2018年人教版(新起点)四年级英语下册Unit 2《Cities》单元测试题及答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2018年人教版(新起点)四年级英语下册Unit 2《Cities》单元测试题及答案更新完毕开始阅读1be52f6bf68a6529647d27284b73f242336c312f

Unit2 单元测试卷


A. city B. short C. call D. cinema E. mother F. tall G. summer H. milk I. fall J. horse (1) /??l/ ________ ________ ________ (2) /??/ ________ ________ (3) /?/ ________ ________ ________ (4) /?/ ________ ________

二、根据汉语意思,选择正确的字母或字母组合补全单词。 ( ) 1. str___ ___t (街道)

A. ea

B. ee

( ) 2. mus___ ___m (博物馆)

A. ar

B. ea

( ) 3. dr___ ___m (梦)

A. ea

B. er

( ) 4. sq___ ___re (广场舞)

A. ra

B. ua

( ) 5. c___ntr___ (中心)

A. a; a

B. o; a

三、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。 ( ) 1. A. right B. left ( ) 2. A. city B. zoo ( ) 3. A. car B. star ( ) 4. A. busy B. interesting ( ) 5. A. place

B. hotel

四、将下列词组与相应的汉语意思连线。 (1) fly a kite A. 看电影 (2) see a film B. 放风筝 (3) go boating

C. 照相

C. re

C. eu

C. ae

C. au

C. e; e

C. stay C. library C. bus C. thing C. park

(4) take photos (5) sports centre 五、选择填空。

( ) 1. ________ can I get to the cinema?

A. How

D. 体育中心 E. 去划船

B. What C. Where

( ) 2. There are ________ big buses or trains.

A. don’t

B. isn’t

C. no

( ) 3. Is there ________ university in the city?

A. a

B. an

C. some

( ) 4. You can go there ________ subway.

A. of

B. by

C. for

( ) 5. The square is ________ Apple Street.

A. in

B. of

C. on

六、选出下列问句的正确答语。 ( ) 1. Is there a zoo in the city?

A. Yes, there is.

B. Yes, there are.

( ) 2. What can you do there?

A. I can go boating there.

B. I can go there by bus.

( ) 3. Where is the toy shop?

A. Yes, there is.

B. It’s on Banana Street.

( ) 4. What do you want to do?

A. I want to fly a kite.

B. I’m going to the zoo.

( ) 5. How can I get to the sports centre?

A. Thank you.

B. You can take the subway.

( ) 6. Where is the bank in your city?

A. It’s across from the hotel. B. There is a bank in my city.


(1) I want to go boating. A.

(2) I want to fly a kite. B.

(3) I want to see a film. C.

(4) You can go there by bus. D.

(5) You can take a subway. 八、连词成句。


1. my, This, city, map, of, a, is (.)

_____________________________________________________________________ 2. next, hospital, It’s, the, to (.)

_____________________________________________________________________ 3. cars, and, There, many, are, buses, so (.)

_____________________________________________________________________ 4. fly, Some, it, people, kites, like, in, to (.)

_____________________________________________________________________ 5. fun, city, There, places, are, many, my, so, in (.) _____________________________________________________________________ 九、根据表格内容,回答下列问题。

Name John Andy Li Ming Wu Lan Bob Places bookshop toy shop square Renmin Park cinema Do things buy a book buy a toy fly a kite go boating see a film (1) What is John going to do tomorrow?

_____________________________________________________________________ (2) What is Andy going to do next Sunday?

_____________________________________________________________________ (3) Where is Bob going this weekend?

_____________________________________________________________________ (4) What does Andy want to do there?

_____________________________________________________________________ (5) Where does Li Ming want to go?

_____________________________________________________________________ (6) What does Wu Lan want to do there?
