商务英语-外贸函电课后答案整理版 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章商务英语-外贸函电课后答案整理版更新完毕开始阅读1eb733303b3567ec112d8a6f

I. Beginning Training

1..Put the following English into Chinese 1) 催开信用证 2) 凭单付现 3) 跟单信用证 4) 即期付款交单 5) 仔细阅读之后 6)信用证的延展 7) 向某人开出汇票 8) 以某人为收益人

9) 由于你方第123 号订单下的货物已备妥有相当长的时间..所以你方有必要立 即采取行动..尽快开出有关信用证。 10) 付款需凭保兑的、不可撤销的、可分割的、可转让的、无追索权的信用证及 即期汇票支付。 11) 按照你方要求..我们破例地接受即期付款交单的支付方式..但下不为例。 12) 抱歉..我方不能接受货到后凭单付现的支付条件。

13) 我方想重申一下..只是鉴于我们之间长期友好的贸易关系..我方才给你方这样的宽限。

14) 信用证中的规定似乎与合同的条款不一致。我方特此于今天下午电告你方要求将信用证修改为允许转船和分批装运。

15) 我们希望引起你方注意..你方第123 号订单的交货期已临近..但至今为止我们仍然未收到有关信用证。 1 ..Put the following Chinese into English 1) expedite (rush) an L/C 2) D/A

3) confirmed, irrevocable, transferable Letter of Credit 4) amend the L/C to read “…” 5) D/P after sign

6) establish/ issue/ open L/C with/through the bank 7) advising the establishment of L/C 8) conform to …

9) Please do your utmost to expedite L/C, so that we may execute the order smoothly.

10) In order to avoid subsequent amendment, please see to it that the L/C stipulations are in exact accordance with the terms of the Contract.

11) We will be glad if you will see to it that the amendment is cabled without delay, as our goods have been ready for shipment for quite some time.

12) Please extend by cable the shipment date of your L/C to July 19) and validity to August 15, thus enabling us to effect a smooth shipment of the goods in question.

13) It may interest you to know that as a sign of encouragement, we will consider accepting payment by D/P during this sales-promotion stage.

14) Our terms of payment are by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit by draft at sight.

15) We enclose an application form for documentary credit. Please arrange to establish for our account an irrevocable letter of credit for $40,000 in favour of ABC Co., the credit to be valid until June 15.

2. Supply the missing words in the blanks of the following letter. The first letters are given.

(1)inform (2)under (3)ready (4)stipulations (5)shipment (6) received (7)establish (8)S/C(Sales Contract/ Confirmation) (9) point (10)effect

Unit 10 Packing 第十章 包装

Part Three Other Commonly Used Expressions and Sentences Typical Sentences:

1. Sentences concerning packing instruction (关于包装指令的句子)

1) In order to eliminate possible future trouble, we would like to make clear beforehand our packing requirements as follows. By the way, we would like to know if neutral packing is acceptable?

为避免将来可能的麻烦..我方欲提前提出如下包装要求。另外..顺便问一下..你们 接受中性包装吗.. 2) The peanuts are packed in ordinary second-hand gunny bags of about 50 kgs net each. 该批花生是用普通旧麻袋包装..每袋净重约50 公斤。

3) Each T-shirt is packed in a polybag and 10 dozen to a box. Please see to it that the packing is strong enough to withstand rough handling.


一个塑料袋包一件T 恤..十打装一个盒子。请确保包装要足够坚固..能承受野蛮装卸。

4) Please pack the goods according to our instructions. Folding chairs are packed four pieces to a carton. For the sake of safety, the cartons must be secured by metal bands.

请按照本方的指示包装货物..四把折叠椅装一个纸板箱。为安全起见.. 纸板箱必须用金属带加固。

5) I’m afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for such a heavy load. Please pack the vases a dozen to a wooden case and 100 to a FCL container.

纸板箱恐怕不够结实..经受不住装这么重的货物。请用一打花瓶装一个木箱.. 100 个木箱装一个集装箱。)

6) Please take the necessary precautions so that the packing can protect the goods from rain or dampness in transit because these clothes are liable to be spoiled by water or moisture.

由于这些服装容易因水或潮气受损..请采取必要措施使得这批货在运输途中 其包装能防止雨水或湿气侵入。

7) Can you improve your inner packing? This is our design of the packing for your reference, which would probably help encourage sales.

贵方能否改善一下你们的包装..这是我们设计的供贵方参考的包装样式..这 种样式可能有助于产品销售。

8) Solid and durable, our export cartons lined with plastic sheets are proved against moisture and damage and to be suitable for long distance transportation.

我们有塑料衬里的出口纸板箱能防潮防损..坚固耐用..经证明是适用于长途 运输的。

9) The outer packing should be strong enough for transportation. As to inner packing, it must be attractive and helpful to the sales.


10) Chinese chestnuts are packed in gunny bags. The weight of each bag should not exceed 50 kg. (中国板栗用麻袋包装..每袋重量不可超过50 公斤。

11) To repack the goods in your required assortment will entail an additional packing charge of around US$ 2,000. The extra packing charges should be borne by you.

按照贵方要求的样子来重新包装这批货物的话大概需要约2000美元的额外 包装费用。额外的包装费须由你方负责。 2. Sentences concerning marking guidance (关于标识指示的句子)

1) The marking including our company initials, port of destination, order number, an “M” label and handling instructions should be listed as below.

唛头包括本公司的名称、付运港、订单编号、“M”字图案..而搬运指令则按以 下说明。

2) The fragile glassware needs special packing precautions against jolting. The surface of each outer package should be marked “Fragile”.

这批易碎的玻璃器皿在包装方面需采取特别的措施..以应付途中的颠簸。每件货 物外包装的表面应标上“易碎”字样。 3) The cases of the goods are to be marked with the initials of our company in a diamond as usual. 像以往一样..装货物的箱子上要先刷上一个菱形..菱形里面再刷上本公司名字 的缩写。

4) The packing of this shipment is shockproof and waterproof. Nevertheless we still marked the cartons with caution words like “Fragile”, “Use No Hook” and “ Do Not Drop”.

这批货物的包装是防震防水的..不过我们仍在纸板箱外刷上一些警示性的文 字..例如“易碎品”、“勿用钓钩”及“请勿抛放”等。

5) In addition, indicative marks like “FLEXIBLE”, “KEEP FLAT”, “KEEP UPRIGHT”, “THIS SIDE UP”, “KEEP UPRIGHT”, “NEVER LAY FLAT”, “KEEP AWAY FROM PRESSURE”, “HANDLE WITH CARE”, “KEEP DRY”or “KEEP COOL” etc. should also be stenciled. 此外..像“易弯曲”、“平放”、“竖放”、“此端向上”、“不可倒置”、“不可平放”、“不可 堆压”、“小心轻放”、“保持干燥”、“保持阴凉”等指示性标志也应该标示出来。 Part Five Practical Training I..Beginning Training

1 ..Put the following English into Chinese 1) 包装指示 2) 出口用纸板箱 3) 防水的 4) 销售包装

5) 绿色/环保包装 6) 中性包装 7..运输标志 8..警告标志



10) 茶叶先用塑料袋包装..再放入标准的茶叶盒中。

11) 为谨慎起见..请在外包装上标明“小心装卸”或“易碎品”字样。 12) 货物以2 公斤装一个塑料袋..10 个袋装一个木箱。

13) 我们不想冒险。我们用带子再给箱子缠上一圈..使包装更牢固..同时也防盗。 14) 货物是用防水、防震和防虫材料包装的。

15) 箱子内部衬有不同材料..可防水、气、昆虫的侵害。 II..Intermediate Training

1 ..Put the following Chinese into English 1) damproof packing

2) cartons with plastic linings 3) fragile goods

4) to handle carefully 5) seaworthy packing 6) transportation packing 7) wooden case 8) indicative mark

9) These pens are packed a dozen to a box and 200 boxes to a wooden case.

10) Please pack the goods according to the clauses on packing and marks in our sales contract strictly. 11) We are sorry that we cannot meet your new packing requirements without additional charging.

12) The goods under the captioned contract should be packed in boxes of 12 pieces each, twenty boxes to a carton, 20 cartons on a pallet, 10 pallets in a FCL container.

13) We can stick a variety of lables for you such as “ Handle With Care”, “Keep Dry”, “Keep Cool” or “ Keep Upright” etc.

14) Packing in sturdy wooden cases is essential. Cases must be nailed, battened and secured by overall metal strapping.

15) Light and compact, cartons are easier to handle in transit. You may rest assured that the packing is strong enough to withstand rough handling.

2. Supply the missing words in the blanks of the following letter. The first letters are given.

(1) refer (2) boxes (3) strong (4) sea/ship (5) container (6) around (7) cost (8) prevent/ protect (9) rough (10) account

Unit 11. Shipment 第十一章 运输

Part Three Other Commonly Used Expressions and Sentences Typical Sentences:

1. Sentences used by importers (进口商使用的句子)

1) Since the purchase is made on FOB basis, please arrange shipment of the goods ordered by us on S/S “Prince” without delay.

由于我们是按照FOB 贸易术语购买的货物..请立即安排将我们预定的货物装 上“王子”号货轮。

2) Due to an unexpected development..please expedite the shipment trying your best. We should be glad if you could manage to ship the goods by S/S East Wind sailing from July 1st.

鉴于我们这里意想不到的特殊原因..请尽量加快装船。如果你方能尽力将货 装7 月1 日启航的东风号轮..我们将不胜感谢。

3) We shall appreciate it if you will effect shipment as soon as possible, thus enabling our buyers to catch the brisk demand at the start of the season.

如你方能尽早装船..我们将非常感激..这样可以使我方客户在季初赶上需求的 高峰。

4) You will please do your very best to hasten shipment. We hope that by the time you receive the letter, you will have the goods ready for shipment.

请你方尽最大努力加快装运。我们希望到你方收到此函时..货物已备妥待 运。

5) As the latest shipment date stipulated in the L/C is October 31st, 2007 please see to it that you make the shipment not later than the above date.

因为信用证上规定的最迟装运期是2007 年10 月31 日..故请贵方注意务必要 在这个日子前发货。 6) It must be reiterated that prompt shipment is one of the essential requirements to obtain our orders. 必须重申..装运迅速是取得我们订单的必要条件之一。

7) Would you please cable the shipping advice as soon as possible as there is still no news about the shipment from you and


the L/C is due to expire next week.

由于我们还没有收到你方关于货物装运的任何消息而信用证下周就要过期 了..所以能否请你们尽快电告装船通知。 8) We would like to ask for changing the scheduled date of delivery from December 15 to December 10, due to an urgent request from our client.

因客户强烈要求..欲将原交货日期12 月15 日提前到12 月10 日。

9)We realize that the change in delivery date may cause you inconvenience, but hope you understand that we would not ask for earlier shipment if we are not in an urgent need.

我们知道更改交货日期将给你方带来不便..若非急切需要..本公司也不会提 出此项要求。 10) We hope that the change of delivery date will not cause you too much inconvenience. 我们希望更改交货日期不会给你方带来太多不便。 2. Sentences used by exporters (出口商使用的句子)

1) We are glad to inform you that the 10 containers of bathroom equipment you ordered have been well prepared and the shipment will be made upon the receipt of L/C.

我们高兴地通知贵方..你们所订的10 个集装箱的浴室设备已经备好..一收到 信用证我们就发运。

2) We take pleasure in telling you that the shipment of the shirts originally scheduled to be made in December can be advanced to October as the result of the efforts by all parties involved.

我们高兴地告诉贵方..在有关各方的努力下..原计划12 月份装运的衬衫可 提前到10 月份运出。

3) The Chinese art crafts you ordered have been shipped already and your future order will continue to receive our prompt attention.


4) We wish to advice you that the goods under S/C No. GZ-001 went forward per s/s Dongfeng on June 4, to be transshipped in Hong Kong and are expected to reach your port in July.

很高兴通知你方GZ-001 号销售确认书项下的货物已于6 月4 日由“东风” 轮装运。货物将在香港转船..并预计7 月份抵达你方港口。

5) Enclosed please find the copies of B/L, commercial invoices, the insurance policy and the packing list. Besides, we will send you one set of shipping documents. of lading through the bank.

随函附寄装船清洁提单、商业发票、保险单以及装箱单的副本..请查收。此外.. 我们还会把一整套运输单据通过银行寄给贵方。

6) Owing to the delay of the scheduled steamer we have failed to effect the shipment within the L/C validity. Would you please extend the shipping period of the L/C for one more month?

因为原定货轮的延误..我方没能在信用证的有效期内完成货物的装运。请问贵方能否将信用证的装运期限延长一个月.. 7) We regret to inform you that we cannot advance the shipment as you requested as we have been told by the shipping company that there will be no space available before the end of next month.


8) We would like to try to advance the shipment as you wish but can not guarantee to absolutely make it. 我们愿意尝试把装运期提前以满足你方要求..但我们不能保证一定做到。

9) Owing to the delay in opening the relative L/C, shipment cannot be made as contracted and should be postponed to the end of next month. We shall cable you in due course the name of the chartered steamer and its estimated arrival time.


10) As the only direct steamer.. which calls at our port once a month..has just departed, the goods can only be shipped next month.

由于每月只停靠你港口一次的唯一一班直达轮船刚刚离开..货物只能在下月装运。 Part Five Practical Training I..Beginning Training

1 ..Put the following English into Chinese 1) 目的港 2) 稀少 3) 轮船

4) 货运代理商 5) 一整套运输单据 6) 装船指示 7) 分批运输 8) 预定船舱