【志鸿全优设计】八年级英语 unit 6 im going to study computer 联系客服

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点拨:begin to do sth.意为“开始做某事”;“从开始;从开头”用from the beginning。句意为“莉莉晚饭后从头开始读这本书”。


【例3】根据汉语意思完成下句 你们怎样开始你们的工作?

How do you ______ ______ your work? 答案:begin with ③

7.Some people write down their resolutions and plans for the coming year. 一些人写下他们来年的决定和计划。

write down 写下;记录下

Please write down your name on your paper. 请在你的试卷上写下你的名字。

take down 记下;写下 【例题】At the beginning of new term,teachers usually ask their students ______ their plans.

A.write down B.take down C.to write down D.taking down 点拨:ask sb.to do sth.是所用结构,故选C项。 答案:C

8.Many resolutions have to do with self-improvement.许多决定都和自我发展有关。

have to do with 关于;与……有关系

What does it have to do with you? 它与你有什么关系?

have nothing to do with 与……没关系

My brother has nothing to do with the fight. 我弟弟和打架没关系。

【例题】I heard you ______ to do with the person. A.have B.have nothing C.had D.has nothing

点拨:根据heard可知其后动词应用过去时某形式,故排除A、B、D三项。 答案:C ⑤

9.Some people might say they are going to take up a hobby like painting or taking photos,or learn to play the guitar.


take up (尤指为消遣) 学着做;开始做

He took up swimming last summer. 他去年夏天开始学游泳的。

和up 有关的短语:

cut up 切碎;get up起床;put up 搭建;举起 stay up late 熬夜;wake...up 把……叫醒 make up 编造;dress up 乔装打扮

【例题】Are you going to ______up a new hobby next year? A.put B.make C.get D.take 点拨:本题考查up构成的短语。put up意为“搭建;举起”;make up意为“编造”;get up意为“起床”;take up 意为“开始;从事”。根据 a new hobby可知是“从事一项新的业余爱好”,故选D项。


10.Do you agree with the writer?你同意作者的观点吗?

agree v. 同意;赞成;允许

They will never agree.他们永远不会同意。 agree with sb.同意某人/某人的话

Do you agree with me?你同意我的话吗? agree to do sth.同意做某事 He agreed to go with me. 他同意跟我一起去。

agree on 在……方面意见一致 We agree on the question. 在这个问题上我们意见一致。

【例题】Do you agree ______ me ______ the question? A.with;to B.to;on C.with;on D.on;with

点拨:agree with sb.意为“同意某人”;agree on 表示“在某方面意见一致”;句意为“你在这个问题上同意我吗?”


11.The first resolution has to do with my own personal improvement. 第一个决定和我个人的发展有关。

own adj. & pron. 自己的;本人的

常放于形容词性物主代词的后面。 You can see with your own eyes. 你可以用自己的眼睛看。

own v.拥有;占有

I own a building with a beautiful garden. 我拥有一所带着漂亮花园的楼房。 owner n. 所有者;物主

Who's the owner of the watch? 谁是这块手表的主人?

【例1】—Is that car ______? —Yes,it's ______ car.

A.yours;own my B.yours;my own C.your;own my D.your;my own



【例2】My father owns the new house.(改为同义句) My father is ______ ______ ______ the new house. 答案:the owner of

你未来想做什么工作?你打算怎样为你的理想奋斗?这正是本单元要学习的交际用语。 本单元涉及如何询问别人的计划和安排的交际用语。 1.—What do you want to be when you grow up? 你长大以后想做什么?

—I want to be a scientist. 我想当一名科学家。

本交际用语用来询问某人在未来工作方面的打算。 2.How are you going to do that?你打算怎样做?

该句询问如何为实现愿望而奋斗。回答时常用I'm going to do....的句式。 —How are you going to be a singer? 你想怎样成为一名歌手?

—I'm going to study music. 我打算学习音乐。

【例1】—______ she ______ healthy?

—She's going to exercise every morning.

A.How is;keeping B.What did;keep

C.What is;going to keep D.How is;going to keep 根据答语中的be going to结构,可知问句也用be going to 结构。答案 解析 排除A、B 两项;根据答语中的句意“她打算每天早晨进行锻炼”D 可知是“保持健康的方式”,故排除C项。 句意 “她打算怎样保持健康?”“她打算每天早晨锻炼。” 【例2】 I want to be a_writer when I grow up.(对画线部分提问) ______ do you want to ______ when you grow up? 点拨:此处为对职业提问,需用疑问词what,且为want to 结构,谓语动词需用原形。 答案:What;be


本单元的写作是介绍自己或他人的理想中的工作。在写这样的文章时,首先要写出自己或他人的理想是什么,即希望成为什么人,为什么希望成为那样的人;其次写出应该怎样朝着理想去努力奋斗,即怎样做来实现理想;最后点题。因为是理想中的工作,所以常用be going to 表示的将来时态来描述。


假如你是韩明(15岁),请根据下面的提示词,以My future job为题写一篇短文,60词左右。

提示词:like,play sports,write articles,school magazine,sports reporter,grow up,newspaper,work for,CCTV

My future job

I'm Han Ming.I am fifteen years old.I like playing sports and writing articles.I play football and basketball every day.And I often write articles for our school magazine.I want to be a sports reporter when I grow up.I am going to write articles for newspapers.And I want to work for CCTV as a sports reporter.Now I work very hard.I think my dream will come true.

点评:本文是谈论将来打算的一篇文章。作者根据所给提示,运用be going to 结构,表明了自己为实现愿望所要做出的努力,使文章活泼生动,主题鲜明。