上海牛津英语4A期末复习卷(重难点全面) 联系客服

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2012学年四年级第一学期英语4A 期末多练卷 Class ________ Name________ NO.______

Part 1 Listening 40% Ⅰ. Listen and choose: 5%

( ) 1. A. September B. October C. December ( ) 2. A. happy B. hungry C. thirsty ( ) 3. A. shirt B. shorts C. T-shirt

( ) 4. A. a bottle of juice B. a bowl of water C. a plate of water ( ) 5. A. Peter’s father B. Peter’s mother C. Peter’s brother

Ⅱ. Listen and choose: 5%

( ) 1. A. I always play football on Mondays. B. They always play cards on Mondays. C. We always play basketball on Mondays.

( ) 2. A. Look, my uncle is a bus driver. B. Look, my aunt is a taxi driver. C. Look, my cousin is a car driver.

( ) 3. A. There are some boys in the canteen. B. There aren’t any boys in the canteen. C. Are there any boys in the canteen?

( ) 4. A. It’s a shop near my home. B. There is a shop near my home. C. The shop is near my home.

( ) 5. A. Don’t open the window, please. B. Don’t close the window, please. C. Don’t shut the window, please.

Ⅲ. Listen and number: 6% ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Ⅳ. Listen and choose: 5%

( ) 1. A. I am a teacher. B. She’s a teacher. C. He’s a teacher. ( ) 2. A. It’s warm B. It’s hot. C. I’s cool.

( ) 3. A. It’s five yuan. B. They are five yuan. C. They are five. ( ) 4. A. What can you do? ( ) 5. A. How old are you?

Ⅴ. Listen and choose: 4% ( ) 1. A. 12 ( ) 2. A. In the canteen. ( ) 3. A. It’s cloudy. ( ) 4. A. A car driver.

B. Can you swim? B. How are you?

C. Do you like swimming? C. Where are you?

B. 13 B. In the teachers’ office. B. It’s windy. B. A firefighter.

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C. 14

C. In the post office. C. It’s sunny.

C. A police officer.

Ⅵ. Listen and tick(听一听,在相应的空格内打勾):5% Father Mother Uncle Aunt Cousin Ⅶ. Listen and fill in the blanks: 5%

Bill and Sue are brother and sister. They are both primary school ___________ and go to the same school.

They go to Mr. Zhang’s ___________ and see some nice rabbits. They love the rabbits very much, but they __________ no money to buy them.

Sue has a good idea. She and Bill help their father __________ apples on the farm every Saturday and Sunday. So their father gives them __________ yuan each.

Sue and Bill go to Mr. Zhang’s shop again. Both of them buy lovely rabbits. One is white and the other is black. They call the black rabbit Bunny and the white one Judy. They like them very much.

Ⅷ. Listen and choose: 5%

( ) 1. My grandfather has a _________. A. big farm B. small farm C. small zoo ( ) 2. There are ________ cows there. A. four B. five C. ten ( ) 3. The sheep like __________. A. corn B. hey C. grass ( ) 4. The _________are fat. A. ducks B. hens C. pigs ( ) 5. The dog has no sharp _________ . A. meat B. bones C. teeth

Part 2 Reading and writing(阅读部分)60% Ⅰ. Copy the words and sentences: 6%

Martin abilities Australia some lamp posts two princesses have lunch _________________________________________________________________

is there any bread in eddies bowl no there isnt


Ⅱ. Look and write: 6%

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. --- What can you do in F__________? --- I can ski on the snow. 2. --- What does your father do? --- He’s a police o__________. 3. --- Can he j__________? --- Yes, he can.

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4. --- What’s in the lab? --- There are many c__________. 5. --- Where is the toy? --- It’s b__________ the boxes. 6. --- D__________ pick the flowers. --- OK.

Ⅲ. Read and judge: 5%

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. desk mask fruit green toast coats star spider thin that Ⅳ. Read and write: 4%

1. There ________ (be) some milk. There ________ (be) some sweets, too. 2. Look at __________ (Alice) dress. __________ (she) dress is pink.

3. My father __________ (have) a car, but I only ________ (have) a bicycle.

4. I see two __________(aviary) in the park. The birds like __________ (sing) in them.

Ⅴ. Read and write: 5%

1. You are a student. He is a ___________ and she is a ___________. 2. I’m very cold. Please give me a coat, a __________ or a pair of _________. 3. This is our school. Near our school, you can see a _________ and some __________. 4. We don’t like rainy days. I like __________ days and __________ days. 5. Look at me. I can run, __________, ____________ and so on.

Ⅵ. Choose the best answer: 8%

( ) 1. My little sister is only one __________ old.

A. year B. years C. / ( ) 2. Look, Supergirl can fly very __________. A. good B. much C. high ( ) 3. I am __________. Please give me some biscuits.

A. thirsty B. hungry C. tired ( ) 4. My father’s brother is my __________.

A. grandfather B. brother C. uncle ( ) 5. Danny has a new __________.

A. dress B. shirt C. blouse ( ) 6. What __________ your friend ___________?

A. does/ do B. does/ does C. do/ does ( ) 7. How is the weather? It’s ___________.

A. wind B. windy C. window ( ) 8. Is there __________ orange juice in the bowl?

A. an B. some C. any

Ⅶ. Rewrite the sentences: 10%

1. I am very happy. (根据划线提问)__________________________________ 2. This skirt is wet. (改为否定句,但意思不变)__________________________ 3. I have a bar of chocolate.(改为一般疑问句) _____________________________

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4. Please throw the rubbish. (改为否定句)________________________________ 5. How is the weather today?(根据实际情况回答)______________________________

Ⅷ. Read and choose: 6%

( ) 1. How much is your jacket? A. It’s black and white. ( ) 2. How many jackets are there? B. It’s 100 yuan. ( ) 3. What colour is the jacket? C. It’s in my hand. ( ) 4. How much are the jackets? D. There are 100. ( ) 5. Where is the jacket? E. Yes, there is one. ( ) 6. Is there a jacket on the table? F. They are 100 yuan.

Ⅸ. Read and judge: 5%

I have two new classmates. The girl’s name is Alice and the boy’s name is Eddie. Alice is tall and thin. She can swim well. But she can’t cook well. She’s strong. She has a toy aeroplane. It’s purple. It’s super. She likes it very much. Eddie is short, but he can run very fast. He can draw the Alice’s grandfather’s farm well.

Look, this is Alice’s grandpa’s farm. It’s big. There are many animals and plants on the farm. We can’t pick the flowers, climb the trees or chase animals. There is a pond on the farm, too. There are some fishes in the pond. You can’t throw stones in the pond. We must(必须)make the farm clean. So we must put the rubbish in the bin.

Eddie has a cat. His name’s Ginger. Alice has a dog. Her name’s Sam. Now Ginger is hungry. He’s eating. But Sam is angry. He’s hungry, too. So Sam is chasing Ginger. Ginger is afraid. But Sam is happy.

( ) 1. Alice is a tall and fat girl. ( ) 2. She can cook.

( ) 3. Eddie can draw some pictures.

( ) 4. We can pick the flowers on the farm. ( ) 5. Sam is Eddie’s cat.

Ⅹ. Write at least 5 sentences(请说说你生活中熟悉的一个场所,可以做什么,可以吃什么,是一个怎样的场所呢?把它写下来,至少40个单词,要求2-3种句型。先将题目补充完整。):5%



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