年产6000吨医用酒精精馏车间工艺设计 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章年产6000吨医用酒精精馏车间工艺设计更新完毕开始阅读14153d04f12d2af90242e6f3

Z0 Z ρ δ 粗馏塔塔高 精馏塔塔高 气液体密度 酒精表面张力

表 6 浮阀塔板间距参考数值

m m kg/m N/cm2


Table 6 Board spacing of the F-1 Valve tower

塔径(m) 板间距(mm)

0.3~0.5 200~300

0.5~0.8 300~350

0.8~1.6 350~450

1.6~2.0 450~600

2.0~2.4 500~800

>2.4 ≥600


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The Technical Design on the Distillation Plant of Medical


Major: Pharmaceutical Engineering

20083438 shaozhen chen Supervisor: zhaoyang wang

Abstract: Process design for the rectification workshop of medical alcohol with annual output of 6000 tons. Select Sweet potato,then we could get the product by the way of saccharification and fermentation ,The Fermentation Liquid, forms during fermentation, go through the preheater, then exchange the heat with the alcohol steam came from the rectification column. Then we could get 95% medical alcohol after going through the Crude distillation tower, refining in the rectification column. Then do the material balance and the heat, compute the condenser equipment selection. Use AutoCAD software to draw the technological flow chart with control points, equipment layout of distillation , workshop layout, workshop layout, and main equipment drawing. The F-1 Valve tower kind crude distillation tower be used. Plate number to 8, tower Drive 1.2 m , board spacing 0.45 m. The F-1 Valve tower kind distillation tower be used. Plate number to 24, tower Drive 1.2 m , board spacing 0.45 m. The direct steam heating is used the bottom of the tower ,the concentration percent 0f the alcohol discharged from the tower top is 95%(mass fraction),directly sent into the reflux condenser for further purification.

Keyword: Medical Alcohol ;Distillation ;The Technical Design




