《七年级英语》2013-2014学年(下)外国语学校七年级期末考试卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章《七年级英语》2013-2014学年(下)外国语学校七年级期末考试卷更新完毕开始阅读1c2fab74a1116c175f0e7cd184254b35effd1abf

77. The Autumn Tern begins ______________ September.

78. The hospital is not too far ______________ here. You can go there ____________ foot.

79. Just go ____________ Bridge Street and turn left when you see the library. The restaurant is ____________ your right. 80. We camped _____________ the lake last night.

81. I worked ____________ a guide at the Natural History Museum last summer. 82. Sandy and Sue are always ____________ holiday when the Summer Term comes.

V. Fill in the blanks with a proper form of the given verb

根据句子上下文,使用所给动词的正确形式填空(1’10=10) 83. Look! The boy ____________ (run) quickly in the park.

84. George often ____________ (play) with his dinosaur in the garden. 85. ____________ Carol ____________ (milk) a cow yesterday?

86. The Clarks ____________ (spend) their holiday at the seaside next summer.

87. He ____________ (watch) TV every night, but tonight he ____________ (listen) to the radio. 88. The strawberries ____________ (are) really good. We picked quite a lot and took them home. 89. I would like ____________ (drink) some orange juice now. 90. My father likes ____________ (eat) dinner at home.

VI. Sentence transformation (句型转换) 10% 按要求改写句子 (1’*10=10’) 91. She wants some ice-cream.

Neg. 92. I want to make a snowman. Q. 93. It’s often warm in spring. Q. 94. Give me the book. (用it改写划线部分) 95. I usually take a bus to school.

(同义句) 96. Today’s school trip was excellent. Q. 97. I studied for the English test last weekend. Inter.

Ans. Neg. Q. VII. 情景交际 10%(1’10=10)

A. Fill in the blanks according to the meaning of the sentence (根据上下文填词)

(每空一词,每小题一分,5题,共5分) A: May I take your 98. ____________ ?

B: Yes, I’d like some noodles. What 99. ____________ of noodles do you have? A: We have beef, chicken, mutton, cabbage, potato... B: I’d like the mutton noodles then.

B: Are there any 100. ____________ in the mutton noodles?

A: Yes, there are some carrots. What 101. _____________ would you like? Small, medium or 102. _____________?

B: Oh, a small bowl, please.

A: OK. A small bowl of mutton noodles. It will be ready in 10 minutes.

B. Complete the sentence according to Chinese (根据情景提示中译英)。


103. 你想打听这附近有没有宾馆,你会怎么问:

? 104. 你想问Steve近况如何,你会这么问:

, Steve? 105. 你想让Rick转告John,叫John给你回电话。你会这么对Rick说:

, Rick? 106. 你想问Sandy最喜欢哪个季节。你会这么说:

, Sandy? 107. 你想知道Jim的弟弟长什么样,你会这么问Jim:

, Jim?

VIII. 段落编写 5%

使用所给的词语,编写一个意义相对完整的语段。 提示词:museum, by, see, interested, gift

要求:1. 使用全部提示词,并在语段中用下划波浪线“ ”标出提示词(没有划出来的一律扣2.5分) 2. 语段具有一个相对合理的主题意义; 3. 词数为50词左右,最多不超过80词。




I. 选择填空


31-40. CABCA CAACB III. 阅读理解

41-45. CBAAB 46-50. CCCBB 51-55. CCABC 56-58. BAC 64. 314526 65. Spanner 看到了重力让物体留在地板。

66. Lenny一点都不开心,但是他知道他的母亲(是怎样一种性格)。她一旦决定了的事情就一定那样不会改变。 VI. 词汇

A. 看句子及所给的中文意思写出相应的单词 67. Tuesday 68. December 69. spring 70. message 71. work

72. long; straight; of; medium; height 73. tomato; beef 74.countryside; visited; grandparents; fed; strawberries; 75. All in all

B. 用恰当的介词或副词填空 76. for; in 77.in 78. from; on 79. along; on 80. by 81. as 82. on V. 根据句子上下文,使用所给动词的正确形式填空(1’10=10) 83. is running 84. plays 85. Did; milk; rode 86. are going to spend 87. watches; is listening 88. were 89. to drink 90. eating VI. 句型转换

91. She doesn’t want any ice-cream. 92. What do you want to do? 93. How’s the weather in spring? 94. Give it to me.

95. I usually get to school by bus. 96. How was today’s school trip?

97. Did you study for the English test last weekend? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.

I didn’t study for the English test last weekend. What did you do last weekend? VII. 情景交际 A. 根据上下文填词 98. order 99. kind 100. vegetables 101. size 102. large B. 根据情景提示中译英 103. Is there a hotel near here 104. How is it going

105. Could you just call John to call me back 106. Which season do you like best 107. What does your brother look like VIII. 段落编写


5+2 分:包含5个单词的句子基本正确得5分,



2 分: 段落有一个较清晰的中心大意 1 分: 语段有良好的过度和衔接