高一英语下,M3第三单元 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章高一英语下,M3第三单元更新完毕开始阅读1924ed302f60ddccda38a08c

Seriously damaged, the bridge is no longer in use. 因受到严重损坏,这座桥不再使用了。 The new version of this dictionary is not in use yet. 这本字典的新版本还未通行。 come into use 开始存在;开始被使用 be no use (to sb.)/be of no use无用 put sth. to good use 有效使用/利用 make use of 利用??

be out of use 不再使用,废弃不用 in turn 轮流地,反过来 in vain 徒劳无功地 in addition 除此之外 in return 作为回报

The library of our school, which contains books of all kinds from home and abroad, ______ for almost 100 years. A. is in use C. in for use

B. has been in use

D. has been for use

B 表示“在使用中”用be in use, 根据句中的时间状语for almost 100 years, 可知需要用现在完成时态。

【2】 take over 接管,接替,接任

Mr. Collins will take over my duties for a week after I leave. 在我离开后柯林斯先生将接替我的工作一个星期。 take a chance 碰运气 take a seat 坐下

take account of 考虑,重视 take apart 拆开 take?as?把??当作 take?by surprise 出其不意 take care 当心,注意 take charge of 负责,掌管

take down 记下 take effect 见效

take?for example 以??为例 take hold of 抓住 be taken in 被欺骗

take interest in 对??感兴趣 take notice of 注意 take a day off 休假一天 take one's time 从容行事 take out 取出;擦掉 take over 接管 take part in 参加

take pride in 以??为自豪 take the lead 带头 take the place of 代替 take place 发生 take turns 轮流 take after 相似

take down 拆掉;拆除;写下;记录

take off 脱去(衣服);起飞;(理念,产品等)成功 take on 承担(工作、责任等);呈现;雇佣,聘用 take up 开始从事(某工作);占(时间、场所等) take in 吸收;理解;领会;欺骗 take back 收回;退回(事物) take away 使消失;取走 take for 误认为,以为

take?for granted ??习以为常

①Einstein liked Bose's paper so much that he ______ his own work and translated it into German.

A. gave off B. turned down C. took over D. set aside


②Now I'll give you some tablets to take ________ the pain. ③The policeman took ________ all particulars of the accident. ④Take your coat ________ and sit down.

⑤Now his hair has taken ________ a healthy shine. ⑥So many young men want to take ________ writing.

①D 句意:Einstein非常喜欢Bose的论文,便把自己的工作置于一旁,把论文翻译成德语。考查动词短语辨析。A发出;B拒绝,调低;C接管;D不顾,把??置于一旁。根据句意选D。

②away ③down ④off ⑤on ⑥up

【3】turn to 变成(=turn into);转向;翻到;求助于

Their amusement turned to horror when they realized what had happened. 当他们意识到发生了什么事情时,他们的愉悦变成了恐慌。 The girl always turns to her mother when in trouble. 这个女孩遇到困境时,总是向她妈妈求助。 turn up 出现,调大 turn down 关小,拒绝

turn away 拒绝,避开,走开,转身 turn in 上交,退还,向内拐 turn out 结果是,制造,向外,驱逐 turn over 翻转,仔细考虑,移交 turn against 背叛,违反,翻脸 turn back 往回走,翻起,折转 turn around/round 转身

turn a blind eye to 对??熟视无睹 turn a deaf ear to 置若罔闻 turning point 转折点,转向处 — What are you reading, Tom?

— I'm not really reading, just ______ the pages. A. turning off

B. turning around

C. turning over D. turning up

C 句意:——汤姆,你在读什么?——我没在真正地读,只是在随便翻翻。考查动词短语辨析。A关掉;B转变,转身;C翻转,翻身,翻阅;D出现,开大音量。根据句意选C。 【4】 be off to 前往

They were off to Italy (= leaving for Italy) and wanted to make an early start. 他们将前往意大利,并且想要早点出发。 go off 走开;开火,爆炸,熄灭,中断 set off 出发,动身,引起,使发生 get off 离开,发出,(使)入睡,匆匆脱下 call off 把??叫走,取消,转移 give off 发出(光、气体等),放出 show off 炫耀

break off 中断,停止,断交,脱离 ①Suddenly the light ____________. 突然灯熄灭了。

②We ____________ London just after ten. 刚过10点,我们就动身去伦敦了。 ③They ________________ their engagement. 他们已经解除婚约。 ①went off ②set off ③have called off

【5】 run through 跑着穿过??;(使)在??流过;反复练习,复习;匆匆阅读,贯穿于??之中;挥霍

Run through your notes before class. 上课前把笔记复习一下。

This theme runs through the whole book. 该主题贯穿全书。

The heir has soon run through his fortune. 那个继承人很快就把财产挥霍完了。