《语言学导论》复习思考题01 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章《语言学导论》复习思考题01更新完毕开始阅读186e5b3069eae009581becdf

39. In the sentence 'I took my big brown cat to the vet yesterday', which of the following does not appear? ____D___.

A. Adjective B. Preposition C. Adverb D. Conjunction

40. What is the meaning relationship between the two words “plant/grass”? ____C__. A. Homonymy B. Antonymy C. Hyponymy D. Allomorphs 41. The syllabic structure of the word “linguistics” is __B____. A. CVCCVCCVCC B. CVCCCVCCVCC C. CVCCVVCCVCC D. CVCVVCCVCC

42. The phonetic transcription with diacritics is called __D__.

A. broad transcription B. International Phonetic Alphabet C. American English Pronunciation D. narrow transcription

43. The Black English sentence “I don't gotta do nothing” is considered incorrect because: C

a) it contains a double negative and is thus inherently incorrect b) it is impossible to understand

c) it is not associated with the upper class use of standard English d) both a and b above

44. According to their ___B___, words can classified into closed-class and open-class words.

A. variability B. membership C. similarities D. functions 45. When language is used to \

A. evocative B. expressive C. directive D. performative 46. \

A. free morpheme B. derivative C. compound D. root. 47. The phrase “time is a commodity” is an example of___B____.

A. The Whorf Hypothesis B. A metaphoric system C. A non-standard variety D. A rich point

48. ____A___ is a type of phonological process by which one sound takes on some or all the characteristics of a neighboring sound.

A. Assimilation B. Transformation C. Code-switching D. interference

49. ___C____ refers to the use of a native language pattern or rule which leads to an error or inappropriate form in the target language.

A. Interlanguage B. Positive transfer C. Negative transfer D. Overgeneralization

50. In the sentence “I took my big brown cat to the vet yesterday”, which of the following does not appear? ___D____.

A. Adjective B. Preposition C. Adverb D. Conjunction

51. ____C__ is that part of the meaning of word or phrase that relates it to phenomena in the real world or in a fictional or possible world.

A. Connotation B. Affective meaning C. Denotation D. Sense 52. A linguist regards the changes in language and language use as ____C__. A. unnatural B. something to be feared C. natural D. abnormal


53. The semantic components of the word “boy” can be expressed as __D___. A. +human, +male, +adult B. +human, -male, +adult C. +human, -male, -adult D. +human, +male, -adult

54. Conjunctions, preposition, pronouns and articles can be classified as _B___. A. lexical words B. grammatical words C. pro-forms D. content words

55. If two sounds are of no distinctive value, but are varieties of the same phoneme, they are called ___C___.

A. phones B. speech sounds C. allophones D. morphs 56. In the following sounds, ___A__ is a voiced stop.

A. [b] B. [d] C. [p] D. [k]

57. “You stand up” is transformed into “Stand up”. Which transformational rule is used according to TG Grammar? __D___.

A. Copying B. Addition C. Reordering D. Deletion 58. The words such as TOFEL, NATO, UFO are ___B__. A. formed by blending B. acronyms

C. coined by back formation D. clipped words 59. The words such as “brunch”, “motel” are ___A___. A. formed by blending B. acronyms

C. coined by back formation D. clipped words

60. __D____ are produced when the obstruction is complete at first, then released slowly with friction resulting from partial obstruction.

A. Nasals B. Glides C. Fricatives D. Affricatives

61. “A fish is swimming in the pond” is transformed into “There is a fish swimming in the pond”. Which of the following transformational rules is used? __B____. A. Copying B. Addition C. Reordering D. Deletion

62. “The man put on his hat” is transformed into “The man put his hat on”. Which transformational rule is applied here? ____C___.

A. Copying B. Addition C. Reordering D. Deletion 63. The function of the sentence “A nice day, isn?t it?” is ___D___. A. directive B. informative C. emotive D. phatic

64. Which of the following sounds is a voiceless bilabial stop? __C___. A. [m] B. [f] C. [p] D. [b] 65. Which of the following languages is a tone language? B

A. Russian B. Chinese C. English D. French

66. _____D___ speaking, no variety of language is better than or superior to others. A. Generally B. Socially C. Politically D. Linguistically

67. Grammar-based language learning and teaching fails partially because ___A__. A. still no precise information is obtained concerning how grammar can be learned B. grammar can not be taught at all

C. it is useless to teach grammar in language classes D. learners can learn better without grammar

68.For foreign language learners to achieve effective learning, the input should__D___. A. not be so far beyond their reach that they are overwhelmed


B. be interesting and simple

C. not be so close to their current stage that they are not challenged at all D. Both A and C

69. Interlanguage is __D__.

A. is produced by every foreign language learners

B. a mixture of the learner’s mother tongue and the target language

C. imperfect compared with the target language, but it is not mere translation from the learner’s native language D. Both A and C

70. Error analysis may be carried out in order to__D____. A. identify strategies which learners use in language learning B. try to identify the causes of learner errors.

C. obtain information on common difficulties in language learning D. All of the above.

71. Many Chinese English learners may, at the beginning stage, produce “mans” and “photoes” as the plural forms of “man” and “photo”. This is most likely the result of ____B___ in the process of foreign language learning.

A. Negative transfer B. Overgeneralization C. Positive transfer D. mother tongue interference

72. Which of the following qualities is not the requirement of a good test? __A_____. A. Objectivity B. Reliability C. Validity D. Both A and C

73. Which of the following statements about machine translation is likely to be wrong? ___C___.

A. Machine translation has always been a chief concern in computational linguistics. B. There are areas where machine translation surpasses human translations.

C. Sooner or later, machine translation will replace human translation completely. D. In some areas, human translations surpasses machine translation. 74. Teaching culture in our language classes can ____D___. A. get the students familiar with cultural differences

B. help the students transcend their own culture and see things as the members of the target culture will

C. emphasize the inseparability of understanding language and understanding culture through various classroom practices D. All of the above.

75. According to Grice?s theory, a conversational implicature arises when the cooperative principle and its maxims are __C_____.

A. strictly observed B. secretly and deliberately violated C. blatantly or apparently violated D. Both A and B


Ⅱ. Match each of the following terms in Column A with one of the

appropriate definitions in Column B. Write the corresponding letter on your ANSWER SHEET.

Part One

Column A

1. constituent I

2. complementary distribution E 3. design features B 4. diglossia F 5. displacement A 6. homonymy G

7. language interference J 8. registers D

9. selectional restrictions C 10. semantic anomaly H

Column B

A. the phenomenon that human language can cope with any subject whatever, and it does not matter how far away the topic of conversation is in time and space

B. the framework proposed by Hockett, which discusses the defining properties of human language as against animal communication

C. the restrictions on the type of noun that can be selected with each verb D. the type of language which is selected as appropriate to a type of situation E. the phenomena that allophones occur in different phonetic environments

F. a sociolinguistic situation where two varieties of a language exist side by side throughout the community, with each having a definite role to play

G. the case that two, or more meanings may be associated with the same linguistic form

H. the case that one of the arguments or the predicate of the main predication is self-contradictory I. any linguistic form or group of linguistic forms that appears at the bottom of one of the lines in the tree diagram of the syntactic analysis

J. the use of elements from one language while speaking another.