山东省高考英语模拟试题(二) 联系客服

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me smile —work 40 was washed away.

Late afternoon was the 41 time rush-hour traffic filled the street with cars and buses. After waving became 42 , I tried to improve my act. I made signs: “Hi!”, “Hello!”, and “Be Happy!” I 43 them in the window and waved.

44 Day approached. Job cuts were announced. Several co – workers would 45 their jobs. Stress reached a high point. Everyone was 46 . We needed to do something to beak the tension (紧张状态).

While working one night, a red jacket 47 my attention. I used my 48 and turned it into a Santa’s costume the net day my co-workers gathered around me and 49 for the first time in weeks. Just then my boss passed by. He looked up, saw me, shook his head and left.

I thought I 50 trouble. Soon my boss phoned me: “Mike, come to my office!” When in his office, I felt very nervous. “Mike …” Tears 51 in his eyes, as I sat silent and confused. When he regained 52 , he said, “Thanks, Mike! With the job cuts, it’s been hard to enjoy the Charismas. Thanks for the laugh, I 53 it.”

That evening, and every evening of the Christmas season, I stood 54 in the window. People smiled at the strange Santa. My heart filled with joy, 55 I made those people smile after a long day at work. 36. A. doors restaurants 37. A. speeded up

D. pulled through

B. hid

C. left

D. waved

C. right

D. slow

38. A. shouted 40. A. stress

D. challenge

B. hardest

C. longest


41. A. best quickest

42. A. encouraging 43. A. saw 44. A. Labor National 45. A. lose

B. seek

C. finish C. depressed

D. take



B. windows B. broke down

C. rooms C. looked up


39. A. important B. bad

B. pleasure C. experience

B. embarrassing C. moving B. read B. Christmas

C. posted

D. boring D. painted

C. Thanksgiving D.

46. A. terrified B. satisfied

exhausted 47. A. relaxed escaped

48. A. imagination

D. strategy

B. laughed B. forgot B. formed

C. acted


49. A. spoke returned 50. A. took 51. A. fell disappeared

52. A. confidence B. balance strength 53. A. needed chose

54. A. luckily

D. naturally

B. because

C. although

D. if

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A

He grew up playing in the narrow, crowded streets of Manhattan’s Chinatown. He has lived and worked there for all his 61 years. But as Wee Wong walks the neighborhood these days, he cannot understand half the Chinese conversations he hears. “I can’t even order food on East Broadway,” he said, “they don’t speak English; I don’t speak Putonghua. I’m just as lost as everyone else.” Cantonese, a dialect from southern China that has dominated the Chinatowns of North America for decades, is being rapidly swept aside by Mandarin, the national language of China and the lingua franca of most of the latest Chinese immigrants.

The change can be heard in the neighborhood’s lively restaurants and solemn church services, in parks, street markets and language schools. It has been accelerated by Chinese-American parents, including many who speak Cantonese at home, as they urge their children to learn Putonghua for the advantages it could bring as China’s influence grows in the world.

But the eclipse (黯然失色) of Cantonese — in New York, China and around


B. drew C. deserved


B. relation C. experience

C. caused C. dried C. control C. accepted

D avoided D.

D. D.

B. knew B. eagerly

C. proudly

55. A. but


the world — has become a challenge for older people who speak only that dialect and face increasing isolation unless they learn Putonghua or English. Though Cantonese and Putonghua share nearly all the same written characters, the pronunciations are vastly different; when spoken, Putonghua may be incomprehensible (不可理解的) to a Cantonese speaker.

With Putonghua’s popularity has come a reorganization of power in Chinese-American communities, where the recent immigrants are gaining economic and political power, said Peter Kwong, a professor of Asian-American studies at Hunter College.

“The fact of the matter is that you have a whole generation switch, with very few people speaking only Cantonese,” he said. The Cantonese-speaking populace(人口), he added, “is not the player anymore.” The switch mirrors a big change under way in China.

56. According to the first paragraph, Wee Wong ______. A. is very fond of Putonghua Cantonese

57. The underlined word “It” in Paragraph 2 probably refers to ______. A. China’s influence

B. Chinese conversation

C. the national language of China D. the rise of Putonghua

58. Chinese-American parents urge their children to learn Putonghua so as to ______.

A. follow the current fashion B. make Putonghua more popular

C. have an opportunity to work in China D. make them adapt of the new situation

59. What difference will Putonghua’s popularity make? A. Few people would like to learn Cantonese. B. More and more Americans begin to learn Putonghua. C. New immigrants’ influence is becoming significant.

D. Putonghua will become the most widely used language in the world. 60. The underlined word “isolation” in Paragraph 3 probably means _____. A. loneliness B. competition C. change D. choice


The furred or hairy sea mammals such as seals have a variety of interesting adaptations that permit them to spend a long time under water,


B. is lost on East Broadway

C. can’t understand Chinese at all D. can speak both English and

sometimes at considerable depths. However, they rise frequently to breathe and emerge from the ocean to sleep and relax on a sandy beach, rock, floating ice or snow cave above the water. Diving tends to be used for hunting purposes.

The situation is less clear for whales, sea cows and manatees. The whales evolved from land animals that returned to the sea millions of years ago. Though whales come to the surface to breathe air into their lungs, they can spend a remarkably long time between breaths, up to an hour in some species, and spend nearly all their lives under water.

However, whales learned to hold their breath so well that they lost their

involuntary breathing mechanism (无意识的呼吸功能) and must be conscious to

continue to breathe. Not only will a reflex (本能反应)have to take care of breathing, it will have to take them to the surface for air. Also, the blow hole (鲸头顶的呼吸孔) automatically closes and must be opened voluntarily by the whale. Whales would drown if they fell asleep or were knocked unconscious. They must think about each breath. It cannot have an unconscious sleep as we know it. “There are theories that the whale has the ability to rest half of the brain and control breathing functions with the other half, but they are just theories.” Said Mr. Walsh, director of marine mammal training at the Aquarium for Wildlife Conservation in Coney Island, Brooklyn.

Sea cows and manatees tend to live in warm, calm, shallow, vegetation-rich waters where they can float lazily at or near the surface. They do not expend much energy to control body temperature and require little oxygen. They may sleep or rest supported by the bottom of their body. When they hold their breath, large blubber deposits and natural buoyancy (鲸脂层和自然浮力) let them float at the surface and engage in a resting behavior, though not an unconscious sleep.

61. What is the passage mainly about? A. Ocean animals’ hunting skills. B. Typical endangered ocean animals. C. How sea mammals sleep. D. How animals float.

62. Which of the following animals can have a deep sleep? A. Seals. B. Whales C. Sea cows D. Manatees 63. We can learn from Paragraph 3 that whales _________. A. float near the surface to sleep B. may not sleep at all