2019年杭州市西湖区英语一模卷含答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章2019年杭州市西湖区英语一模卷含答案更新完毕开始阅读18290eb0f02d2af90242a8956bec0975f565a4c7


第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)



At 15, Stephen Sutton found out that he had cancer. Instead of feeling sorry for himself, he decided to make the most of the day and live every second to the fullest. He ended up achieving more in a few years than many could in a lifetime.

Stephen made a long list, which had goals ranging from skydiving to hugging a huge animal. He didn’t manage to check off all the items on his list, but he did achieve the first item, which was to raise money for the Teenage Cancer Trust.

At first, he set out to raise £10,000 for the Trust. However, the passion(热情)he put into his fund-raising efforts drew the attention of many famous people. In a matter of months, Stephen raised over£3 million.

Stephen had wanted to study hard and become a doctor so that he could make a contribution to the world. However, his doctors suggested that he take a year off from school. Instead of following their suggestion, Stephen continued with his studies, receiving excellent grades.

In December 2012, doctors told him that his disease was not able to be cured. That was when he made his list and decided to put his energy into raising money for young people with cancer. Stephen saw this as the best way to make his own life better. \don’t see the point in measuring(测量)life in terms of time anymore. I’d rather measure life in terms of making a difference, \

On May 14, 2014, Stephen passed away in his sleep. He was 19. Tributes(哀悼)poured in from all over the world, calling him exactly what he was —a selfless and inspiring person. His experience teaches

us the importance of appreciating life and helping others.

( )16. According to the passage, which of the following about Stephen is TRUE? A. Stephen felt really sorry for himself after knowing the fact.

B. Stephen managed to raise much more money than he had expected.

C. Stephen followed his doctor’s suggestion and took a year off from school. D. Stephen was Lucky to achieve all of his wishes on the list at last. ( )17. Why did Stephen want to become a doctor? A. To raise more money for the Trust. B. To make his own life much better C. To help the world and people in need D. To show his great ability in learning.

( )18. How old was Stephen when he decided to raise money for the Teenage Cancer Trust?

A.15 B.17 C.19. D.21

( )19. What is the correct order in which these events happened?

a. Stephen wrote down his wishes and tried his best to raise money for the Trust. b. Although Stephen died at a young age, people praised him highly.


c. A lot of people followed Stephen, and he raised over f3 million at last.

d. Stephen discovered that he had cancer and decided to do something different. A. d-c-a-b B. a-c-d-b C. a-d-c-b D. d-a-c-b


( )20. What can be learned from the sentence\’s shows sold out in SIX MINUTES!”?

A. Tickets are supposed to be bought in no less than six minutes B. You, could buy last year’s tickets if one more minute was given. C. The shows are popular and you need to buy tickets quickly. D. You will just have six minutes to buy tickets this year. ( )21. According to the ad, we can know that A Fluffy Puppy will sing before the Sowat Brothers. B. the concert will take Place outdoors at night.

C. tickets for the concert can be bought at several places. D. the Sowat Brothers are not as popular as they used to be.

( )22. Which of the following is the name of one song that the Sowat Brothers sing?

A.“ Back in Town” B.“ Comet Comeback”

C. “Close the Book on Love” D. “Don't Devour My Heart”


You cant always choose your room, but you can choose the things inside it. Because of that, your bedroom says a lot about your personality.

And were not only talking about your favorite hobbies or your taste in music and books. Of course a guitar behind the door or science fiction stories in your bookcase give people information about you, but a careful look at your bedroom can teach them


a lot more than that. The colors in your room, for example, are very interesting, Has your room got bright colors on the walls, curtains, chairs or quilt? Then you probably love trying new experiences. People with pale walls are often friendly and talkative, but people with dark walls don’t like meeting new people. Black and white is a popular choice for people with strong opinions.

Why do you want to have a big wardrobe(衣柜)? A big wardrobe often means that you are into fashion, but not always. It can also be a sign that you hate throwing old things away and prefer keeping everything behind your wardrobe door.

Someone with a tidy room is usually cheerful, but someone with an untidy room is often unhappy. The pictures on your walls say a lot, too. Those who are willing to give money and help like decorating their rooms with photos of their friends and family but if your own face is in every picture or you have more than one mirror, watch out! This shows that you are probably a bit selfish.

So, before you invite your friends into your bedroom, think carefully. What message will your bedroom give them about you?

( )23. The underlined word “that”? in the second paragraph refers to_____. A talking about what you like best B. choosing the things inside your room C. putting a guitar behind the door D. looking at your room carefully ( )24. The writer organizes Paragraph 4 by asking a question and_____. A. telling stories B. listing reasons C giving examples D. providing facts ( )25. We can infer that the owner is a happy person from a room with____. A. three mirrors B a big wardrobe C. dark walls D. everything in order ( )26. Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A. Tidy your room every day! B. What does your bedroom say about you? C. How can you have a cool bedroom? D. Invite your friends into your room!


For a long time, scientists believed that only humans were left- or right-handed. However, recent studies have shown that this isn’t true. Just like People. animals favor one side or the other.

In Ireland, scientists studied a group of 42 cats. They gave them three tasks. One was to get a delicious piece of fish gut of a bottle.They found that the male cats preferred to use their left paw, and the female cats preferred to use their right.

Being left- or right- handed isn’t limited

(有限的)to arms and legs. It can include eyes, ears, claws, and even tails. In Italy, scientists discovered that dogs wag their tails to the right when they see something that they like. When they see something that they don’t like, their tails go to the left.

There are lots of other fun examples. Left-handed dolphins swim in a different direction around the pool. Elephants like to swing their trunks in one direction. Even snakes prefer to curl up only one way.


Many people believe that polar bears are left-handed. They say, for example, that polar bears cover their black nose with their right paw, which helps them hide in the now when they are hunting. Then they can sneak up(悄悄靠近) on a seal,and their left paw will be free to catch it.

Scientists, however, disagree. Some have watched polar bears for thousands of hours. They never saw the bears cover their nose during a hunt. They also saw no evidence(证据)that they were left-handed.

Without taking any notice of this, many websites continue to say that polar bears are left-handed.

Scientists are still learning about animals and their behaviors. The next time you see an animal, whether it's your pet cat or an elephant, try figuring out yourself which it prefers—left or right.

( )27. The underlined word\A. give B.find C. see D. prefer ( )28. In Paragraph 2, we can get the information about_______. A. an Irish scientist who studies cats. B. a study about cats and its findings.

C. three tasks done by male and female cats. D. an introduction on how cats get fish.

( )29. Which one of the following statements is TRUE about polar bears?

A.It's believed that polar bears are left-handed for they use their left paw to cover their nose.

B.The finding that polar bears cover their nose while hunting supported by scientists. C. Scientists disagree with the popular belief that polar bears are left-handed.

D. The information from many websites that polar bears are left-handed is believable. ( )30. The purpose of this passage is mainly to___________. A. introduce recent studies of animals

B.explain why some animals are left -handed C. tell us which side animals prefer.

D. learn about animals in different countries


下面文章有五处(第31-35题)要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。 A. Have you ever danced in the rain?

B Have you ever changed the color of your hair?

C Have you ever learned how to play a musical instrument? D. Have you ever been to a foreign country?

E Have you ever done something nice for someone you don't know? F Have you ever stayed up all night?

50 things to do before you're 18!

If you haven't turned eighteen yet, My world magazine wants to hear from you! We want your suggestions for a ‘50 things to do before you're 18’ list. Begin with the question\” we only want ideas you’ve already tried yourself!