (2001). The History and Theory of Rhetoric: An Introduction. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Murzynski, J., & Degelman, D. (1996). Body language of women and judgments of vulnerability to sexual assault, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 26, 1617-1626.

National Research Council. (1996). The National Science Education Standards. Washington DC: National Academy Press.

Venuti, Lawrence. (1998). The Scandals of Translation—Towards an ethics of difference. London: Routledge.

Bergen, D. (2002, Spring). The role of pretend play in children's cognitive development. Early Childhood Research & Practice, 4(1). Retrieved February 1, 2004, from http://ecrp.uiuc.edu/v4n1/bergen.html

Degelman, D., & Harris, M. L. (2000). APA style essentials. Retrieved May 18, 2000, from










吴文安、朱刚,(2006),翻译策略的语境和方向,《外国文学评论》,2:87-92。 谢天振,(2008),《当代国外翻译理论导读》。天津:南开大学出版社。 5. 附录
