2020版高考英语一轮复习Module4SandstormsinAsia学案外研版必修3 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2020版高考英语一轮复习Module4SandstormsinAsia学案外研版必修3更新完毕开始阅读1c39d607aa956bec0975f46527d3240c8547a157

高级表达:I listened to the speech carefully, but I still couldn't take_in. 7.look through浏览;翻阅;翻找;审核 look around 环视,四下张望 look back (on) 回顾,回想 look down on/upon 看不起,轻视 look into 朝里看;调查;深入了解 look out 当心,注意

look up 抬头看;查找;查出;查阅 look up to 尊敬,敬仰

look through evening papers in his spare time 他在业余时间读晚报 look into the case further 进一步调查这个事件

no reason for us to look down upon ordinary jobs 我们没有理由轻视普通的工作


①(2018·全国卷Ⅲ) I quickly lower myself, ducking my head to avoid looking directly into his eyes so he doesn't feel challenged.

②(2016·江苏卷)Once I look up something on the Internet, I don't need to keep all the details for future use.

③Please look through your paper before you hand it in to avoid possible mistakes.


①普通表达:I like to recall my high school days, which were the happiest in my life.

高级表达:I like to look_back_on my high school days, which were the happiest in my life.

②普通表达:Mr.Smith has taught for many years, and all the students respect him.

高级表达:Mr.Smith has taught for many years, and all the students look_up_to him.

8.(教材P39)The garbage is then taken away and, if_possible,_recycled.然后垃圾被带走,如果可能的话会被回收利用。

[句型公式] 句中if possible是省略句,表示“如果可能的话”,完整形式是if it is possible。(1)在if, when, while, once, whether, unless等引导的状语从句中如果


(2)if构成的其他省略形式:if so如果这样的话;if not如果不这样的话;if necessary如果有必要的话;if any如果有的话;if ever如果曾经有的话。

[金句推送] (天津卷)As scheduled, we participated in several instructive activities.按照原定计划,我们参加了几次具有教育意义的活动。


①(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)You must keep these points in mind while setting(set) your goals.

②(2016·全国卷Ⅲ)If it is convenient for you,let's meet at 8:30 outside the school gate.If not,_let me know what time suits you best.

③The climate here is quite pleasant, the temperature rarely, if ever,_reaching 30℃ in summer.


普通表达:While we were visiting the art exhibition, we discussed the great artists' works.

①高级表达:While_visiting the art exhibition, we discussed the great artists' works.(省略句)

普通表达:I want to avoid the rush hour if it is possible. ②高级表达:I want to avoid the rush hour if_possible.(省略句)



1.The trade agreement helped to strengthen(strength) the bonds between the two countries.

2.Concerned(concern) about the health of her son, Mrs.Jackson went to school to visit him every week.

3.It is urgent that food and clothing (should)_be_sent(send) to the sufferers. 4.Although built(build) ten years ago, the house still looks new.

5.On reading the mother's complaint(complain), I felt a little worried about the son's behavior.


1.Look through the newspapers every day and you can keep up with the rapidly

developing situation.

2.My uncle hasn't been able to quit smoking, but at least he has cut down. 3.Some false advertisements are taking the countryside women as their targets, because they are easy to take in.

4.The flowers give out a sweet smell, which makes us relaxed.

5.The two parties held the talk in a friendly atmosphere and reached an agreement.


1.It's frightening(frighten) to think how easily children can be hurt. 2.In China, masses(mass) of graduates go abroad to have a further study every year.

3.The shady trees provide protection(protect) against burning rays of the sun. 4.Caught by the rain on my way home, I had a bad cold.by→in

5.Mike is a student at Howard University, majored in physics for a degree in Natural Science.majored→majoring


1.补全要点句(加黑体部分请利用本单元所学词汇) ①现在越来越多的人关注环境保护。

Now an increasing number of people are_concerned_about_the_environmental _protection.


They have realized that atmosphere_pollution_has_a_bad_effect_on people's health.

③在某些地方,污染非常严重,使得人们很难呼吸到新鲜空气。 In









makes_it_hard_for_us_to_breath _fresh_air.


In_order_to_protect_the_environment,_we should start_a_mass_campaign_rather _than_complain.


The government should_be_urged_to_shut factories which give_out poisonous waste.


If it is possible, we should plant more trees to take_in CO2 and give_out oxygen.





If_possible,_we_should_plant_more_trees_to_take_in_CO2_and_give_out_oxygen. 3.衔接成美文(注意利用适当的过渡衔接词汇:as far as I'm concerned, for one thing, for another)

Now an increasing number of people are concerned about the environmental protection.They have realized that atmosphere pollution has a bad effect on people's health.In some places, the pollution is very serious, making it hard for us to breath fresh air.As far as I'm concerned, in order to protect the environment, we should start a mass campaign rather than complain.For one thing, the government should be urged to shut factories which give out poisonous waste.For another, if possible, we should plant more trees to take in CO2 and give out oxygen.