江苏省南京市联合体2017年中考二模英语试卷有答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章江苏省南京市联合体2017年中考二模英语试卷有答案更新完毕开始阅读11a778852bf90242a8956bec0975f46526d3a703

英 语 2017.06



从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项 涂黑。

1. Time marches on! Our middle school life will be over a month. I will miss it forever! A. at A. fifty

B. during B. fifties

C. in

D. on D. the fiftieth

2. It’s never too old to learn. Karl Marx began to learn English in his .

C. fiftieth

3. —There are four bedrooms in the villa, with its own bathroom.【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】 —That’s great. We four adults have got a few kids. A. neither A. and

B. none B. or

C. each C. as

D. either D. though

4. Always believe that smile at the world, the world will smile back to you. 5. —Wechat has made a great difference to people’s life.

—__________. We can use it to communicate with others easily. A. Completely

B. Possibly

C. Probably

D. Exactly

6. —Could you help me do some cleaning, Jason?

—Certainly. Mom will be crazy if she sees this , I think. A. mess

B. menu

C. market

D. message

7. —Many people prefer spending much time on smart phones to reading today. —That’s too bad. Everyone be a book lover. Reading brings much pleasure. A. would

B. may

C. must

D. should

8. —Hello! I’d like to speak to the Customer Service Department. —Please hold and I’ll your call to it. A. look through

B. put through

C. run through

D. go through

9. —Do you know why the store to close by the local government? —Because of the high prices on goods. Business must be honest, you know. A. would be asked B. was asked A. to buy A. compare A. where

B. buy

C. asked C. buying

D. has asked D. be bought D. contact D. why

10. When you travel abroad, you can hardly avoid products made in China. 11. Believe in yourself. If you always yourself with others, you may get much stress.

B. connect B. what

C. consider C. when

12. When you start your new journey, you shouldn’t forget you came from. 13. —Can you imagine in 100 years from now?21·世纪*教育网 —It’ll be unbelievable. A. how will life be like

B. how life will be like21*cnjy*com



C. what life will be like D. what will life be like

14. —Miss White, I am afraid I have got low marks in the exam.

— , dear! Take it easy. I am sure if you try your best, you will pass it easily next time. A. You’re welcome C. All right

B. Come on D. Well done

15. —Hello! My computer has caught a virus and it no longer works properly now. —Don’t worry. What’s your telephone number?

A. What can I do for you then? B. I am sorry to hear that.

C. Please take care of your computer. D. Our worker will contact you soon. 二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

For the past five years, 44-year-old Rami Adham has spent much of his time helping children in Syria(叙利亚). He keeps sending 16 to them.

Rami Adham was born in Syria, but moved to Finland with his family in Syrian civil war(内战) took place in 2011, he decided to help the children in In the beginning, he 17 planned on sending toys. He thought food, drinking water were more 18 . Once his daughter asked him to send her children in Syria. When Adham gave the toys to those poor children, he saw their faces. From then on, he made toys on the top of his gift list.

Adham soon became famous 20 the Father Christmas of Syria. He has travelled from Finland to Syria 28 times. And he won’t stop 21 the war ends. Every time he goes to Syria, he carries a heavy bag of toys on his back all his way. It’s a trip full of 22 . He might get hurt or be killed at any time, but he never gives up. “Now children in Syria are facing death and many other possible threats. I think the toys are really 23 for the children,” he said. “No matter what they 24 , they are always happy to share them with others.”

Adham is having a fund-raising activity at present. He wants to raise 100,000 dollars. If it is 25 , he plans to use the money to build schools in Syria. The work of Adham is a light among the darkness for many children in Syria. 16. A. food 17. A. never 18. A. impolite 19. A. joy 20. A. for

B. toys

C. money C. often C. anger C. as

C. after C. danger C. useless C. receive

D. medicine D. always D. impossible D. fear D. to D. happiness D. hopeless D. remind D. successful

B. sometimes B. impatient B. sadness B. with B. though



his hometown. medicine and toys



the 19 on

C. important

21. A. when 22. A. secrets

D. until

B. safety

B. record

23. A. expensive 24. A. remember 25. A. necessary

B. valuable B. interesting

C. difficult





26. The online competition takes place in .

A. China

B. India

C. America

D. England

27. The online competition is for students from . A. GradeⅠto Ⅲ C. Grade Ⅶ to Ⅹ

B. Grade Ⅳ to Ⅵ D. GradeⅠto Ⅹ


In January, 2016, a three-episode TV documentary, Masters in City, was broadcast on China Central Television. It soon became first episode alone has been watched nearly 1 million times so far on website bilibili.com.

Now the documentary has been made into a film, and came out

on Dec 16, the Forbidden

2016. It is about how professional antiquity restorers (文物修复者) in

patience and their 100 percent focus on even the smallest things is enough to impress people.

In fact, many of the restorers are young people. It has also made the documentary popular among their peers(同龄人), as it has shown them possibility of a different lifestyle. After Masters in Forbidden City was broadcast, about 20,000 people applied to work in the Forbidden City. Most of them were new college graduates.

The job has become popular. So have the restorers. But was it difficult to be part of a documentary? “It was only supposed to be difficult for the director, not for us. We simply did our jobs, paying no attention to anyone else around.” said Shi Liancang, one of the restorers, when asked during the film’s premiere(首映) in Shanghai. To make


Arrow Times Carnival Arrow Times Carnival is an Online Talent Discovery event that recognizes talents among students across India. The event is online and the registration(注册) is completely free. Are your talents being recognized? Do you want your talents to be noticed by thousands of people? You can take part in Arrow Times Carnival, India’s biggest ever Online Competition, at your homes and schools and still get government’s recognition. Come on! There is no time to waste! Events: Painting, Quiz and Writing Important dates: Competition starts: July 15, 2017 Competition ends: August 16, 2017 Results: September 2, 2017 Categories: Kids(GradeⅠto Ⅲ) Junior(Grade Ⅳ to Ⅵ) Senior(Grade Ⅶ to Ⅹ) Forbidden popular – the the


City repair ancient paintings, calligraphy, clocks and bronze pieces. It may not sound exciting, but the restorers’

the documentary, the production team also did five years of pre-research and four months of uninterrupted(连续的) filming in the Forbidden City.

Indeed, these restorers keep this peaceful state of mind and devote themselves to doing the same thing they deeply love day after day. As the poster for the documentary says, “Choose a career and do it for a lifetime.” 28. What does the documentary Masters in Forbidden City mainly talk about?

A. Detailed introductions of things in the Forbidden City. B. How restorers in the Forbidden City repair things.

C. Life of professional antiquity restorers in the Forbidden City.21*cnjy*com D. Different kinds of workers working in the Forbidden City.

29. From what Shi Liancang said in paragraph 4, the most important quality of the restorers should be _______. A. curiosity B. creativity C. imagination D. attention 30. What does the documentary want to tell people?

A. Choose a job you love and do it well. B. Working as an antiquity restorer is great. C. Young people should live a different life.

D. Shooting a film in the Forbidden City requires hard work.


We usually see ancient plants or insects in amber(琥珀). But recently, researchers found something unusual in amber — a feathered tail!

The tail includes bones, soft tissue and even feathers. It is 37 mm about the length of a matchstick. It looks like a plant at first sight. But identified(确定) it as part of the tail of a dinosaur that couldn’t fly almost years ago.

Xing Lida of Beijing’s China University of Geosciences discovered the amber in a market in Myanmar in 2015. “It is an amazing fossil(化石) and the finest details of feathers can be seen in 3-D.” he said.

The researchers note in their paper that this finding is particularly special because, although dinosaur feathers have been found in amber before, we don’t know which dinosaurs they came from. But this time researchers know more.

The tail is likely to belong to a tiny dinosaur called coelurosaur. Famous coelurosaurs include the T-rex(霸王龙) and Velociraptor(迅猛龙) — the latter of which would finally evolve into birds. So with the “once in a lifetime” finding, can we hope for the possibility of a real Jurassic Park (侏罗纪公园)? In the movie series, scientists bring dinosaurs back to life by getting their DNA from blood found in amber.

But Canadian scientist Ryan Mckellar said that although soft tissue and blood of the tail were found in the amber, no genetic material was kept. “The Jurassic Park answer is still a ‘no’ — this is in the science fiction.” he said. 31. What did a group of researchers find in amber recently?


a group of

long, which is researchers later 100
