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发布时间 : 星期三 文章人教版PEP英语六年级下册第一单元测试题更新完毕开始阅读19dd4c8b58eef8c75fbfc77da26925c52dc59107


班级______ 姓名_____ 分数_________


1 A: ___________________________________? B: I am 156 cm tall. 2 A: How old are you?

B: ______________________________________. 3 A: ______________________________________? B: Amy is 41 kg.

4 A: How long are your arms?

B: _________________________________________. 5 A: _________________________________________? B: I wear size 17. 二.照样子写话:

例:Sarah is 15 years old. Amy is 14 years old. Sarah is one year older than Amy. Amy is one year younger than Sarah.

1 John is 159 cm tall. Mike is 162 cm tall. _____________________________________ ______________________________________

2 Liu Yun is 12 years old. Chen Jie is 14 years old. _____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 3 Zhang Peng is 53kg. Wu Yifan is 45kg. _____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 三.根据上下文选词填空:

is likes old tall has this be older taller art _______ is my friend. She is 14 years ________. She’s 1 year _______

than me. She _______ long hair and big eyes. She ______ 160 cm ________. She is 3 cm ________ than me. She _________ drawing pictures. She is going to _______ an _______ teacher one day.


1 _________________________________? I’m very well, thank you. 2 ________________________________? I am thirteen years old.

3 ________________________________? I am 156 cm tall.

4 ________________________________? I am 42 kg.

5 ________________________________? I wear size 38.

6 ________________________________? My legs are 78 cm long.

7 ______________________________________?

She is 14 years old. ( Sarah 13 years old) 8 __________________________________?

He is 52 kg. ( John 52 kg) 9 ____________________________? He is 165 cm. ( Wu Yifan 165 cm) 10 _____________________________?

Amy wears size 36. (Amy’s shoes size 36) 五.填空:

11 _____(Her She) hair is long and brown. ____ (Her She) is pretty. 12 Your eyes are ______(big bigger), but my eyes are ______(big bigger) than yours.

13 Miss Liu _______( has is ) small nose. But her mouth ______( is has)


14 Amy is 2 years ________ _________ Chen Jie. 15 Sarah is 3kg ________ __________ John. 16 Miss Zhang is 160cm. I am 150cm. I am ________ than Miss Zhang. 7 Miss Li is 25. Mr Ma is 30.

Miss Li is _________ __________ Mr. Ma. 六.阅读选择:

Dad: Which dog do you like?

John: I like the black dog. It’s taller than the white one. Dad: Do you like the shorter brown one?

John: I think I like the taller dog. It is stronger.

Dad: I like the white dog. It’s younger. Its tail is 6 cm long. John: The black dog is only 20 cm tall. John: Can I get a new dog? I’m older now. Dad: No, you have two dogs already! ( ) 1 Which dog does John like? A He likes the black dog. B He likes the white dog. C He likes the brown dog. ( ) 2 Which dog is taller? A The black is taller. B The white dog is taller. C The brown dog is taller.

( ) 3 Is the brown dog stronger than the black dog? A Yes, it is. B No, it isn’t. C Yes, it isn’t. ( ) 4 Which dog is younger? A The white dog is younger. B The brown dog is younger.

C The black dog is younger. ( ) 5 Can John get a new dog?

A Yes, he can. B No, he can’t. C It’s doesn’t say.

岁月匆匆像一阵风,有多少故事留下感动。愿曾经的相遇,无论是锦上添花,还是追悔莫及;无论是青涩年华的懵懂赏识,还是成长岁月无法躲避的经历……愿曾经的过往,依然如花芬芳四溢,永远无悔岁月赐予的美好相遇。 其实,人生之路的每一段相遇,都是一笔财富,尤其亲情、友情和爱情。在漫长的旅途上,他们都会丰富你的生命,使你的生命更充实,更真实;丰盈你的内心,使你的内心更慈悲,更善良。所以生活的美好,缘于一颗善良的心,愿我们都能善待自己和他人。 一路走来,愿相亲相爱的人,相濡以沫,同甘共苦,百年好合。愿有情有意的人,不离不弃,相惜相守,共度人生的每一个朝夕……直到老得哪也去不了,依然是彼此手心里的宝,感恩一路有你! 斗转星移,物是人非。尽管有的背影,已经是最熟悉的陌生,被匆忙的时光隔在了彼岸;有的牵念,依然会萦绕在无眠的夜晚;有的情,温柔了时光,斑驳了流年,永远无法再重来。惟愿再回首,所有的回忆,依然溢满无言的温暖,就是对昔日岁月最好的敬礼! 人生一世,花开一季。花开无声,花落无语。人生是一条走走停停的路,该来的来,该走的走,该爱的爱,该忘的忘。拥有的要更加珍惜,感恩相遇;失去的不必耿耿于怀,念念不忘;缘聚缘散,且行且珍惜! 时光荏苒,春去夏来。走在充满阳光的路上,有山清水秀的美好景色,装点着风和日丽的大自然。行走在花草芬芳、绿树葱茏、鸟儿欢唱的路上,身心无比的愉悦。不禁感叹与美妙大自然的相遇,心中充满无法言喻的温暖。