2016 ASLA 分析及规划类荣誉奖:曼哈顿BIG U防护性景观规划 Starr Whitehouse Landscape Architects and P 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2016 ASLA 分析及规划类荣誉奖:曼哈顿BIG U防护性景观规划 Starr Whitehouse Landscape Architects and P更新完毕开始阅读1179031526d3240c844769eae009581b6bd9bd2c

威尼斯,达卡到迈阿密,面临着威胁的城市与沿海地区无一不在寻找应对全球变暖,保护数百万居民与重要基础设施的方法。BIG U中的分区性设计形象地展现出一系列适应性策略的具体应用方式,以及其推广至不同滨水区域、不同尺度规模的潜力。此外,设计所倡导的“防护性设计应该在保护社区的同时提升其生态、经济和社会效益”的理念也彻底改变了全球设计师与决策者对于弹性设计与可持续设计的看法。

▲ 2012年,飓风桑迪袭击美国东岸,纽约城的脆弱让人震惊。飓风造成了190亿美元的经济损失,所有经济活动被中断,而供暖供电也随之停止。

In 2012, Hurricane Sandy ravaged the East Coast and revealed NYC’s alarming vulnerability. The storm caused $19 billion in damage, disrupted economic activity, and left residents without heat or power for days. Photo Credit: Iwan Baan (photo of NYC, top); BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group (diagram, left and rendering, bottom)

▲ BIG U项目将延绵10英里的的基地拆分为不同的洪涝区域,仿佛船的分体仓。分区设计赋予了项目灵活性,即使分区之一被洪水淹没,也不会影响整套系统的运作。

The BIG U breaks down 10 miles into different flood compartments, like in the hull of a ship, so even if one compartment is breached, the whole ship won’t sink. Photo Credit: BIG—Bjarke Ingels Group

▲ 左:多元连接的设计机遇如今都着眼于弹性设计,而在更为长期的解决方案来看这将被打造为一个社会基础设施。右:美国住房和城市发展部为第一阶段设计的实施投入了3.35亿美元。施工将于2017年动工。

Left: Multiple linked design opportunities invest in resiliency

now, while setting in motion longer-term solutions to create social infrastructure. Right: The first stage was awarded $335 million in HUD Community Development Block Grants for implementation. Construction starts in 2017. Photo Credit: BIG—Bjarke Ingels Group

▲ 社会与经济服务设施的置入带来了更强健的生态栖息地,加强了滨海地区的可达性,也创造了新的休闲娱乐场所,BIG U已不仅仅是单纯的防洪设施。分区式的设计展现出一系列可以推广应用至不同尺度项目中的适应性策略。

The BIG U goes beyond flood protection by integrating social and economic amenities that enhance habitat, improve waterfront access, and create new recreational opportunities. Various segments become a catalog of adaptive strategies that can be applied at various scales. Photo Credit: BIG—Bjarke Ingels Group

▲ “桥式堤岸”生动地向人们展示了如何利用防护性景观加强人与水岸的联系。在C1片区中的宽阔景观廊桥点明了


The “Bridging Berm” concept outlines ways in which a protective landscape could be combined with improved connections to the waterfront. Compartment 1 features wide landscaped bridges and highlights the potential for enhanced recreational value for neighboring housing campuses. Photo Credit: Starr Whitehouse Landscape Architects and Planners (section, top left); BIG—Bjarke Ingels Group (other images)

▲ 安装在罗斯福快速路下侧一系列可下翻、可延展的挡板创造了一条公共艺术廊道,其下方的空间将为集市或公众活动提供场所,同时在暴雨来袭时,挡板闭合阻挡洪水,保证快速路下方的空间利用不受干扰。

A series of flip-down, deployable panels stored beneath the FDR creates an overhead public art canopy, sheltered spaces for markets or events, and a temporary shield against storm surge that maintains fairweather waterfront access and views. Photo