新陕旅版四年级下册小学英语全册同步练习(一课一练) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章新陕旅版四年级下册小学英语全册同步练习(一课一练)更新完毕开始阅读166aac93ce22bcd126fff705cc17552707225ecd

精品文档 用心整理


一、1. babies 2. write 3. where is 4. siting 5. what about 二、1. are;singing 2. What;is;doing 3. Where;are

4. kitchen;What;doing;cooking 三、1. B

2. B 3. A 4. A 5. A 资料来源于网络 仅供免费交流使用

精品文档 用心整理

Unit 2 I'm Cooking in the Kitchen 第四课时

一、看图选句子。 What is she/he doing? A. He is drawing a picture. B. He is watching TV. C. He is eating.

D. She is jumping rope. E. He is swimming. F. He is singing. ( )1. ( )2. ( )3.

( )4. ( )5. ( )6.


1. I run (每天). 2. He is busy (做饭). 3. We are (飞翔). 4. She is (制作飞机). 5. My sister is (画)a picture.


My family are all at home. Look! My mother is cooking lunch. My father is watching TV. My sister is drawing a picture in the study. Where's my grandfather? Oh, he is reading a book in his bedroom.What am I doing? Haha, I'm writing a letter to my friend. Look, who is playing with the ball? Oh, it is my lovely cat. ( ) 1. My father is sleeping.

( ) 2. My mother is cooking dinner now. ( ) 3. My grandfather is reading a book. ( ) 4. My sister is playing games with the cat. ( ) 5. I'm writing a letter to my friend.

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精品文档 用心整理


一、1. F 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. E 6. A

二、1. every day 2. cooking 3. flying 4. making a plane 5. drawing 三、1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T

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精品文档 用心整理

Unit 3 Is It Snowing? 第一课时


A. glasses B. snow C. wind D. rain E. cloud F. raincoat 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( )

4.( ) 5.( )

6.( )


1.rain(现在分词) 2.snow(现在分词) 3.cloud(形容词) 4.snow(形容词) 三、超级小翻译。

1.雪人 2. 蓝色的天 3. 在空中飞 4. 一副眼镜


( )1. windy A. go swimming

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