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1、超市supermarket:购买生活用品supplies (便宜)

2、百货公司department store:服装;家用电器appliance (贵) [Test 4-9]

A. From upstairs. B. From next door.

C. From the Nelsons' house. D. From the back door.

M: What’s all that noise? It sounds as if it’s coming from next door. The Nelsons aren' t back yet, are they? W: I don't think so. It must be the window-cleaner working upstairs. Q: Where does the woman think the noise is coming from? 注:1.反义疑问句,表达陈述观点。 2. must表猜测 [Test 4-10]

A. The choice of courses. B. A day course.

C. An evening course. D. Their work.

W: Do you want a day course or an evening course?

M: Well, it would have to be an evening course since I work during the day. Q: What are they talking about? 熟词的多种用法:

run into sb. = happen to sb.碰巧碰到某人 My nose has been running the whole morning.整个早上我都在流鼻涕。 run it down to me = tell me the whole story告诉我,娓娓道来 I've got the runs.拉肚子 [Test 5-6]

A. A clerk at the airport information desk.

B. A clerk at the railway station information desk. C. A policeman. D. A taxi-driver.

W: Could you please tell me if Flight 858 from San Francisco will be on time? M: Yes, Madam. It should be arriving in about 10 minutes. Q: Who do you think the woman is talking to? 机场场景: 1、票已售完。 2、接人晚点。 3、送人伤感。

注:Madam:女士,夫人(较正式); Ma'am口语中常用 [Test 5-7]

A. A guest and a receptionist. B. A passenger and an air hostess. C. A customer and a shop assistant. D. A guest and a waitress.

M: Sorry to trouble you. But is there any possibility of borrowing a blanket. I feel cold. W: I think we've got one. Could you wait until after take-off please?




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Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? 注:1. receptionist前台,接待员 2. air hostess空姐

3. shop assistant售货员

4. blanket毛毯,毯子。carpet地毯。rug小地毯 5. take-off起飞;脱衣服。 [Test 5-8] A. He's better.

B. He's feeling worse. C. He's sick in bed. D. He has recovered.

W: I heard you caught a cold. How are you feeling today? M: I can't complain. At least I'm out of bed. Q: How is the man today?

注:1. How are you doing?普通打招呼

How are you feeling?用于对方生病时打招呼 2. out of bed离开床了 生病场景: 1、医生难找 2、病情如何 3、有病耽误课 [Test 6-6]

A. They are having breakfast. B. They are eating some fruit. C. They are preparing a hot soup. D. They are drinking cold milk. W: Would you like some fruit juice?

M: No, thank you. I'm not used to cold drinks in the morning. Q: What are the two speakers doing now?

注:1. breakfast的构词法:break打破+ fast禁食= breakfast早餐 brunch早午餐

2. fruit juice果汁。orange juice橘子汁。lemonade柠檬汁。

3. be used to doing sth.习惯于。选项中一般有be accustomed to do sth.或adapt替换。 used to do过去常常。选项中一般有was always或not now表现在不做。 听力时注意doing和do的区别来区分两种题型。

4. allergy敏感症。 be allergic to (生理上的过敏)对什么过敏;不喜欢 sensitive (心理上的过敏)敏感的 I have sth. allergy.我对……过敏。 [Test 6-8] A. By car. B. By bus. C. By plane. D. By train.

M: Charles enjoyed his two-week drive through South China.

W: Yes, he said that he saw much more than he would have traveling by bus or train. Q: How did Charles travel?




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1、短对话:听到什么不选什么。考的是替换关系。 2、段子题:听到什么选什么。 注:1. much adv.修饰adj. & v.

very adv.修饰adv. & adj.如:Thank you very much.和very good

2. would have traveling省略结构,省略了seen即would have (seen) traveling [Test 7-1]

A. Librarian and student. B. Customer and repairman. C. Boss and secretary. D. Operator and caller.

W: How long will it take you to fix my watch?

M: I'll call you when it's ready, but it shouldn't take longer than a week. Q: What is the probable relationship between the speakers? 注:1. operator接线员

2.修理fix, repair, mend (真实修理;抽象表达弥补) 修理场景:

常修理家电:电视television,冰箱fridge,烤箱oven 。 [Test 7-8]

A. They don't know how to get to Mike's home. B. They went to the same party some time ago. C. They are discussing when to meet again. D. They will go to Mike's birthday party. M: Hi! Jane. So glad to see you again. W: Likewise. I remember the last time we met was five months ago at Mike's birthday party. How are you going?

Q: What do we know about the speakers? 打招呼:

非正式:Hi! What's going on? What's new? What happens? What's up? = Wassup 正式:How do you do? 道别:

非正式:See you (later/ again/ then/ tomorrow). 正式:Goodbye for now [Test 8-2]

A. Having an interview. B. Filling out a form.

C. Talking with his friend. D. Asking for information.

M: Let me see. I have printed my family name, first name, date of birth, and address. Anything else? W: No. That's all right. We'll fill in the rest of it if you'll just sign your name at the bottom. Q: What has the man been doing?

注:填表格表达方式fill in/ fill out/ fill up Nationality (国籍): Chinese (中国人) Mandarin (普通话) [Test 8-5]

A. He enjoys reading letters.




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B. He has been job-hunting.

C. He is offering the woman a job. D. He is working for a company.

W: Hey, Mike, what's that you're reading?

M: It's a letter from a company where I applied for a job. They' re offering me a job after I graduate. Q: What do we learn about Mike? 打工场景:

1、找到工作高兴(考题不多)。 2、失去工作伤心。

3、拒绝工作令人奇怪。(-ing表客观;-ed表主观) 找工作的步骤:

1、搜集信工作息,来源如下: classified ad分类广告

help and wanted section供求关系版 bulletin board公告板 flier传单

2、打电话确认工作是否还available:make a phone call。 3、准备工作简历resume v.重新开始;n.个人简历。

4、面试interview:需携带证书certificates;需出示身份证明identification;判断你是否具有qualification;出示推荐信referrence letter。 [Test 8-6]

A. She lost her way. B. She lost her keys. C. She lost her car. D. She lost her handbag. M: Think it over carefully, you must have left it somewhere.

W: But the problem is that I have to have it now. I need it to use my car, and when I get home, to open the door. Q: What happened to the woman? 注意发音: keys - kiss sheep - ship steel/ steal - still

break up分手;下课= let us out下课(meet上课) make up重归于好 old flame旧情人 date约会

a big date玩通宵的约会

a blind date被人介绍的第一次约会(相亲) stand sb. up约会爽约,放鸽子 注:must表猜测。 [Test 8-8]

A. She is sure who is going to win.

B. Now it is a good time to start the game.

C. The game has been going on for a long time. D. The same team always wins.

M: Let's see if the basketball game has started yet.


