2017-2018学年下学期七年级英语(第9周)组合训练牛津译林版 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章2017-2018学年下学期七年级英语(第9周)组合训练牛津译林版更新完毕开始阅读13096ee9effdc8d376eeaeaad1f34693dbef1059




There is an amazing kind of football in Norway(挪威).People 1 it“bubble football”.Two Norwegians played the new sport first.Do you want to know 2 to play it? There are 3 teams of players in the football field too.All of them need to 4 bubble clothes.Players put themselves into these big 5 .Their hands can’t move at all.The rules are 6 as those of regular(普通的)football. 7 players try to get goals,and they can also try to knock each other down.It’s safe.Even children won’t feel 8 when they are playing bubble football.

This game was first on TV 9 2011.But now more and more people from all over the world are 10 it.How about you? I’m sure you will like it very much. 1.A.say B.tell C.talk D.call 2.A.when B.how C.where D.which 3.A.one B.two C.three D.four 4.A.wear B.put up C.in D.dress 5.A.footballs B.shoes C.bubbles D.houses 6.A.1ike B.different C.the same D.along 7.A.One B.Both C.All D.Some 8.A.dangerous B.interested C.happy D.glad 9.A.on B.in C.at D.of 10.A.interested in B.full of C.ready to D.in use 【阅读理解】


There are many amazing festivals around the world. ‘Tomatina’ takes place in Bunol, a town in Spain, every year on the last Wednesday in August. Tens of thousands of people come here and throw tomatoes at each other. This tomato fight makes knee-deep rivers of tomato juice on the streets, The festival is very popular now. This year about 38,000 people came to Bunol-8,000 more than last year.

The tomato fight happens around 11a.m. to 1 p.m. on that day. When the fight begins, everyone and everything is in the tomato juice in just one or two minutes. Many women and children also join in the fight and some even wear glasses to keep the tomatoes from flying into their eyes. When the fight finishes, people run into their bathrooms to wash away the tomato juice.

The festival are said to be one of the world’s largest tomato fights. Other things happening during the festival are music,parades, dancing and fireworks. 1. The ‘Tomatina’is___________.

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A.the name of a town B. a festival in Spain C. a kind of tomato D. a kind of juice in Bunol 2. Many people come to Bunol ______ at Tomatina.

A. to buy lots of tomatoes B. to make knee-deep rivers of tomato juice C. to fight with tomatoes D. to drink lots of tomato juice 3. About ________ people took part in the ‘Tomatina’in Bunol last year. A. 30,000 B.38,000 C. 46,000 D.28,000 4. The fight usually lasts_______.

A. for one or two minutes B. for about two hours C. for less than one hour D. for about a week 5. How do you think people feel in the fight?

A. Frightened B. Weak C. Comfortable D. Excited


When the plane was waiting at the airport, a big snake climbed up the steps and into the plane. It went to sleep under the pilot's seat. Nobody noticed. Soon the passengers(乘客)got on the plane and it took off. A little girl called Mary took out a whistle(口哨)and began playing. But none of the passengers liked the music. They got the stewardess(女乘务员)to ask the girl to stop. The sound of the plane's engines(发动机)woke up the snake. It put its head out and looked around the captain's(机长)room. When the captain saw the snake, he was so frightened that he could hardly breathe(呼吸).He was so afraid that he could not control(控制)the plane. The plane began to swing from side to side. The stewardess told the passengers what was happening and asked them to calm down. Mary was not afraid. She ran to the captain's room with her whistle and began to play the slow tune(曲子).At once the snake followed her. The girl returned to her seat and the snake lay on the floor beside her.

When the plane landed at the airport,the snake was taken in a net to a zoo near Mary's house. She often went to visit the snake.

6 .What did the girl do after the stewardess asked her to stop? A. She didn't stop playing her whistle. B. She quarreled(争吵) with the stewardess. C. She began to cry.

D. She stopped playing her whistle. 7.The plane was in danger because . A. there was trouble in one of the engines B. the pilot suddenly fell ill

C. the captain couldn't control the plane D. the snake killed the pilot

8 .How did the snake feel when it heard the music?

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A. It liked it. B. It didn't enjoy it. C. It was frightened by it. D. It became afraid of it.

9 .Who saved all the people's lives in the plane?

A. A brave man. B. Stewardesses. C. Mary. D. The captain. 【阅读表达】

One day, Mr. Li was reading a book in his office after school. To his surprise, a ball flew in suddenly and hurt him on the head. He took the ball to the window, but he only saw a group of boy students running away quickly and disappearing(消失)in a minute. He sat down again and went on with his reading. As it got dark, it was time for him to leave for home. Looking at the ball, he wondered(疑惑)what to do with it. He knew the owner of the ball must be nearby and wished to get it back, He went downstairs and walked to the playground. It was at the center of the playground that he placed the ball with a piece of paper, on which he wrote \\

The next morning, as Mr. Li opened the office door, he found the same piece of paper on the floor. Some words were written after his words: \1.What happened while Mr. Li was reading in his office?

_______ 2.Where did Mr. Li put the ball before he went home?

_______ 3.If you hurt someone carelessly, will you run away? Why or why not?



请根据下列提示内容,写一篇70词左右的短文。 提示:(1)李慧以前很害怕蛇,她昨天看了一本有关蛇的书;



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