人教版四年级下册英语第一单元测试题全 - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章人教版四年级下册英语第一单元测试题全 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读1d7bea6fe009581b6bd9ebc7

小学四年级英语下册第一单元检测卷 姓名:_______________



( )1. A、 B、

( )2、 A、 B、

( )3、A、 B、

( )4、A、 B、

( )5. A、



( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )



( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


( )Do you have a library ?

( )It’s so big .How many students are there in your class? ( )Yes ,we do . It’s on the second floor. ( )Twenty-four students.

( )Welcome to our school! This is my classroom. 五、听问句,选答语。(10分)

1.( )A.It’s on the second floor. B.The music room is beautiful. 2.( )A.Forty-five. B.It’s here. 3.( )A.This way,please. B.Yes,we do.

4.( )A.Yes,it’s a picture. B.No,it’s a picture. 5.( )A.Yes,it is. B.Yes,it isn’t.



teachers’ office、 art room、 classroom、computer room、second floor、 A: Is this the ?

B: No, it isn’t. It’s the .

A:Do you have an

二楼 ?

B:Yes . It’s on the .

A:Is this your ?

二、选择填空,将正确选项的序号填在题号前的括号内。(10分) ( )1. Do you have art room ?A. a B. an C. the ( )2. –Is this the teachers’ office ? –No, .

A. it isn’t B. it not C. it is

( )3. ,Where’s the gym?

A. Thank you. B. Excuse me. C. Good idea.

( )4. Please be quiet in the . A. library B. gym C. room ( )5. Here my homework. A. are B. / C. is ( )6. How many are there in your class?

A. student B. students C. book

( )7.My classroom is the first floor . A. on B. in C. under ( )8. –Welcome Pengxing. – Wow! Cool. A. to B. for C. too ( )9. –Do you have a music room? – .

A. Yes , I am B. Yes, we do C. Yes, it is

( )10.This our classroom. A. am B. are C. is ( )11、It’s next the library. A、for B、to C、in

( )12、That is the office. A.teacher B.teacher’s C.teachers ( )13、The art room is on the floor. A.second B.two C.three

三、选择合适的词汇填在横线上(10分) Where next have isn’t under

1、 is the library?——It’s on the first floor. 2、 Do you a library? Yes, we do.

3、 My classroom is to the teachers’ office. 4、Is this your art room? No, it .

5、My music room is the gym. It’s on the first floor

四、看图选出正确的英语句子,将A、B、C、D、E填在图画下面的括号内。(10分) A、 Do you have a library? —Yes , the library is on the second . B、 Where is the teachers’ office ? It’s on the first floor. C、 Hi ,Miss White! Here is my homework. —Thank you. D、 Let’s go to the garden . Water the flowers.——Good ider! E、 That’s our computer.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


1.( )Where is the music room? A.Yes,it is.

2.( )Do you have lunch at school? B.It’s a new computer. 3.( )Is that the teacher’s office? C.Forty-five.

4.( )What’s on the teacher’s desk? D.It’s on the first floor. 5.( )How many books are there? E.Yes,I do.

六、连词成句我最棒。(15分) 1.the,room,computer,is,where

? 2.first,on,is,floor,it,the

. 3.classroom,is,that,my

. 4.new,have,room,music,a,we

. 5.this,a,desk,is,teacher’s



Hello, I’m Sarah. Welcome to our school. This is the teachers’office.That’s my classroom. It’s big and clean .There are forty-seven students in our class. The canteen(食堂) is on the first floor. The library is on the second floor. It’s near the music room.We play on the playground. I like our school.

( )1、There are students in our class.

A、forty-seven B、 fifty- seven

( )2、The library is on the .

A、first floor B、 second floor

( )3、We play on the .

A、music room B、 playground

( )4、My classroom is .

A、big and clean B、 small and clean

( )5、The music room is near .

A、canteen B、 library