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B) He never fails to write a weekly letter home.

C) He doesn't write home once a week now.

D) He has been asked to write home every week.

3. M: The student's English club is having a party on Saturday night. Can you come? W: I would like to, but I work at a restaurant on weekends. Q: Why can't the woman go to the party?

A) Because she has got an appointment. B) Because she doesn't want to.

C) Because she has to work.

D) Because she wants to eat in a new restaurant.

4. W: Shall we have an English test this afternoon?

M: It is postponed because the teacher has to attend a meeting. Q: What do we learn from this conversation?

A) The teacher postponed the meeting. B) There won't be a test this afternoon. C) The students will be attending the meeting. D) The students will take an English test this afternoon.

5. M: Did you like the film?

W: Not particularly. I was rather disappointed. I'd expected it to be much more exciting. Q: What can we learn from this conversation?

A) On the whole, she liked the film. B) She didn't see the film. C) The film was very exciting.

D) The film wasn't as good as she'd expected.

6. W: Bob, are you going straight home after school today?

M: No. I have a class until one o'clock, and after that. I'm going to spend a couple of hours at the library before going home.

Q: When is Bob going home this afternoon?

A) Around 5:00 C) At 2:00 B) Around 3:00 D) At 1:00

7. M: If the traffic wasn't so bad, I could have been home by 6:00. W: What a pity! John was here to see you.

Q: What happened to the man?

A) He had to work overtime. C) His car ran out of gas.

B) He was held up in traffic. D) He had a traffic accident.

8. M: Hello, may I speak to John Smith, please?

W: I am sorry, nobody by that name works here. Q: What do we learn from this conversation?

A) John Smith isn't in right now.

B) John Smith can't come to the phone right now. C) John Smith doesn't want to speak to the caller. D) The caller dialed the wrong number.

9. M: Have you seen my brother?

W: No, I haven't seen him since the day before yesterday. Q: When did she last see the man's brother?

A) Yesterday. C) Two days ago. B) Three days ago. D) Early last week.

10. M: Nancy, why were you late today? W: I overslept and missed the bus. Q: Why was Nancy late?

A) She got up later than usual. C) She forgot she had classes. B) The bus was late. D) Her clock was slow.

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1. A. Five o'clock. C. During five to six. B. Eight o'clock. D. All of the above. 2. A. At National Library. C. At Black Street.

B. At King Street. D. On the right of the bus stop. 3. A. A necklace. C. A string of pearls.

B. A bracelet. D. A jewelry of various qualities.

4. A. At home. C. At a post office.

B. In supermarket. D. At an office.

5. A. Keep her waiting. C. Not meet her early. B. Be on the phone. D. Not telephone her.

6. A. The man's friend. C. A friend of the two speakers.

B. The woman's friend. D. Mr. Morse knows Mr. Brown very well. 7. A. Her friend. C. The head master.

B. Her teacher. D. The head of the department. 8. A. Friends. C. Teacher - student. B. Colleagues. D. Roommates. 9. A. He knows the reason why she is afraid. B. He knows nothing about foreign friends.

C. He doesn't think she should be afraid of visiting foreign friends. D. He wants to know why she is afraid of visiting foreign friends. 10. A. Making a call before you visit. B. Waiting for the door to open.

C. Going in without hesitation when being showed in. D. Be sure you have clean shoes.

1. M: By the way, at what time do you serve meals?

W: We serve breakfast from seven to ten, lunch from twelve to two-thirty, and dinner from five to eight-thirty.

Q: When can the man have his supper?

A. Five o'clock. C. During five to six. B. Eight o'clock. D. All of the above.

2. M: Excuse me, sir, I want to go to the National Library. Am I on the right bus?

W: Yes, indeed. The library is on King Street. You'll have to get off at Black Street. Q: Where should the man get off?

A. At National Library. C. At Black Street.

B. At King Street. D. On the right of the bus stop.

3. M: I'm looking for a string of pearls for my wife.

W: I see. Let me show you some samples of various qualities. Are you interested in a necklace or a bracelet?

Q: What does the man want to buy?

A. A necklace. C. A string of pearls.

B. A bracelet. D. A jewelry of various qualities.

4. M: Sending parcel post would be cheaper, but it wouldn't arrive for about two months. The rate for parcel post is $2.05.

W: Oh, I want to arrive earlier than that. I'll send it first class.

Q: Where does the conversation take place?

A. At home. C. At a post office. B. In supermarket. D. At an office.

5. M: Good morning, Mrs. Ma! So sorry to have kept you waiting, I was on the phone.

W: Good morning, Mr. Brown! That's all right. I'm very glad to meet you on such a beautiful day.

Q: What did Mr. Brown apologize for?

A. Keep her waiting. C. Not meet her early. B. Be on the phone. D. Not telephone her.

6. M: What's the weather like at your home?

W: Just as beautiful as here, Well, Mr. Brown, I'm a friend of Mr. Morse. He has often spoken of you, and asked me to say hello to you if I come. Q: Who is Mr. Morse?

A. The man's friend. C. A friend of the two speakers. B. The woman's friend. D. Mr. Morse knows Mr. Brown very well.

7. W: I'm very glad you have found time to receive me today. You should be very busy as head of the department.

M: To tell the truth, I'm looking forward to meeting you . Mr. Morse has told me so much about you and you are so promising. Q: Who is the man?

A. Her friend. C. The head master.

B. Her teacher. D. The head of the department.

8. W: How did you get to know Mr. Smith?

M: I met him while he was lecturing on family sociology. As we majored in the same field, we discussed many social problems of the east and west countries. And then we became close friends. Q: What's the relationship between Mr. Smith and the man?

A. Friends. C. Teacher - student. B. Colleagues. D. Roommates.

9. W: I'm always afraid of visiting foreign friends because I'm afraid of being offensive. M: Why? Nothing you should be afraid of. Q: What does the man mean?

A. He knows the reason why she is afraid.

B. He knows nothing about foreign friends.

C. He doesn't think she should be afraid of visiting foreign friends. D. He wants to know why she is afraid of visiting foreign friends.

10. W: What do you know about the customs of foreign countries then since you have just been abroad?

M: Well, when you arrive at the home you expect to visit, ring the bell and stand by the door, waiting for someone to open it. Once you are shown in, don't hesitate to go in, but be sure your shoes are clean.

Q: What is not the custom mentioned in the conversation?

A. Making a call before you visit.

B. Waiting for the door to open.

C. Going in without hesitation when being showed in. D. Be sure you have clean shoes.