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started to worry that she might not have enough energy to handle all the works and pressure.

Use examples in the lecture to describe what the professor say about Approach-avoidance


5. A man is facing a conflict.

His professor recommended a topic for his art history paper. But the only material, a book

in the library was lent to another student. He was talking with a female friend about it.

His friend gave him too solutions.

1.) You can just buy the book. But the man says: it costs money and he I not need it anymore

after the paper. So it may not be worthy to buy it.

2.) You can just go and talk to the other student. And maybe you can work the paper together

and share the same book. The man says: I have already went to the student and that student

won’t finish the book till next (maybe) Tuesday. And by then, I won’t have enough time for

my paper which will seriously affect the quality of my paper.

Describe the problem and the solution the man has. And present your own suggestion to the


6. Process of creating sculpture.

The professor mentioned two basic processes of creating sculpture. (professor的原话)。

1.) subtractive process

This process starts with solid materials and then you cut piece by piece on the materials

until some shape is formed. This process has a problem which is that it doesn’t allow

people to make mistakes. For example, you sculpture a face and you make a nose, eyes, but then if you don’t like the nose, you have to get rid of the whole piece.


2.) Additive process This process is just like its name additive. People add things on to the sculpture. This process allows mistakes. The main material people use for this process is clay. If you made a nose and you don’t like it, you can just 英文不记得了,用中文大概意思是 你就可以把这个你不喜欢的鼻子弄掉,然后换上新的。

Use the information in the lecture to describe the two processes and compare them with details. (大概问题的原话就是这样)



3. university plan to build a new sport complex because1). too long waiting time2)new

complex will be at the north to the old one. MM dislike it because1) the reason is wrong:

long waiting caused by poor condition of facilities, not room 2) school just need to fix it

3) new center is too far/ 20 minutes to go there and thus fewer people will take it from


4: contrast between individually working and in-group work/ experiment: control group 1/2

knows they are in group and they are to be scored by average performance of the team and

result is: they work faster and better and more relaxed in doing puzzles on computer/

experiment group don't know.

5. MM like most to take african culture about ghana, but time conflict on tuesday evening

with her tutoring. GG propsed two options: 1. to change time of tutoring. mm say she works

well the man, her tutor/ 2. to take culture of ghana next semester. mm says her prof will

probably go to ghana at end of this semester and maybe no class available for next semester.

6. protection coloration: coloration to disguise animals from predators. two types: 1.crypt

coloration, changing color adaptive to surroundings eg. lizard; 2. disruptive coloration:


2007年12月7日 口语


1. 描述一件你想送给别人的礼物,并说明你为什么要送这个礼物. 2. 如果你有一笔钱,你会攒起来还是会花掉? 为什么?

3. 阅读:学校制定了一项节约电耗的计划(reduce energy consumption),准备在 图书馆安装节能灯,并且把夏天时空调的温度调高.

听力:女同学不同意,因为学校另外一个活动中心安装了这种节能灯,发现光线 很暗,学生通常不喜欢使用,而且经常把所有的灯都打开,不一定能够节约 电耗. 另外, 空调如果调高,那夏天同学就只有呆在宿舍,但宿舍又很吵, 这样以来,学生就没有一个perfect的学习的地方了. 问题:要求叙述女生对这个计划的看法及其原因. 4. 不好意思,过了两天,实在想不起来了.

5. 男学生下周有一个Job interview,但是他把他的Suit忘在家里了.女同学给他两 个建议,一是可以找他的roommate借,问题是roommate的衣服稍微有一点大.另一 个建议是去买一套,但是这就意味这这个男人要把自己本来用来买自行车的钱花 掉,而且这个自行车是他一直想要的.

问题: 请叙述这个男人的问题,并且说明女人给他的建议,你认为那个好?

6. 教授讲述食物变质的原因,主要是由于细菌引起.决定细菌生长速度的因素有两 个: 温度和适度. 由于这两个因素是细菌生长的必要条件,所以可以通过控制 这两个因素来抑制食物发霉和变质. 举了两个例子:一个是鱼如果被freezed 就可以保存时间较长 第二是液体的milk比powder的milk容易坏. 问题:做summary并且叙述教授的例子.

2007年12月12日 Speaking

1: describe an accomplishment required you to work hard and why it is important to you 2:living in countryside 还是big city

3:学校要把evening course给删啦,男生郁闷啊,我也郁闷啊 4:讲habituation, prairie dog

1:first see human being,shcok,,又叫又啥的


5:女的要写paper,但是所需要的材料的faculty not available now

1: change your topic, waste a lot of time, I have already search a lot of


2: waiting and go on working on the paper, I can not do anything else during this 2weeks6: climate change


2:35000啥dooms哦,为什么,因为weather change,你dry一小会不怕,它们get-together to survive, if continue dry, water 都没啦,they die


2007年12月16日 SPEAKING

1. 描述一件自己印象深刻的celebration或者moment。

2. 媒体(tv,internet?.)和人(朋友,家长,同学)从哪方面你能学到更多的东西 3. 文章说:学校提供了一种新的计算机助理系统以代替过去的面对面的助理服务。连个学生讨



4. 两个学生的对话:他们本来要周末带一些小朋友去博物馆参观,但是男生的汽车坏了,不能

带他们去了,很着急。女生给出两个解决办法:1)男生的朋友bob买了新车,可以借他的车 2)可以蹬车


5. 想不起来了(想起再补充) 6. 想不起来了(想起再补充)

2008年1月12日 口语:

1。favorite course subject during childhood

2. large-room class or small

3. brood parasite:看短文解释这个是什么:生了蛋把蛋仍给别的动物就跑得动物。对话说了两种鱼cat

fish 和slicklid,后者产卵然后放嘴里保护并孵化,前者躲它后面等时机,等他快张嘴的时候产卵,然后就一起被保护孵化了。

4。学校应改开wilderness club,用学校fund开bus,拉学生参观city univ.对话说建议很好,他们都没车,知道那里美去不了。有了bus爽了。并且letter里说的relax,refresing的positive impact也很对。 5。人体36-7度是最佳工作温度。为了维持这个温度,人有2种方法,physcological regulation:举例说cold winter, shaking=>muscle movement=>heating, 2.behavoiral regulation:举例说夏天get off from the sun, find a shade of the tree, get cooled off, chilly day wear sweater.

6.某男请一个哲学家下周来做报告,尽管topic interesting,但学生不知道,在某big hall,担心坐不满。某女说spreading email, let them know the topic. 2.change format into small discussion