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第二章 汉英文化比较 第一节 文化和语言的关系 第二节 语言中的文化因素解析 一、词汇中的文化


我们所说的文化意义是指词语意义之外的、能产生联想的内涵意义。具有这类双重意义的词语往往构成翻译的主要障碍,因为它们常常兼指多意,甚至以内涵意义为主。这样的词语,虽然在英语里能找到概念相同的词语,却可能出现文化含义的不对应或假对应。如下面意义相同的词语在文化内涵上就有差别: 红(喜庆)——red(暴力)

白(丧服)——white(婚妙?不知书上是不是印错了) 蓝(蓝色)——blue(清高、忧郁、淫秽) 黄(王权)——yellow(怯懦) 牧童(悠闲)——cowboy(冒险) 农民(忠厚朴实)——peasant(心胸狭窄) 狗(鄙视)——dog(同情) 龙(高贵)——dragon(凶恶) 月亮(团圆)——moom(虚幻)

宣传(中性词)——propaganda(贬义词) 二、成语中的文化



处具体文化环境的制约,因此一般能够比较突出地反映文化和语言的差异。这类词语在理解上就超出了文字的本意,其交际价值在于语用意义,具有强烈的文化特征。 下列汉英成语具有相似的概念意义,其语用意义却不同,请试作说明 1、打草惊蛇——to beat about the bush

打草惊蛇——to alert enemy by rash or accidental events before carrying out the planned attack to beat about the bush——to approach a subject without coming to the point, try to say something indirectly(旁敲侧击)

2、亡羊补牢——to lock the stable door after the horse has been stolen

亡羊补牢——to repair the stable after a sheep is gone, still in time to avoid further losses to lock the stable door after the horse has been stolen——take precautions when it is too late(贼去关门)

3、骨鲠在喉——to have a bone in one's throat 骨鲠在喉——have an opinion that one cannot suppress

to have a bone in one's throat——to avoid making one's opinion know(难于启齿) 4、同舟共济——to be in the same boat

同舟共济——to cooperate and help each other in order to ride out a difficulty to be in the same boat——to be in the same difficult situation or dangers 5、怒发冲冠——to make one's hair stand on end

怒发冲冠——bristle with anger, to fly into a rage, to be in violent anger to make one's hair stand on end——to be in the same difficult situation or dangers 6、翻天覆地——to move heaven and earth 翻天覆地——epoch-making, earth-shaking

to move heaven and earth——to do one's utmost(竭尽全力) 7、蜀犬吠日——to bark at the moon 蜀

——to make a fuss about something that one alone finds strange, un-called for alarm or exciement out of sheer ignorance

to bark at the moon——to make fruitless efforts(吠月, 徒劳) 8、洗手不干——to wash one's hands of

洗手不干——to stop doing wrong and reform oneself

to wash one's hands of sb. or sth.——to refuse to take any more responsibility for sb. or sth.


9、食言——to eat one's words

食言——to go back on one's word, to break one's word to eat one's words——to take back what one has said 10、扯后腿——to pull somebody's leg 扯后腿——to hinder, to be a hindrance to sb.

to pull someone's leg——to tell someone something untrue as a joke, try to make somebody believe something that is untrue as a joke 三、语用方面的文化差异


语言中凡涉及社会应酬与人际关系的词语无不打有独特的民族文化的烙印。中国人说自己时用谦称,指对方时用敬称。叫对方“老李”能表示亲热,称呼“李老”则表示恭敬。而英美人则怕“老”字,也最恨“老”字。中国人有一大串指代自己或与己有关的谦词,如“寒舍”、“菲酌”、“薄酒”、“敝人”“窃以为”、“愚见”等;对对方有一串敬称,如“您”、“令尊”、“令堂”、“贵舍”、“鸿论”等。英美文化中没有这种厚彼薄己的“自贬”传统。因此在语言上也找不到对应的词语。接受礼品或谢意对中国人也要自谦一番,说“不敢当”、“有愧”、“过奖”之类的话,西方人则坦率地认可,使用\I'm so glad...\、\It's so lovely\、\Thank you\等语句。 练习

将下列句子译成英文 1、惭愧(不敢当,哪里) 2、欢迎,欢迎(幸会;久仰) 3、再会(保重;有空来玩儿) 4、请笑纳(别嫌弃,一点意思) 5、您太客气(让你破费,不好意思) 6、多谢(有劳您呢,累您了) 7、别客气(别见外,没什么) 8、劳驾(请问,有劳您) 9、不见不散啊! 10、恭喜发财! 11、一路顺风!


12、该死! 13、没错。 14、没门儿! 15、完全同意

1、惭愧(不敢当,哪里) I'm pleased that you think so.

(I'm pleased to hear that. You flatter me.Thank you for your compliment.) 2、欢迎,欢迎(幸会;久仰) Glad to meet you.

(I'm pleased to see you. It's such a pleasure to see you.) 3、再会(保重;有空来玩儿) Good-bye.

(Take care. See you. Do come again.) 4、请笑纳(别嫌弃,一点意思) I hope you will like it. (Please accept it.)

5、您太客气(让你破费,不好意思) It's so lovely!

(Thank you for the gift.) 6、多谢(有劳您呢,累您了) Thanks.

(Many, many thanks. I'm much obliged.) 7、别客气(别见外,没什么) Don't mention it.

(It's a pleasure. Not at all. You're welcom. Never mind.) 8、劳驾(请问,有劳您) Excuse me...

(Could you be so kind as to ... Would you please...? May I trouble you... Would you mind...?) 9、不见不散啊! Please be there on time.