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发布时间 : 星期日 文章(全国通用)2017版高考英语二轮复习考前三个月卷专练(四)更新完毕开始阅读14f61f79094c2e3f5727a5e9856a561253d32168



The 11 billion self-help industry is built on the idea that you should turn negative thoughts like “I never do anything right” into positive ones like “I can succeed.” But was positive thinking advocate Norman Vincent Peale right?Is there power in positive thinking?

Researchers in Canada just published a study in the journal Psychological Science that says trying to get people to think more positively can actually have the opposite effect:it can simply highlight how unhappy they are.

The study’s authors,Joanne Wood and John Lee of the University of Waterloo and Elaine Perunovic of the University of New Brunswick,begin by citing older research showing that when people get feedback which they believe is overly positive,they actually feel worse,not better.If you tell your dim friend that he has the potential of an Einstein,you’re_just_underlining_his_faults.

In one 1990s experiment,a team including psychologist Joel Cooper of Princeton asked participants to write essays opposing funding for the disabled.When the essayists were later praised for their sympathy,they felt even worse about what they had written.

In this experiment,Wood,Lee and Perunovic measured 68 students’self-esteem.The participants were then asked to write down their thoughts and feelings for four minutes.Every 15 seconds,one group of students heard a bell.When it rang,they were supposed to tell themselves,“I am lovable.”

Those with low self-esteem didn’t feel better after the forced self-affirmation.In fact,their moods turned significantly darker than those of members of the control group,who weren’t urged to think positive thoughts.

The paper provides support for newer forms of psychotherapy(心理治疗) that urge people to accept their negative thoughts and feelings rather than fight them.In the fighting,we not only often fail but can make things worse.Meditation(静思) techniques,in contrast,can teach people to put their shortcomings into a larger,more realistic perspective.Call it the power of negative thinking.

语篇解读 本文属于科普类阅读,虽然积极的思维有好处,但是如果我们强迫那些自我认知程度较低的人去积极思维,不但不能提高其积极程度,反而会有相反的结果。 1

1.What do we learn from the first paragraph about the self-help industry? A.It is based on the concept of positive thinking. B.It is a highly profitable industry. C.It was established by Norman Vincent Peale. D.It has produced positive results. 答案 A

解析 细节理解题。根据首段第一句“The 11 billion self-help industry is built on the idea that you should turn negative thoughts like ‘I never do anything right’ into positive ones like ‘I can succeed.’”可知self-help industry是以人们的积极思维为基础的。故A正确。

2.What is the finding of the Canadian researchers?

A.There can be no simple treatment for psychological problems. B.Encouraging positive thinking may do more harm than good. C.Unhappy people cannot think positively. D.The power of positive thinking is limited. 答案 B

解析 细节理解题。根据第二、三段的内容可知鼓励人们积极思维可能带来相反的效果。故B正确。

3.What does the author mean by “you’re just underlining his faults” in the third paragraph?

A.You are not taking his mistakes seriously enough. B.You are pointing out the errors he has made.

C.You are emphasizing the fact that he is not intelligent. D.You are trying to make him feel better about his faults. 答案 C

解析 句意理解题。本题关键是正确理解文章中的两个单词“underline(加强,强调)”与“dim(迟钝的,愚笨的)”。该句是指你在强调他不聪明这个事实。故C正确。

4.It can be inferred from the experiment of Wood,Lee and Perunovic that . A.it is important for people to continually keep their self-esteem B.self-affirmation can bring a positive change to one’s mood C.people with low self-esteem seldom write down their true feelings D.forcing a person to think positive thoughts may lower their self-esteem 答案 D


解析 推理判断题。根据第六段内容可知,强迫那些自尊较低的人进行自我肯定,那些人感觉并不好,他们的情绪可能会更糟糕。其中的关键词“didn’t feel better;darker”也是提示。故D正确。 Ⅱ.七选五

A good laugh is like a mild workout.It exercises the muscles,gets the blood flowing,decreases blood pressure and improves sleep patterns and the immune system. 5

Don’t take life too seriously.We all have obstacles in life and we all make mistakes. 6 In fact,if you can laugh light-heartedly at your own fault,you’ll find that you give yourself that extra happiness and confidence increase that can get you over any obstacle.

Find the humor in a bad situation.Sure,there are some situations where you are really sad. 7 The next time you feel the stress levels rising,take a minute to think about the funny side of the situation and laugh over the things you cannot control.This will lower your blood pressure,blood sugar levels and heart rate.

Remind yourself of funny moments from the past.Perhaps a friend told you a great joke the other day or your children or pets did something amusing. 8 Sometimes just reliving a funny moment can cause the endorphins(内啡肽),natural painkillers,to kick in.

9 As the saying goes,laughter is contagious(会传染的).So make a point of seeking out positive people who aren’t afraid to laugh at themselves and are good at finding humor in life’s situations.Young children are especially skilled at finding laughter and joy in everyday moments. A.Take control over your emotions.

B.There is no reason to blame yourself for it. C.However,most situations in life have funny sides. D.Surround yourself with fun people who like to laugh a lot.

E.The following are some ways to enjoy more laughter and joy in your life. F.Studies show that people with pets have lower levels of depression and stress. G.Call on these memories frequently,especially when feeling sad,angry or stressed. 语篇解读 本文属于说明文,告诉我们大笑对健康很有好处,同时文章中还给出了让我们更快乐有更多笑声的三个建议。 5.答案 E


解析 横线前一句说明大笑对我们很有好处,那么在生活中我们就应该更多地大笑。另外从下文可知这些都是让我们有更多笑声的方法。所以E项属于上下文的过渡句。 6.答案 B

解析 根据前一句“We all have obstacles in life and we all make mistakes.”在生活中我们都会遇见障碍也都会犯错。犯错是生活中很正常的一件事情,所以我们不要因此而责备自己。故选B项。 7.答案 C

解析 本段的主题是“Find the humor in a bad situation.”在糟糕的情景中找到幽默的一面。根据横线前一句“Sure,there are some situations where you are really sad.”当然,有一些我们真的很难受的情况。那么我们要从这些令人难受的情景中找到有趣的东西。故C项符合上下文。 8.答案 G

解析 本段的主题为“Remind yourself of funny moments from the past.”让自己想起过去那些有趣的时刻。因为那些时刻对我们的情绪有很好的影响,所以我们要经常想起这些时刻,尤其是在我们悲伤难过的时候。选项中只有G项内容与本段中心思想一致。 9.答案 D

解析 根据横线后两句可知,笑是会传染的,因此要寻找那些不怕嘲笑自己,善于在生活中发现幽默的人。所以D项内容与本段中心思想一致。 Ⅲ.完形填空

As a teenager,I was pretty lazy when it came to doing things for my family.I worked hard at school,and sometimes looked after my younger sister.Still,I found myself regularly resisting the urge to 10 out at home with even the simplest things.

Every Wednesday afternoon,for example,my mother 11 me to another town for a piano lesson.During my two-hour lesson,she’d rush to the nearby store and buy a week’s worth of 12 .Given the fact that my Mom had driven me twelve miles there,twelve miles back, 13 for my lesson,and bought me a candy bar,you’d think I’d be very 14 to help her bring the groceries into the house. 15 I wasn’t.I generally just brought in an armload and left the 16 for Mom as I ran to my room,shut the door,and started studying.

Don’t get me wrong:even back in my room,I felt 17 about not helping my mother more.Deep inside,I wanted to change my 18 .But I also realized that once I did change,there’d be no going back. 19 I took on more responsibility,my parents would start 20 more of me.At age fifteen,I sensed that this one small change would 21 something much bigger:my personal change from a cared-for, spoiled(被宠坏的) child