发布时间 : 星期五 文章ch13更新完毕开始阅读1c143aa4f524ccbff121840b


c. Alex is investing. d. Elaine is saving. e. Henrietta is investing.

139.The supply of loanable funds shifts right. This causes the interest rate to fall. Both investment and saving rise.




在支付了税收和消费之后剩下来的收入量(Y-T-C)。公共储蓄是政府在支付其支出后剩下来的税收收入量(T-G)。 国民储蓄=私人储蓄+公共储蓄 S=(Y-T-C)+(T-G)



143.Debt finance is borrowing, such as, when a firm sells a bond. Equity finance is taking on

additional partners, such as, when a firm sells stock.



144.Because saving is the GDP left over after consumption expenditures and government purchases,

and this is the limit of the income available to be used to purchase equipment and structures.

145.The supply of loanable funds would shift right, the real interest rate would fall, and the quantity

demanded of loanable funds to purchase capital would increase. Growth would increase.

146.The demand for loanable funds is defined as private demand for borrowing to purchase capital

equipment and structures. An increase in a deficit absorbs saving and reduces the supply of loanable funds.

147.You should prefer $110 one year from today because the PV of $110 one year from today is

$110/1.06 = $103.77 and this is greater than $100.

148.Yes. Due to diminishing marginal utility of wealth, the reduction in utility from a lump sum

payment of 10 premiums of 1/10 of the value of a car.

149. Some people claim to be looking for work just to collect Employment Insurance benefits.

Others are discouraged searchers and have stopped looking for work due to an unsuccessful search.

150.No, because the competitive equilibrium wage for accountants exceeds the minimum wage and,

hence, the minimum wage is not a binding constraint for accountants.

151.Frictional unemployment, because job matching takes time even when the wage is at the

competitive equilibrium. Also, continuous sectoral shifts and new entrants into the job market make some job search unemployment inevitabl


workers might devote less effort to their job search, possibly turn down

unattractive job offers, and Employment Insurance benefits influence the decisions of some people to enter the labour force.


buggy-whip marker, because he will have to retrain because the contraction of the

buggy-whip business is permanent, while the waitress may just have to relocate, possibly just down the street.








S=0.5+0.2=0.7万亿美元 政府购买=税收-储蓄 G=1.5-0.2=1.3万亿美元 储蓄=投资 I=0.7万亿美元

消费=国民收入-投资-政府购买 C=8-0.7-1.3=6万亿美元



b. What happens to investment? To private saving? To national saving? Compare the size of extra government borrowing.


c. 由于可贷资金的供给弹性衡量可贷资金供给量对利率变化的反应程度,所以它反映在可贷资金供给曲线的形状上。当可贷资金供给量会大量增加,尤其是私人储蓄,因为公共储蓄由政府收入和政府支出决定,所以公共储蓄不变,国民储蓄会大量增加。(见图a)当可贷资金




d. 当可贷资金的需求弹性大时,政府借款增加200亿美元引起的利率上升会挤出大量的投资。当可贷资金的需求弹性小时,政府借款的增加只会减少部分私人投资。

e. 为了偿还现在积累的债务,政府将要在未来增加税收,这种信念会使家庭认为税收并没有减少家庭的整体税单,它不仅仅是延期而已。因此家庭会把所有的减税储蓄起来,而不是支出其中一部分,因而会使私人储蓄增加。由于私人储蓄增加量完全等于公共储蓄减少量,作为公共和私人储蓄之和的国民储蓄并没有变,因此可贷资金的供给没有变。这种信念减弱了(A)与(B)中所讨论的影响。






b. 为了判断这两种政策中哪一种是增加投资的更有效方法,我应该了解私人储蓄的税收弹性和收入投资的利率弹性谁大谁小。如果私人储蓄的税收弹性大于私人投资的利率弹性,则对私人储蓄减税对刺激投资更有效。如果私人投资的利率弹性大于私人储蓄的税收弹性,则减少政府预算赤字对刺激投资更有效。

160.a. : ($600 ─ $100 ─ $400) + ($100 ─ $120) = $80 billion

b. $600 ─ $100 ─ $400 = $100 billion c. $100 ─ $120 = ─$20 billion

d. It is harming growth because public saving is negative so less national saving is available for investment.

e. Because politicians can't agree whether to increase taxes or decrease spending.


1: Tax cuts to stimulate saving and investment would increase the deficit, which would reduce national saving and investment.

2. She plans to reduce government spending by even more than she cuts taxes.

3.Policymakers would want to know the elasticity of the supply and demand curves. If loanable



funds demand is inelastic, changes in loanable funds supply have little effect on saving and investment, so tax incentives to increase saving at each interest rate do little for growth. If loanable funds supply is inelastic, changes in loanable funds demand have little effect on saving and investment, so tax incentives to increase investment at each interest rate do little for growth.

162.a. $40000/1.12 = $35714.29; $40000/(1.12)2 = $31887.76; $40000/(1.12)3 = $28471.21

b. No, the cost is $100000 but the present value of the return is only $96073.26.

c. Yes. Although the cost is still $100000, the present value of the returns is now the sum of $40000/1.07; $40000/(1.07)2; $40000/(1.07)3, which is t$104972.65.

d. Investment is inversely related to the interest rate; lower interest rates stimulate investment.

163.a. Moral hazard, because after she obtained the insurance, she is less careful with her health.

b. Adverse selection, because after he knows that his probability of death is higher than average, he seeks life insurance.

c. Adverse selection, because after he knows that his probability of an accident is higher than average, he seeks more auto insurance.

d. Moral hazard, because after she obtains the insurance, she becomes less careful with fire.