英语:全册词组 素材(冀教版九年级下) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章英语:全册词组 素材(冀教版九年级下)更新完毕开始阅读135ea57aaf1ffc4ffe47ac7d

Unit 1

know / learn …by heart 记住…背诵… need to do sth 必须做某事 look / sound / feel / like …看/听/感觉起来像… think of 想起… hear / see sb do / doing …听/看某人干某事 start / end with….从…开始/结束 express oneself 表达自己 at the moment 此时 a set number of 一定数量的 either …or …或者…或者… both …and …既…又…. fill in 填入

look up 向上看. 查字典 try one’s best to do sth 尽力去干某事 another two 另外两个 be different kinds of 各种不同类型的 go ahead .向前 走吧 说吧 干吧 in the middle of 在…中间 be related to 与…有关 at the same time 同时

Unit 2

combine …and ...和…结合 neither … or …既不…也不 the answer to …的答案 not only … but also…不仅…而且 the same as…与…一样 divide …in half 把…分成两半 no longer不再 had better ( not ) do sth 最好(别)干某事 play chess 下棋 say hello to sb 向某人问好 what if 如果…将会怎样 generally speaking 通常来说 except for 除…外 for example例如

prefer… to 与…比较更喜欢…prefer to do sth rather than do sth 宁愿…而不愿…

Unit 3

be different from 不同于… make a mistake 犯错 pick up 拾起 be full of 装满 keep doing sth 保持干某事 point to 指向…

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introduce … to …把…介绍给… eat up 吃光

as soon as 一…就… talk about / with / to 交谈 give sth back to sb 把…还给… have trouble with 在…遇到麻烦 face to face 面对面 try to do sth 试着去做某事

at the end of在…的结局 in good Chinese tradition 按照中国的良好传统 no problem 没问题 never mind 别担心 depend on 依靠 视情况而定 again and again 反复地 praise …for …因…表扬… give sth back to sb 把…还给 given name 名字 family name 姓氏

Unit 4

spend …on 花费… have a fight with 和某人争吵 be bad for对…不利 have / hold a meeting 开会 be angry with 生气 agree to do sth 同意做某事 agree with sb 同意某人意见 either of 两个都 belong to 属于 the student council 学生会

make a friend with sb 和某人交朋友 understand each other 相互了解 a number of 成员 be mad at 生气 at last 最后 have a talk 谈话 and so on 等等 to be honest 说实话 the Garden of Eden 伊甸园

Unit 5

how do you feel about …= what do you think of 对…感觉如何 teach sb sth 教某人某事 knock on /at 敲门 hang up 把…挂起 it’ time for …到…时候了

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help yourself to sth 请随便吃… turn on /off 打开/关闭

hand in /out 上交/分发 would you mind doing sth 介意我做某事吗 it’s very kind of sb to do sth 某人做事真是太好了 be / get ready for 准备… get sth ready 准备 be different from 不同于… do one’s best to do sth 尽力做某事 not …at all一点也不 regard …as …把…当作… from now on 从现在起 three percent of 百分之三 compare to /with 与…相比

Unit 6

grow up 长大 be free 有空,自由 be busy doing 忙于做某事 at first 首先 graduate from毕业… up to 达到 pay attention to 注意 cut down 砍下

encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事 make progress 取得进步 step by step 一步一步地 be worth doing sth 值得做某事 even if 即使. 纵然 get a chance to do sth 有机会干某事 in the future 未来 as many as 230 million多达二亿三千万 leave for 起程去… shout at 对…大声喊

leave …alone 让…单独留下 spend one’s vacation 度过某人的假期

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