(完整word版)2018年浦东新区初三英语一模卷和答案解析 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章(完整word版)2018年浦东新区初三英语一模卷和答案解析更新完毕开始阅读1680d41a4935eefdc8d376eeaeaad1f3469311c1


69. According to the poster, you should not donate _______ to the People’s Food Bank. A. cereal B. rice C. tinned food D. milk 70. According to the poster, food that _____ is accepted. A. can’t be used after 25 December B. won’t go bad until April C. will go bad in one month D. helps to feed the Christmas tree 71. According to the poster, people who ______ are not helped by the donations. A. are too busy to cook B. have no place to live in C. are blind and poor D. have money problems 72. What cannot we do for People’s Food Bank? A. Do volunteer work. B. Save money online.

C. Learn about fund-raising activities. D. Bring food to the collection points. 73. People’s Food Bank _____. A. stores food for Christmas tree B. sells food to the people in need C. reminds people not to waste food D. purchases food for the community 74. The main purpose of the poster is to _______. A. look for volunteers B. set up a food bank C. celebrate Christmas D. introduce a kind of charity work

B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12分)

Do you feel cool and calm? If your answer is no, you’re not alone. In today’s society, many people find it difficult to slow down. Fast-paced lifestyles make it hard for many to really relax. The good news is you needn’t ___75___ to a nice place for relaxation. You can experience these in



the middle of a stress-filled life. Better thinking

The ability of relaxation depends more on your thinking than your situation. The next time when you suffer from worry, think about the situation. What is the problem? What is the cause? Most importantly, what can you do about it? Then, make an“action plan”or a“to-do list”to help you feel less worried. ___76___, if the situation is not in your hands, you should let it go. Take a walk, exercise and talk to a friend to get your mind off the problem. A habit of relaxing

Even the busiest people arrange short periods of relaxation into their timetable. They do so because they know it’s ___77___. The time you spend relaxing is an important period. A 10-minute break in the middle of a long workday can increase your productivity(生产力). You can find a(n) ___78___, such as exercise, a hot bath or favourite TV show, to make you come to life. A few restful hours of doing something you really enjoy may help you to face a busy week. Restful sleep

Unfortunately, not being able to relax causes some people to lose their most important rest: sleep. If that’s you, write everything on your mind in your diary before going to bed. Write down both problems and possible ___79___. This can help you release thoughts that might prevent you from getting needed sleep.

Finally, ___80___ your disadvantages. You can’t do everything perfectly, but you can get the rest and relaxation you need to do many things better.

75. A. capture B. escape C. discover D. manage 76. A. So B. However C. Above all D. As a result 77. A. necessary B. dramatic C. common D. traditional 78. A. place B. location C. activity D. event 79. A. ideas B. exercises C. suggestions D. solutions 80. A. deny B. explain C. recognize D. catch

C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14分)

Every morning Sarah turns on her computer. First, she checks her email. Then, she v___81___ a social networking website to find out what her friends are doing. On this website, she reads news from her friends. For example, she may look at comments her friends made about movies, music, books and other friends. On her page, Sarah writes a short a___82___ about what she is doing. Like many young people, Sarah enjoys meeting and communicating with others on social networks. These websites let people see what their friends are doing and thinking.

Social networking sites become more and more popular every day, and they are popular all around the world. Why has the social networking s___83___ to different users so quickly?

One reason is because people are social. We like to communicate with other people. We use cell phones, email, QQ and websites to learn what our friends are doing. Social networking sites are interactive(互动)and personal. People can share photographs with each other. They can tell people what they are doing at any moment and keep in touch. They can post a link to site with their favourite song or band. Many people post their videos on sites like YouTube. Other users can give their o___84___ on these photos and videos. This makes these



websites become more popular.

Being able to write on the site is a___85___ reason. In the past, websites only had information for users to read. Today, the Internet is more interactive than it was in the past. Now anyone can have their own website, blog, or page on sites like Facebook. Readers are now also writers and can add materials to the Web e___86___. People can express their own ideas, and they can put their own experience online.

Social networking sites have become widely used among all ages. D___87___ college, students spend almost two hours every day on

Facebook. Teenagers and older people often use their sites as well. The Internet keeps changing, but one thing is clear: People enjoy using websites to share and communicate online.

D. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)(12分)

Tim was running for(竞选)grade president. He and his friend Zack were putting up coloured posters in the school garden. They wrote,“TIM SHOULD WIN!”

A fifth grader walked by them and saw the poster in the library. He read the poster and asked,“Why? Why should you win?”and then walked away.

Tim had never thought about why before. He knew that he was popular in his grade and a lot of students would vote for him.

“I suppose you should have some changes in the poster”,Zack

suggested,“More break time? Hey, how about that new coffee machine in the boys’ changing room you’re always talking about?”

At home, Tim and Zack made up new posters that said,“VOTE TIM: New coffee machine in the boys’ changing room. Everyone will play soccer at lunch.”

The next day at school, some of Tim’s regular friends avoided him, especially the girls,“What’s the matter with everyone?”Tim puzzled while standing in the lunch line.

“I’ll tell you what’s wrong,”said a small girl in line behind him.“Almost no one likes your campaign promises(竞选承诺). The girls couldn’t care less if you’re going to get a coffee machine in the boys’ changing room. And, nobody wants to be told they have to play soccer at break, Some people like to play other games.”

Tim thought about what he could do. Tim and Zack decided to conduct a survey among the fourth graders and make a bar graph according to the result. Then they made up new campaign posters. The students were pleased with Tim’s promises on the posters. They started talking to him again, and the next week he won the election. Tim realized…

88. Was Zack running for grade president? 89. Where did the fifth grader see their poster?

90. In which grade would Tim like to be grade president? 91. How many times did they make up the posters?

92. What did Tim and Zack do before making the last posters? 93. After Tim won the election, what did Tim realize?

Ⅶ. Writing(作文)(共20分)



94. Write at least 60 words on the topic“The beauty in my life”(以“我生活中的美”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格) 生活中的美无处不在,如在学校活动中、与家人共处时、与朋友欢聚时、与动物相处时……,请选择一个方面,结合发生在你自己身上的一次经历,来写一写你发现的家人或师生间的亲情之美,朋友或同学间的友谊之美,人与动物间的和谐之美……,并说说理由。 (注意:短文中不得出现任何人名、学校及其它相关信息,否则不予评分。)


26-30 BBADA 31-35 ACCDB 36-40 CDCAD 41-45 BDBAC 46-49 CEBA 50-53 DABC

54. Germans 55. his 56. two 57. length 58. recent 59. succeed 60. rarely 61. unhappy

62. Does, enjoy 63. didn’t it

64. What , create 65. are hung 66. If, don’t

67. whether , had

68. They have not found the way to deal with the problem.

69-74 DAABCD 75-80 CBACDC 81. visits 82. article 83. spread 84. opinions 85. another 86. easily 87. During

工程部维修工的岗位职责 1、 严格遵守公司员工守则和各项规章制度,服从领班安排,除完成日常维修任务外,有计划地承担其它工作任务; 2、 努力学习技术,熟练掌握现有电气设备的原理及实际操作与维修; 3、 积极协调配电工的工作,出现事故时无条件地迅速返回机房,听从领班的指挥; 4、 招待执行所管辖设备的检修计划,按时按质按量地完成,并填好记录表格; 5、 严格执行设备管理制度,做好日夜班的交接班工作; 6、 交班时发生故障,上一班必须协同下一班排队故障后才能下班,配电设备发生事故时不得离岗; 7、 请假、补休需在一天前报告领班,并由领班安排合适的替班人.
