(完整版)译林版五年级下册英语unit1-8知识点 联系客服

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11. 我用筷子吃东西。I eat with chopsticks.

12. 我用刀叉吃东西。I eat with a knife and a fork.(复数:knives) 13. 这个图书馆很安静 This library is very quiet 14. 这只瓢虫有多少斑点?它有十个。

How many spots does this lady bird have? It has ten. 15. 波比的花园里有许多害虫和瓢虫。

There are a lot of pests and ladybirds in Bobby’s garden.

16. 我准备好上学了。 I am ready for school./I am ready to go to school. 四.语法 一.现在进行时

1. 肯定句: She is cooking in the kitchen now. The man is having lunch.

2. 否定句: 主语 + (am,is are) not + V-ing. My father is not sleeping now. 我爸爸现在不在睡觉。

Su Hai and Su Yang aren’t cooking. They are washing dishes. 苏海苏阳不在烧东西。她们在洗碗。

3. 一般疑问句: (Am, Is, Are) + 主语 + V-ing.

Is your mother sleeping in the bedroom now? 你妈妈在卧室里睡觉吗? Are Miss Li’s students cleaning the classroom now? Miss Li的学生们现在在打扫教室吗?

4. 特殊疑问句:疑问词+ (am, is are)+ 主语 + V-ing? What are the students doing? 那些学生们在干吗? What are you doing over there? 你在那边干吗? Who is cooking in the kitchen? 谁在厨房里烧菜? Where are you watching TV? 你在哪里看电视? Where is Mike playing football? 麦克在哪里踢足球呢? Why is the girl crying? 那女孩为什么在哭?

Why aren’t they doing homework?他们为什么不在做作业? 二.There be型复习



1. 可数名词 单数: There is a student in the classroom. There is a bird under the tree.

复数: There are many trees in our school. There are four tomatoes in the fridge.

2. 不可数名词: There is some milk in the fridge. There is some juice in the bottle. 如果在容器里,看容器是否单复数: There are four cups of coffee on the table.

3. 就近原则: There is a teacher and four students in the classroom. 5B Unit7 Chinese festivals知识整理

一、词组: 1. Double Ninth Festival 重阳节 2. Dragon Boat Festival端午节 3. Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 4. Spring Festival春节 5. rice cake重阳糕 6. eat dumplings 吃饺子 9.in May or June 在五月或六月 11. eat moon cakes and fruit吃月饼和水果 6. moon cake月饼 7. eat rice dumplings吃粽子 10.in September or October在九月或十月 12. in October or November 在十月或十一月 13.eat rice cakes 吃重阳糕 13. Chinese festivals中国的节日 15. in January or February在一月或二月 17. Chinese New Year 中国农历新年 19. at this festival 在这个节日 18. dragon boat race赛龙舟 18. get together with their families 和他们的家人们团聚

20. in some places在一些地方 21. look at the moon at night在夜晚赏月 22. visit their parents and grandparents 拜访他们的父母和祖父母

23. a festival for old people 老人们的一个节日 24. climb mountains爬山 25. in spring在春天 26. sit in the tree 坐在树上 27. sing songs to me唱歌给我听

28. on the thirty-first of October在10月31号 29. dress up装扮 30. knock on people’s doors敲人们的门 31. Father’s Day 父亲节 32. a day for mothers 母亲们的一天 33. on Mother’s Day在母亲节 34. on the second Sunday of May在五月的第二个星期日 36. talk about the present for mum谈论给妈妈的礼物



37. give their mothers presents给他们的母亲礼物 give presents to their mothers

38. That’s a good idea! 好主意! 39. happy as can be 无比快乐 40. Happy Mother’s Day! 母亲节快乐! 41. a day for mothers 一个母亲的节日

43. talk about some Chinese festivals 谈论一些中国节日 44. the months of the year 一年中的月份

二、句型: 1. The Spring Festival is in January or February.春节在一月或二月。 2. People also call it Chinese New Year.人们也称作它为中国农历新年。 3. At this festival, people get together with their families. 在这个节日,人们和他们的家人团聚在一起。

4. There are dragon boat races in some places.在一些地方有赛龙舟的传统习惯。 5. People look at the moon at night with their families. 人们和家人一起夜晚赏月。

6. It is a festival for old people. 它是一个属于老人们的节日。

7. They knock on people’s doors and shout ‘ Trick or treat?’ for sweets. 他们敲邻居的们并说“不请客就捣乱”来得到糖果。

8. What do people do on Mother’s Day? 人们在母亲节这一天都做些什么? 9. What should we give mum? 我们应该给妈妈什么呢?

三、语音:字母组合th在单词中的读音/θ/,如 mouth, thank, thin, think, three, thirty, thirsty, birthday, Maths, mouth, thing, toothache 四、语法总结: 1. 月份的缩略形式(见上面单词表一栏)

2. The Spring Festival is in January or February.春节在一月或二月。 in…or…为固定词组,与月份连用,意为“在…..月或者……月”

拓展:(1)in…or…与地点连用,意为“在某地或某地” Is she in the school or at home? 她在学校还是在家? (2)in…and…与月份连用,意为“在…..月和……月” The summer holiday is in July and August. 暑假在七月和八月。 (3)in…and…与地点连用,意为“在某地和某地”



Her new factories are in Beijing and Shanghai. 她的新厂在北京和上海。

5B Unit8 Birthdays

一、单词: 1. first(1st) 2. second 3. third(3rd) 4. fourth(4th) 5. fifth(5th) 6. sixth(6th)

6. seventh(7th) 8. eighth(8th) 9. ninth(9th) 10. tenth(10th) 11. twelfth(12th) 11.








16. twenty-second(22nd) 17. twenty-third(23rd) 18. game游戏 19. receive收到 19. hero英雄 21. play戏、戏剧 22. number数字 23. password密码 24. answer答案

25. start开始 26. fight 打仗、打架

二、词组: 1. on the eleventh of May五月十一号 2. Su Yang’s birthday苏阳的生日

4. on your birthday在你生日这一天 4. have a big dinner吃一顿丰盛的晚餐 5. eat some noodles吃一些面条 6. after that在那之后

7. play with Kitty the cat 和凯蒂猫一起玩 8. have a great time玩得开心 8. on the eighth of April四月八日 10. have a party举行一场派对

12. go to buy a birthday cake去买一个生日蛋糕 12. eat the birthday cake吃生日蛋糕 13. play games做游戏 14. have a lot of fun玩得开心 15. work in the city在城里工作 16. tall and pretty又高又漂亮 17. people in the west 西方人 18. as soon as一…就… 19. a hero in a play一个在戏里的英雄 20. see some numbers 看到一些数字

21.be easy for me 对我来说很简单 22. be good at Maths 擅长数学 23. have the answers 有了答案 24. the first number第一个数字 25. go in进去

26. start fighting开始打仗 27. run away逃走

29. come out from a room从一个房间里出来 29. Thank you so much.非常感谢。

30. What a play!真戏剧性啊! 31. a birthday card一张生日贺卡
