专业四级英语语法和词汇 联系客服

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参考答案: A

TIP:such as是比较特别的关系词,强调程度。experience是及物动词,不需加介词。

5. ______ her inexperience her failure to secure the contract was not surprising. A. In view of B. By virtue of C. With regard to D. In recognition of

参考答案: A

TIP:in view of“有鉴于,考虑到”,by virtue of“凭借”,with regard to“关于”,in recognition of“表彰”。

6. The University of Georgia, ______ in 1785, was the first state-supported university in the United States. A. chartered B. was chartered C. it was chartered D. to be chartered

参考答案: A


7. This rule ______ to everyone who ______ for this post. A. will apply ... will apply B. applies ... will apply C. will apply ... applies D. is applying ... is applying

参考答案: C


8. Are you suggesting that Joe ______ the murder when you don't believe his alibi? A. commits B. will commit C. commit D. committed

参考答案: D


9. You look frozen. I ______ you a cup of coffee. A. will make

B. am going to make C. am making D. am to make

参考答案: A

TIP:will可以表示未经事先考虑的打算,be going to表示经过事先考虑的打算,be to和现在进行体则表示计划、安排。

10. Who ______ in but the President himself! A. is coming B. should come C. came D. has come

参考答案: B


11. It's essential that every child ______ the same educational opportunity. A. had

B. would have C. has D. have

参考答案: D


12. I didn't vote in the last election, but if I ______, I would have voted for Senator Anderson. A. did B. had C. could D. should

参考答案: B


13. She came back from her trip, ______ the house completely deserted. A. so that found B. to find

C. only finding D. only to find

参考答案: D

TIP:用only to 引导的结果状语往往表示意料之外的、不愿看到的结果。

14. She will be 21 ______. A. come May

B. when May is coming C. if May will come D. that May comes

参考答案: A

TIP:这是公式化的虚拟式,come May意为when May comes,又如come winter = when winter comes。

15. He did it ______ it took me. A. one-third the time B. the one-third time C. one-third a time D. a one-third time

参考答案: A


16. At the casualty department my brother had his injury ______. A. cured B. healed C. relieved D. treated

参考答案: D


17. He told his father a long and ______ story to explain his lateness. A. inconceivable B. unconvincing C. unimaginable D. incredulous

参考答案: B

TIP:unconvincing“不令人信服的”,inconceivable 和unimaginable都表示“难以想像的”,incredulous“不轻信的,表示怀疑的”。

18. Milk has a ______ to go sour in hot weather. A. tendency B. habit C. problem

D. characteristic

参考答案: A


19. Too many hotels have been built and this has ______ down prices, making holidays cheaper. A. forced B. cut C. slowed D. reduced

参考答案: A

TIP:force down prices“迫使物价下降”,cut down一般不与price 连用,但我们可以说 cut somebody down to ten pounds“说服某人降价到10英镑”,slow down“慢下来”,reduce 是及物动词直接跟宾语,不能跟介词down。

20. The lecture ______ from prehistory to modern times and gave the audience much to think about. A. covered B. included C. ranged D. dealt

参考答案: C

TIP:range from ... to ... “范围包括从??到??”,cover和 include为及物动词,不能跟介词,deal后接介词 with。

21. At first I was of the ______ that you were decidedly right. A. attitude B. opinion C. thought D. idea

参考答案: B

TIP:be of the opinion为一固定词组,意为“认为,持??看法”。

22. Protests died down when they realized that the new tax ______ to only 50p a week. A. added B. reached C. approached D. amounted

参考答案: D

TIP:amount to“达到”,add 要加 up to表示“增加到,总数达到”,reach 和 approach 表示“达到某一数量”时,多为及物动词。

23. The accused was given a short sentence as he had committed only a ______ offence. A. subordinate B. minimal