2017-2018年新人教版PEP版英语六年级下册第二单元试卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章2017-2018年新人教版PEP版英语六年级下册第二单元试卷更新完毕开始阅读1944ce27dcccda38376baf1ffc4ffe473368fdfe


Listening Part (听力部分)

一、Listen and number. (听音,给图片排顺序。)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、Listen and choose.(听音,选出你所听到的单词。)

1. A.fixed B. cleaned C. cooked 2. A. stayed

B. sad


3. A. last B. night C. before 4. A slept. B.sleep C. wanted 5. A. thank B. drank C. talked 三、Listen and choose.(听音,选择正确的答语。)

( ) 1. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I did. C. Yes, I did. ( ) 2. A.I go boating. B. I went boating. C.I am going boating.

( ) 3. A.It was fine, thanks. B.I watched TV. C. I’m fine, thanks.

( ) 4. A. No, I didn’t. B. No, he did. C. Yes, he did. ( ) 5. A. She sees a film. B. She saw a film. C. She is seeing a film.

四、Listen and fill in the blanks. (听音,完成句子。)

1. I yesterday morning. 2. Mike last weekend.

3. –-What did you do last night? --I . 4. -–Did you go boating last Monday? -- . 5. I last night.

Writing Part (笔试部分)

五、Read and choose.(读一读,选出每组单词中不同类的一项。) ( )1.A.stayed ( )2.A.yesterday

B.danced C. eating B.last Sunday C.Saturday

( )3.A. bigger B.made C. cleaned ( )4.A. was B. am C. are ( )5.A.went B.got C. lives 六、Read and write.(读一读,写出下列单词的正确形式。)

1.well(比较级) 6.live(过去式) 2.swim(现在进行式) 7.have(过去式) 3.stay(过去式) 8.plan(过去式) 4.cry(过去式) 9.read(过去式) 5.watch(第三人称单数) 10.drank(原形) 七、Choose the best answer. (选择正确答案,把序号填在括号内。) ( ) 1. —Did you clean your room?


A. Yes, I did. B. No,I don’t. C. No, I did.

( ) 2.—What did Lisa do yesterday?

—She______ to music.

A. listens B. listen C. listened

( ) 3. Did John__ ___ a cold yesterday?

A. has B. had C. have

( ) 4. Lisa usually her homework after super.

A. does B.do C. did

( ) 5. he football last weekend?

A. Did, played B. Did, play C. Did, plays

( )6. —What did John do yesterday morning?

— A. He went boating. B. She made the bed. C. He sleep all day.

( )7. I went to the park________.

A. tomorrow B. last weekend C. everyday ( ) 8.My mom busy yesterday.

A. was B.is C.are ( ) 9.Sarah funny stories last night. A. reading B.readed C.read

( ) 10.—What Linda do the day before yesterday ? —She visited grandparents with her parents. A. does B.did C.is 八、(一)Rearrange the words.(连词成句。)

1.stayed all I home at weekend slept and ( . )

2. you do anything did else ( ? )

3. the we tea in drank afternoon ( . )

(二) Read and write.( 根据所给答句写出问句。)

4. ?-----I cleaned my room last weekend. 5. ? ------It was good, thanks. 九、Read and choose.(选出正确答语,把序号填在括号内。)

( )1.What did you do yesterday? A. She’s a coach. ( )2. What does your mother do ? B. Yes, I did. ( )3. What did Mike do the day before yesterday? C. Yes, it was. ( )4.Did you go hiking last Sunday ? D..I did my homework. ( )5. Was it interesting? E. He played basketball.

十、Read and fill in the blanks.(读一读,根据图片补全句子。) 1. ---What did Mike do yesterday ? 、 -- He .