基于JAVA的资产管理系统的设计与实现(答辩后) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章基于JAVA的资产管理系统的设计与实现(答辩后)更新完毕开始阅读144d560153d380eb6294dd88d0d233d4b14e3f6b



学院(系): 国际教育学院 专业班级: 通信专业 GJ1101班

学生姓名: 董沛 指导教师: 江雪梅




年 月 日



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作者签名: 年 月 日 导师签名: 年 月 日

摘 要










With the rapid socio-economic development, companies have been expanding and the amount of various types of assets they owned have been grown rapidly. It has become a major obstacle to the development of enterprises that the traditional way depending on manually record assets exposed many problems such as low efficiency, high error rate and poor security. Exploring the modern enterprise asset management operation of the process for the production safety, efficiency and accuracy has become an important issue of business to grasp the opportunity in the fierce competition.

In order to achieve reasonable distribution of assets, scientific management, improve asset utilization efficiency in daily business operations, and reduce costs of asset management, this paper designed and implemented a set of assets management system to control human resources and business assets in real-time using software engineering technology, based on the JAVA language and MyEclipse platform.

First of all, this paper describes the background and significance of asset management system, and analyzes the current situation related to asset management. Then it lists the used techniques and tools, including Java language, Java development platform, Access data management system and MyEclipse development platform. Secondly, it products the asset management system needs analysis, a detailed description of the system need to be addressed. Through needs analysis, the outline of the system design and detailed design generates, including the delineation of the system function, the system frame, the conceptual model and other aspects of the design. After that according to the results of analysis, we carried out a development program based on Java platform and C/S architecture binding Access2007 database management system to ensure simplicity, safety and ease of maintenance.

The issue of asset management system designed consists of system management, asset information management,sort management, account management, staff management and asset borrow-return management. Relying on the system, business managers implement the overall grasp of the assets’ amount, type, price and state, the detailed understanding of the company's employees’ age, sex, job and related information, and the engagement of user, time, purpose and status in the process of assets liquidity and use. Those functions basically meet the business assets and personnel management.

The asset management system has been designed to be able to run successfully, and achieved the desired target. Development and application of the asset management system showed the prospects of automation and information in enterprise management process,