外贸英语函电 - 第二版 - (隋思忠 - 著) - 课后答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章外贸英语函电 - 第二版 - (隋思忠 - 著) - 课后答案更新完毕开始阅读122ea3d526fff705cc170a15

Appendix Key to the Exercises and the Skill Drillings 41

3. The Bill of Lading should be marked \\w ;

4. Delete the clause \prohibited\;

5. \This L/C is valid at your counter\

Please confirm the amendments by fax as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully? (signed ) Unit 11


I. Put the following Chinese 联fe提单Combined Transport into English B/L

包装装漠packing and 管道,管线pipeline

presentation 大宗商品;散装货bulk

products 把…看作to regard as

装fe通知shipping advice 空fe air freight

(港口)吞吐量handling 分…批(装fe) in...

installments capacity 集装箱container

标题货物captioned (货物)备妥待运to be ready goods/subject goods for shipment 班轮liner 交货make delivery

提货take delivery 不定期货轮tramp

直达轮direct vessel (航班)稀少few and far between II. Multiple choice

1. c 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. d 7. b 8. d 9. c 10. a 11. b 12. d

III. Fill in the following blanks with the given words in their proper forms

3. delivery 8. 4. 5. subject delivery shipment 10.

9. shipping shipment

1. 很高兴告诉你方,100台缝纫机已于今日装红环轮。相信该批货会顺利到达你方且情况良好。

2. 按合同规定,我们在货物装运后马上空邮给你寄去整套副本单据。

3. 请立即着手交货,务必不可再延误。


4. 兹通知你方,售货合同456号项下的货物巳于7月8日装云南轮,经哥本哈根转船,预计9月初可达你港。

5. 关于售货合同9889号项下的货物,我们已在东风轮上订舱,该轮5月20日左右到达伦敦。请与我船运代理伦敦Lambert Bros.公司联系装运事宜。

6. 如能尽快装运,我们将不胜感激,以便我方买主能赶上销售季节开始时的活跃需求。

7. 我们想了解一下运输时间、航班次数及是否预留舱位。

8. 从供应商处我们得知,由于气候恶劣,你方223号订单项下的货物可能难以由东风轮及时运达, 该轮原定于6号驶离此港。

9. 如前信所述,虽订做的西服不可能在3个月的时间内发运,我们仍愿帮忙优先考虑你方订单。

10. 很高兴告知,你方9月30日112号订单项下的货物已于今日装风庆轮。该轮定于10月2日驶往新加坡。

11. 有必要强调一下,必须在规定的时间内装运,进一步展证将不予考虑。

V. Put the following sentences into English

1. Transportation plays a very important role in Foreign Trade. 2. We are used to buying products from stores.

3 - Which transportation mode should be used depends on time and cost. 4. Since liberation most import goods have been shipped by sea.

5. Our manager said we would consider it.

6. So far there have been over 100 free ports in the world.

7. A truck can carry goods directly to the market though it can't carry too much at a time.

8. We hope you will arrange early shipment.

9. According to the terms of the contract the shipment is to be effected by 20 May and we must have the B/L by the 30th at the latest.

10. As the goods are to be transshipped at Hong Kong, we shall require through B/L.

11. As for air waybill? it will be sent to you as soon as the consignment is ready for dispatch by Air China.

12. We have to advise you that we are unable to dispatch your order in full owing to a great shortage of shipping space.

VI. Look up the following words and expressions in a dictionary and then write down the Chinese meaning of them

Appendix Key to the Exercises and the Skill Drillings 43

shipping advice装运通知 shipping instructions装fe须知

shipping mark船暖 shipping space船位shipping documents装运shipping agents船运单据 代理freight rate运freight charges运费 费费率voyage

charter程禾且船freight ton运费吨

time charter期禾且tramp不定期租船

船dispatch moneydemurrage滞期费

速遣费tonnage吨bulk cargo大宗货物

位 lay days受载日期,装

bonded warehouse 卸期间

保税仓库customs delivery order提货单,

declaration报关 提货通知书

VII. Read the following short passages or letters and then translate them into Chinese







提单、商业发票、保险单(或凭证)、装箱单、花码单等一般都称为装运单据。前三种是主要的, 但根据买主的要求有时也包括其他单据。这些单据往往与对进口商品的征税有关。如领事发票(一种进口国驻出口国领事出具的证明)、产地证书、价值证书等。有时需要这些单据是因为根据各种国际协议,特别是英联邦内部的一些协议,某些国家可享有较低的进口关税。当要求征收较低的关税时,有关国家的海关人员会要求申报货物的价值,要求证明是出口国制造等。这种价值证书和产地证书常常由出口方经商会担保而出具。如果这种证明是领事出具的,则称为领事发票。 VIII. Translate the following letters into English



Dear Sirs,

Re: Information on Container Service

Thank you for your inquiry of March 21. The shipping containers we provide are of two sizes, namely 10 ft and 20 ft respectively. They can be opened at both ends, thus making it possible to load and unload at the same time. For carrying goods liable to be spoiled by damp or water they have the great advantage of being both water-tight and air-tight. Containers can be loaded and locked at the factory, if necessary. Pilferage is therefore impossible.

Being temperature-controlled? our containers are provided for any cargo that needs special care. This offers its full benefit in shipping.

There is also a saving on freight charges* when separate consignments intended for the same port of destination are carried in one container, and an additional saving on insurance because of lower premium charges for container-shipped goods.

We enclose a copy of our tariff and look forward to receiving your instructions.

Yours faithfully,


Dear Sirs,

We have received your letter of October 1 , asking us to modify the previous arrangements for the shipment of the captioned goods.

We understand that instead of two equal shipments in January and February next year, you now wish to have 80% of the goods shipped in November and the balance in December this year.

In reply, we wish to inform you that although we are in a position to supply you with the goods against the above order from stock, we are advised by the shipping company that because direct vessels, weather liner or tramp? sailing for your port are few and far between* the shipping space has been fully booked up to the end of November. In the circumstances? we regret being unable to meet your request.

However* if you would allow transshipment at Hong Kong we would do our best to make further contacts with the shipping company for the shipment of the first lot of the goods in November. In this case, you must bear the additional charges. In spite of this, we wonder if the goods in question will reach you earlier than the originally scheduled time.

Please take the above into consideration and let us know your decision as early as possible.

Yours faithfully,