小学人称代词练习题一 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章小学人称代词练习题一更新完毕开始阅读1e61681c03768e9951e79b89680203d8ce2f6a8a

you(你,你们) they(他们,她们)

has: she她 he他 it它 练习题,填上正确的have\\has. 1.I _ have ___ (have ) a cat. 2.He _ has ___ (have) a dog. 3.She _ has ___ (have) long hair.

4.We __ have __ (have) a big house.

5.They _ have ___ (have) a happy family.

6.It _has___ (have) a short tail.

7.You __ have __ (have) a

good teacher.

8.Elva __ has __ (have) two big eyes.

9.Tom _ has ___ (have) a red pen.

10.My mother __ has __ (have) a beautiful nose. 11.Cats __ have __ (have) four legs.

12.Dogs _ have ___ (have) two ears.

13.My father _ has ___ (have) a blue car.

14.Everybody _ have ___ (have) two hands.

15.I _ have ___ (have) a model plane.

16.Lily _ has ___ (have) a doll.

17.Students __ have __ (have) many books.

18.Girls _ have ___ (have) many skirts.

19.The baby _ has ___ (have) no teeth.

20.They ___ have _ (have) some fish.


助动词:do does

19.The baby _ has ___ (have) no teeth.

否:The baby doesn`t have no teeth.

一般疑问句:Does the baby have no teeth?

20.They ___ have _ (have) some fish.

否:They _don`t__ have _ any fish.

一般疑问句:Do they have) any fish?


摘要:can 在英语中有一个特殊的名字,叫做情态动词,表示“能够”, “会”, “能力”后面要跟着表示动作的动词。没有时态和人称的变化。表示不能做什么的时候,后面加上 not为 can not,或者缩写为can’t。问别人“能?吗?”要把can 放在句子前面,首字母要大写,句尾别忘加上问号。