中考英语总复习第一轮课本考点聚焦考点跟踪突破9九上Modules5外研版 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章中考英语总复习第一轮课本考点聚焦考点跟踪突破9九上Modules5外研版更新完毕开始阅读1474394af58a6529647d27284b73f242336c3181

考点跟踪突破19 九年级(上)Modules 5~6


1.Our world will get better and better __B__ each of us lives a greener life.(2016,安徽)

A.before B.if C.though D.until 2.—Are you going camping this afternoon?

—A typhoon is coming.I'm not sure __C__ the road to the mountains will be closed.(2016,南京)

A.which B.what C.whether D.why

3.Victories,hurry up!__A__ we can't arrive there on time.(2016,河北) A.Or B.So C.But D.And

4.It's windy outside.__B__ your jacket,Bob.Don't catch a cold.(2016,成都) A.Try on B.Put on C.Take off

5.Vienna is famous for having many great musicians.__B__,Johann Strauss the younger wrote hundreds of wonderful pieces of music there.(2016,温州)

A.In fact B.For example

C.As a result D.In my opinion

6.We need to do some research to __A__ the answer.(2016,河北) A.find out B.look out C.hand out D.take out

7.The fridge doesn't work. Why not consider __D__ a new one?(2016,兰州) A.buy B.bought C.to buy D.buying

8.—I haven't been back to my hometown for years.

—__C__!Your parents must miss you very much.(2016,郴州) A.Of course B.No problem C.What a shame

9.—Please give Alice the story book __D__ you see her.(2017,百色预测) —All right.

A.unless B.or C.but D.if

10.Tom,__D__ afraid of speaking in front of people. You are the best one. A. don't B. not C. not be D. don't be

11.It's sunny.Let's go sighting __B__ watching TV in our hotel room. A.thanks to B.instead of C.as well as

12.My host family tried to cook __C__ for me when I studied in New Zealand. A.different something B.different anything C.something different D.anything different 二、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示填写单词。

13.I think physics (物理) is difficult to understand.

14.The most popular instrument(乐器) for teenagers is the piano. 15.I think knowledge (知识) is more important than money. 16.He is a(n) honest (诚实的) man.

17.Our teacher never punishes(惩罚) us because of our mistakes. 18.We will do a(n) experiment in the lab this class.

19.The young man is always full of energy.He never feels tired. 20.People are looking for the missing girl.

21.I spent the whole night preparing the tomorrow's speech. 22.My computer doesn't work.Would you please help me repair it? 三、完形填空。(2016,宁夏)

“Problems and worries are normal (正常) in life,” says Laura.“But I think talking to someone helps a lot.If we don't talk to someone,we'll certainly feel __23__.”

Laura once lost her __24__,and worried for days.She was afraid to tell parents about it.She even walked three miles to school each day because she didn't have any money.She just kept __25__ of the problem again and again in her mind.“If I tell my parents,they'll be angry!”But in the end,she talked to her parents and they were really __26__.Her dad said that he __27__ made careless mistakes himself.They got her a new wallet and asked her to be more careful.“I will always remember to __28__ my problems in the future!” Laura says.

Robert Hunt advises students about common __29__.He feels the same way as Laura.“It is best not to avoid our problems.We should always try to solve them.”He thinks that you can first find someone to talk to.This person doesn't need to be an expert (专家) like himself.Students often forget that their parents have more __30__ than them,and are always there to __31__ them.

In English,we say that sharing a problem is like cutting it in half.So you're halfway to solving a problem if you talk to __32__ about it.

( C )23.A.better B.happier C.worse D.cleverer ( A )24.A.wallet B.bike C.money D.phone

( B )25.A.hoping B.thinking C.wishing D.expecting ( D )26.A.seeing B.knowing C.learning D.understanding

( A )27.A.sometimes B.always C.never D.seldom ( B )28.A.cover B.share C.guess D.stop

( D )29.A.questions B.answers C.ideas D.problems ( D )30.A.friendship B.love C.truth D.experience

( A )31.A.help B.beat C.hurt D.fail

( B )32.A.none B.someone C.each D.no one 四、阅读理解。(2016,成都) Dear Merry,

Recently,I have trouble with my study.

In school I can't listen to teachers carefully because I always feel tired and sleepy.I don't spend time with friends after class either because I think it's waste of time.I even miss writing some answers in the test.

At home,I can't get my homework done every night.My parents don't let me stay up.So I have to get up early the next morning to finish it.Lately,I even get a bad headache.

How can I solve these problems?

Yours, Liu Ya

Dear Liu Ya,

When you have trouble listening to teachers carefully in class,you_can_ask_your_teachers_or_deskmate_to_remind_you_often.Then spending time talking about many different things with friends can make you happy.It's not a waste of time.As for homework,when it's hard to get finished,one thing you can try is setting goals for yourself.Ask your parents to help you.You must take a break,especially if you don't feel well.You might be surprised but a short break can help you get more done!Lastly,if you don't worry and have enough sleep,your headache will leave you.

Yours, Merry

33.Liu Ya wrote the letter to Merry in order to __A__. A.ask for help B.express worries C.share her experience

34.Liu Ya doesn't want to stay with friends after class because __B__. A.she needs to sleep

B.she thinks it's waste of time

C.she has trouble with her classmates 35.Merry thinks __A__.

A.taking a break is necessary B.being with parents is helpful

C.setting goals by parents is important

36.According to the underlined part,what might Liu Ya's teacher say?__B__ A.Sleep for a minute. B.Listen carefully. C.Stop talking.

37.From Liu Ya's letter,we can find that she is too __C__. A.passive B.proud C.stressed 五、书面表达。(2016,毕节)

最近从媒体报道的一些家庭事件来看,孩子与父母的关系不和谐,隔阂越来越大,孩子普遍存在逆反心理。针对这个问题,某中学生英文报社开展了主题为“与父母和谐相处”的征文大赛。作为一名初中毕业生,你一定有自己的思想与辨别是非的基本能力,但你是否曾想过应该怎样和自己的父母相处呢?请以“How to Get on Well with Our Parents?”为题写一篇短文参加此次征文大赛。




(1)理解与尊重父母(如倾听与有礼貌表达想法); (2)多与父母交流(如分享快乐与倾诉烦恼); (3)为父母做一些力所能及的事。 3.与父母和谐相处的感受。 写作要求



One possible version:

How to Get on Well with Our Parents? It's very important for us to get on well with our parents.But how can we get along well with our parents?Here is some of my advice.

We should understand and respect our parents.Parents talk much because they care about us.We are supposed to listen to them.When we want to tell them our opinions,we'd better be in a polite way.We should also talk with them about our happiness and tell them about our problems.When we are free,we'd better help them do some things.

I get on well with my parents.I enjoy sharing everything with my parents.My parents are like my best friends.They are proud when I do something well and they try their best to help me when I have trouble.We love each other.

Let's get on well with our parents because they are our parents.