038《经济学家》读译参考之三十八:踩高跷的故事-蚂蚁数着步子走路 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章038《经济学家》读译参考之三十八:踩高跷的故事-蚂蚁数着步子走路更新完毕开始阅读17c321d73a3567ec102de2bd960590c69fc3d844


A stilted story 踩高跷的故事(陈继龙 编译)

Jun 29th 2006

From The Economist print edition

IF THERE were a Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ants, Matthias Wittlinger of the University of Ulm, in Germany, would probably be top of its hate list. The reason is that Dr Wittlinger and his c________① have, as they report in this week's Science, been chopping the feet off ants. And not only that. They have been making other ants walk around on stilts.


Saharan desert ants of the genus Cataglyphis have to travel long distances to discover food in their i________②, sandy environment. How they find their way home once they have

done so is a mystery. Ants in more temperate climates often lay down chemical trails, but Cataglyphis, apparently, does not. Like honeybees and ancient mariners, they can n_______③ by the sun, so they know the general direction in which to travel. But, also like ancient mariners (who knew their latitude, but not their longitude), such solar reckoning cannot tell them when to stop.


Dr Wittlinger, therefore, decided to investigate a century-old h_______④ that desert ants have internal pedometers—in other words, they count their steps out, and they count them back. When one total matches the other, they are home. To test this idea he trained his ants to walk from their nests to a feeding station through a ten-metre-long channel. When they had picked up the food, he caught them and made them return through a different channel, which also led to the nest. (1)When they made this return journey, they began their characteristic nest-searching behaviour, quartering the ground in detail looking for the entrance, after travelling about ten metres. 所以,威特林格博士决定验证一下一个世纪猜想——沙漠蚂蚁体内含有步数计(里程表),换言之,它们在出行时算好步数,然后再一步步数着返回。等到两者总数吻合时,就“到家”了。为此,威特林格博士对其养殖的蚂蚁进行了训练,让它们经过一条十米长的沟从蚁巢走到一个饲喂点。当它们获取食物后,就把它们捉住,让它们通过另一条通往蚁巢的沟返回。返回时,它们特有的觅巢行为就开始了,即在行走了大约10米远后,它们会在地上仔细地刻下指向蚁巢入口的标记。

Once the ants had m_______⑤ this trick, the experiment proper began. Some ants, when they arrived at the

feeding station, had the ends of their legs amputated[1], to shorten their stride length. Others were fitted with stilts in the form of pig-bristles[2] glued to their feet. Both lots were then returned to the feeding station, to make the journey home.


(2)As predicted, the ants on stilts, whose stride-length meant their internal pedometers[3] had not clicked enough times, walked blithely[4] past their nests, and were left stranded almost five metres on the far side before they started looking for the hole. Meanwhile, the poor stumped[5] ants travelled only about six metres before they started their search.


The story, however, has a happy ending. Having proved his point, Dr Wittlinger returned both stumped and stilted ants to the nest and gave them a few days to recover. Then he let them out for another run. Now that they could re-count their outbound journeys, they were able to calculate the journey home correctly. _________________________________(蚂蚁也许并不太聪明,但似乎天生就是算术高手。)



1. 根据首字母以及括号内的词性提示和英文释义填入单词(注意复数、时态形式变化等):

①c________(n. someone you work with, used especially by professional people) ②i________(adj. very poor)

③n________(v. to find which way you need to go when you are travelling from one place to another) ④h________(n. an idea that is suggested as an explanation for something, but that has not yet been proved to be true)

⑤m_________ (v. to learn a skill or a language so well that you have no difficulty with it)

2. 英译汉(将划线部分英文翻译成中文):



1. amputate v. 切除(手臂、腿等) 2. pig-bristle n. 猪鬃 3. pedometer n. 步数计

4. blithely adv. 无忧无虑地;悠然自得地 5. stump v. 脚步沉重地行走;绊倒;难住


1. ①colleagues 同事;②impoverished 贫困的;③navigate 航行;行走;④hypothesis 猜想,假设;⑤

mastered 掌握,学会


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