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“That?s very encouraging,” Benny chimed softly. ?Please don?t spoil the effect by adding ?until the air runs out and we asphyxiate? or something similar.”

The Doctor shook his head without looking up.

“Not all the systems have been shut down. The TARDIS is dormant, not dead,” he stated, with uncharacteristic simplicity. “All the essential systems are working perfectly. Oxygen.” He shot a wry glance at Benny.

“The lights are down,”Ace pointed out. She shivered. “And the heating.” “Yes, but the internal gravity?s on. We can live without light. We can?t live without the shell that keeps the vortex out. Or the failsafe that stops the TARDIS from erasing itself. And the heart, the basic life and mind of the TARDIS is being sustained.”

“Okay, it?s a black-out, but we?re alive. Why?”

“I don?t think,” Benny began slowly, glancing between Ace and the Doctor, “there?s anything wrong with the TARDIS. This is external. We?ve been nobbled.”

“Right,” the Doctor continued. “We?re still in flight. There?s an external force that?s moving us under its own steam, to its own destination.”

“Doctor,” Benny murmured.

“You?re saying it?s moving us?”Ace queried, ignoring Benny who was trying to catch her eye. “It must?ve bloody massive energy reserves, right?”

The Doctor shook his head vigorously. Manic light gleamed in his pupils. “Massive is an understatement. It would have to be the equal to the Eye of Harmony, at least. Which means,” he fixed Ace with a steely glare, “when we land, I want you to be polite to everyone you meet.”

“What? You think I wouldn?t?”Ace retorted, feeling reassured enough to try some honest sarcasm.

“Fascinating though this all is,” Benny purred, “I think the time rotor?s trying to attract our attention.”

Ace looked.

There was a small light burning in the heart of the column, flickering weakly like a dying candle.Ace automatically glanced upwards, at the lights set on the walls.

These remained dead. She looked back at the console. The light there had grown noticeably larger and brighter. Too bright to be the normal column lights.

“We?ve been reconnected?” suggested Benny.

“No,” the Doctor whispered, almost hypnotized by the light that tore deeper into the TARDIS core. “No,”he repeated, lending more weight to the syllable.

Then he went mad.

His fists slammed on the console top. Fingers smashed against all the buttons in reach. Levers were pulled, switches flicked, dials sent reeling, empty spaces thumped until they were dented. Fury was carved onto his face. Pure, near-bestial rage, caught in the now blazing light from the time rotor.

“This is my ship!” he screamed, staring into the glare. “My ship!”

The light screamed too. The delicate rods and instruments inside were drowned out by its brilliance. As the light grew more intense it sang. A simple, high-pitched harmonic, radiating out of the column, across the room.Ace found it almost soothing; Benny turned away, lost to the turbulence around her. The Doctor it drove into deeper fury. He still mouthed the same anger, but it came out silent, washed away by the music of the light. His face was caught in the golden-white light; he might have been weeping.Ace called to him, but even she couldn?t hear.

The light seeped from the console and burned into the room.Ace flung her arms in front of her face and turned away, the image of the Doctor still staring into the core of the agonizing light caught inside her eyelids.

The music reached a crescendo. The console room bleached out in a holocaust of white.

附录2 译文


“说什么?打扰我睡觉吗?”本尼 一脸疲倦,但还是强挤出一丝微笑。 “他看上去真是糟糕透了。”艾斯降低了声调,小声地说。





“你觉得呢?” 本尼嘴里哼哼着回答说。 “我们应当感到恐慌才是。”




博士似乎没感觉到这种沉重的气氛,要不就是他很好地忽略了这一点。他走向控制台,艾斯和本尼则沿着房间外围小心翼翼地移动,观察博士的工作。平日里博士修理塔迪斯, 艾斯 总是指指点点,这一次博士终于可以完全自己做主了。本尼注意到博士分离机器零件就像医生一样得心应手。本尼每走一步都格外小心,动作十分生硬。艾斯注意到这时本尼离恐慌只有一步之隔了。尽管不情愿,但她也不得不承认自己也是如此。



















