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Unit6 When was it invented ?


1.It's my pleasure.= My pleasure. 我的荣幸 2.seem+to+动词原形 好像做某事 3.such a great invention 如此伟大的一项发明 4.think of = think about 想到,考虑 5.in our daily lives 在我们的日常生活中 6.in my daily life在我的日常生活中 7.have a point 有道理 8.by accident 偶然地,意外地 9.over an open fire 在篝火上 10.it mentioned that 它提到 11.It is said that 据说 12.It is believed that人们相信 13.fall into(过去式fell into)=drop into掉进… 14.in the 19th century 在19世纪 15.spread to other countries 传播到其他国家 16.at a low price 以很低的价格 17.bring(brought) sth. to sp.把某物带到某处 18.all of a sudden 突然地

19.less than少于,不到 more than = over 超过20.without doubt 毫无疑问 21.at that time 在那时 22.advise sb (not) to do sth建议某人(不要)做某事 23.start doing sth 开始做某事 24.work on sth 致力于某事 25.(be) similar to 与……相似 26.the Olympics 奥运会 27.by mistake 错误地,无意地 28.make a mistake 犯错

29.divide ...into…把…分成… 30.in the end = at last = finally 最后 31.at the same time 同时 32.teach(taught) sb to do sth 教某人做某事 33.come up with 想出 34.encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事 35.the purpose of ……的目的 36.stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事 37.look up to sb.钦佩某人 38.look up the word 查找单词

39.work together 一起工作 40.I want to achieve my dream.我想实现梦 41.My dream will come true.我的梦想会实现 42.work hard 努力工作

43.on a hard floor 在坚硬的地板上 44.lead to导致 leader 领导,引路人 45.Don't mention it.不客气,不用谢 46.translate...into....把…翻译成… 47.be used for doing sth=be used to do sth 48.dream of doing sth 梦想做某事 二.用法集萃

1. be used to do 被用来做某事 be used as 被用作…be used by sb. 被某人使用 2.help sb do sth.=help sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事 3.make a decision to do sth.=decide to do sth.决定做某事

4.make sb. + adj. 使某人怎么样make sb do sth使某人做某事be made to do sth 被使唤去做某 5..in this way这样,用这种方式 三语法全解

1.some time 一段时间 sometimes 有时 some times几次 sometime 某个时候

2.one of the world's favorite drinks世界最受欢迎的饮料之一.one of …之一,后面的名词用复


数(一般要加S),动词用单数(一般要加S);favorite,最喜欢的,前面要用―谁的‖. 3.thousand千hundred百million百万,当它们前面有数字的时候,它们本身不能加S,当它们后面有of的时候它们要加S,但前面的数字和后面的of不能同时存在

4.not…until直到…才,I don?t go to sleep until 11 every day.我每天直到11点才睡觉。 5.take place 表示预料之中的事情的发生,happen表示预料不到的事情的发生,两个―发生‖都没有被动

6.alone adv.独自,如live alone 独自居住; lonely adj,孤单的,如a lonely person

7.enough, 足够的,修饰名词时放前面,如enough money足够的钱; 修饰形容词或副词时放后面,如old enough(年龄)足够大

8.not only ... but also...不但…而且…,句子中的动词要根据but also后面的人来确定单复数(即―就近原则‖),如 Not only I but also she likes the new teacher.

9.the number of …的数量,后面的名词用复数(一般要加S),动词用单数(is) a number of 许多…,后面的名词用复数(一般要加S),动词用复数(are)

10.else 和 other 都表示―别的‖,else 一般放在who、what等特殊疑问词或somebody 、someone等不定代词后,如someone else别人who else别的谁,而other一般放在名词前,如other animals

11.such和so 都表示―如此‖,such 后面一般跟名词短语,如such good weather,而so 后面一般跟形容词或副词,如so beautiful

12. 辨析invent; find; find out; discover

invent―发明‖,指通过劳动运用聪明才智―发明/创造‖出以前从未存在过的新事物 例:Who invented the telephone?

He invented a new teaching method.

find―找到、发现‖,指找到或发现自己所需要的东西或丢失的东西, 着重指找到的结果。

例:We've found oil under the South Sea.

I finally found my English book.

find out指经过研究或询问查明某事或真相。 例:I've found you out at last.

Please find out when the ship sails for New York. Please find out what time the delegation will come.

discover―发现‖,表示―偶然‖或―经过努力‖发现客观存在的事物、真理或错误,即指发现原来客观存在但不为人所知的事物,也可表示发现已为人所知的事物的新的性质或用途。 Columbus discovered America in1492.

We soon discovered the truth. 我们很快就弄清了真相。 13.一般过去时的被动语态(见P188页) 结构:was/were+过去分词




1.I bought this watch price.

A. at a low B. with a low C. at a cheap D. with a cheap 2.He met me in a busy street.

A. by accident B. by mistake C. all of sudden D. without doubt 3.—Would you like some coffee, please?

4.—Why do you speak in a loud voice?

—Because I want to make myself clearly. A. such, hear B. so, heard C. such, heard D. so, hear 5. Have you ever read books _________ by LUXUN? A. writing B. written C. are written D. writes

6.By accident one of the world‘s most popular drinks A. was invented. B. invented C. were invented D.to invent 7.—It‘s too late. I have to go now.

—Oh,it‘s raining outside. Don‘t leave it stops. A. since B. until C. while D. when

8.A year has four seasons and it twelve different star signs(星座).

A. divided into B.is dividing into C. dividing into D. is divided into 9.Jessica‘s parents always encourage her hard.

A. study B. studying C. to study D. will study 10.Annie to the party. She had a wonderful time with us,

A. invites B. is invited C. was invited D. has invited 11.Edison was a great . He over 1,000 during his life. A. invent, invented, inventions B. inventor, invented, invention C. inventor, invented, inventions D. inventor, invents, inventions

12.The number of books in the bookshop is about 10,000 and a number of them ________about science.

A. is B. was C. were D. are 13. John failed,he didn‘t give up.

A. Although B. Because C. Whether D. unless (1) 14.The little boy the river. People nearby hurried to pull him out of it. A. fell to B. fell into C. fell off D. fell over 15.Pizza is ready now, and it nice. Would you like some? A. smells B. feels C. sounds D./ 16.Joe was made in front of the whole class.

A. dance B. danced C. to dance D. dancing 17.Keys ________ used for ________ the doors.

A.is; opening B.are; opened C.are; opening D.is; opened 18.We are divided ________ five groups.

A.in B.into C.as D.with 19.The rain stops them________ going shopping.

A.to B.for C.from D.at 20.________ is believed that Liu Xiang is the best athlete in China.


A.I B.That C.It D.This 21.Flowers________ along the road last year.

A.plant B.planted C.are planted D. were planted 22.—A talk on American culture ________ in the school hall yesterday afternoon. —It's a pity. I missed it.

A.gave B.was given C.has given D.is given 23. The German team would win without any . It‘s a much better team.

A. hope

B. secret C. interest

D. doubt

24. — Why do many people buy things online on the 11th of November every year? — Because there are many sales. The prices are .

A. much cheaper B. much lower C. more expensive D. much higher A. smells

B. feels C. tastes

D. sounds

25. — How nice the fish ! — Really? I am sure you‘ll like it better if you try some. 26. — Sorry, sir. But is this umbrella yours?

— Oh, sorry. I just took it . Mine is under the seat. A. for yourself B. by mistake C. in person 27. — The 20th World Cup in Brazil, right? — Yes. It this summer.

A. held; took place B. was held; was taken place C. held; was taken place D. was held; took place 28. — Michael Jackson was called the king of pop, wasn‘t he? — Of course. He by people all over the world.

A. was looked up B. was looked up to C. looked up D. looked up to 29. — Was table tennis invented by the Chinese?

— No. It in China until the start of the 20th century.

A. played B. was played C. didn‘t play D. wasn‘t played 30. — Do you know in ancient China?

— I have no idea. But I know people once used tree leaves to make paper. A. how paper was made C. what paper was made

B. how was paper made

D. what was paper made (2)

D. at last

31.Who were the zippers invented ________?A.by B.for C.with D.at 32.—Thanks for the delicious food.


A.No, thanks B.That's right C.All right D.My pleasure 33. In his free time, he often teaches me how ________. A. swim B. swimming C. to swim D. swims

34.The mobile phone has influenced people's life a lot since it ________.

A.invents B.invented C.is invented D.was invented 35.I ________ stay up until 12:00 p.m last night.

A.is allowed to B.was allowed to C.allowed to D.was allowed 36.We need some players for the game.________ you ________ your brother can join us.

A.Not; but B.Neither; nor C.Either; or D.Not only; but also 37. Could you tell me ______?