(英音版)新概念英语第一册Lesson 91:Poor Ian 联系客服

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(英音版)新概念英语第一册Lesson 91:Poor Ian

Lesson 91:Poor Ian! 可怜的伊恩!

Listen to the tape then answer this question. Who wanted to sell the house?


CATHERING: Has Ian sold his house yet? JENNY: Yes, he has. He sold it last week.

CATHERING: Has he moved to his new house yet?

JENNY: No, not yet. He's still here.

He's going to move tomorrow.

CATHERING: When? Tomorrow afternoon. JENNY: No. Tomorrow afternoon. I'll miss him.

He has always been a good neighbour.

LIDA: He's a very nice person. We'll all miss him.

CATHERING: When will the new people

move into this house?

JENNY: I think that they'll move in the day after tomorrow.

LINDA: Will you see Ian today, Jenny?

JENNY: Yes, I will.

LINDA: Please give him my regards. CATHERING: Poor Ian! He didn't want to leave this house.

JENNY: No, he didn't want to leave. but his wife did!

New Word and expressions 生词和短语 still

adv. 还,仍旧 move v. 搬家 miss

v. 想念,思念 neighbor n. 邻居

person n. 人 people n. 人们 poor

adj. 可怜的 参考译文

凯瑟琳:伊恩已指他的房子卖掉了吗? 詹 尼:是的,卖掉了。他上星期卖掉的。 凯瑟琳:他已经迁进新居了吗? 詹 尼:不,还没有。他仍在这里。 他打算明天搬家。

凯瑟琳:什么时候?明天上午吗? 詹 尼:不,明天下午。我会想念他的。 他一直是个好邻居。

琳 达:他是个非常好的人, 我们大学都会想念他的。

凯瑟琳:新住户什么时候搬进这所房子? 詹 尼:我想他们将会在后天搬进来吧。 琳 达:詹尼,您今天会见到伊恩吗? 詹 尼:是的,我会见到他。

琳 达:请代我问候他。

凯瑟琳:可怜的伊恩!他本不想离开这幢 房子。

詹 尼:是啊,他是不想离开, 不过他妻子要离开。