新外研(WY)版初中八年级上册英语Module 7单元测试卷(含听力材料及答案解析) 联系客服

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B.Because he likes to be poor.

C.Because the house in the city is big and beautiful. D.Because he enjoys happiness. 60.Which is the best title?

A.The City Mouse and the Country Mouse B.Two Friends C.Two Beautiful Mice D.The Country and the City



Once upon a time there were three little pigs.One day their mother said to them,“You are too big to live here.You need to build your own houses.But make sure that the wolf can't catch you.”

The first little pig built a house with grass.It was the easiest thing to do.The second little pig built his house with sticks,which was a little bit stronger than the grass house.The third little pig built his house with bricks (砖),which was the strongest but took him a lot of time.

One day the wolf came and saw the first little pig in his grass house.The wolf pushed down the house and ate the first little pig.

Then the wolf came to the stick house and pushed down that house,too.Then he ate the second little pig.

The wolf then came to the house of bricks,but he could not push

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down that brick house.The wolf climbed up to the roof and tried to get through the chimney (烟囱).The smart little pig fired and boiled water.When the wolf fell down,he fell into the hot water and died.


Three little pigs The reason why they left their mother The materials (材料) they built their houses with They were so big that they ____________(61) with their mother. Grass,____________(62) and bricks. The first two little pigs ____________(63) by the wolf. The wolf wanted to get in the The fate of the three pigs ____________(64) house through the chimney.When the wolf fell down,he fell into ____________(65) and died. 九、综合填空(每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,用方框内所给


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The Ant (蚂蚁) and the Dove (鸽子)

One hot day, an ant was ________(66) for some water.After walking around ________(67) some time, she came to a river.To get to the river,

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she had to climb up a piece of grass.________(68) the ant was making her way up, she fell into the water.

Just then a dove up a nearby (附近的)________(69) saw her.When the dove saw that the ant was in trouble, he ________(70) picked off a leaf and dropped ________(71) into the water near the ant.The ant moved towards the leaf ________(72) climbed up there.Soon it carried her safely to the dry ground.Just at that time, a hunter(猎人)nearby was going to shoot the dove.As soon as the ant found ________(73) the hunter was going to do, she quickly bit (咬)________(74) on the heel.Feeling the pain, the hunter dropped (丢掉) his gun.The dove was quick to ________(75) away to safety.


76.Lily ________ (跌落) in the snow and cried loudly. 77.The river is very ________ (深的) and you can't swim in it alone.

78.Mike ________ (跟随) the passengers onto the train. 79.I ________ (突然地) remember that I didn't bring my key. 80.—How often do the students play sports?

—________ (两次) a day.



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5:05 Time 5 p.m. p.m. in a Place tree garden house the Mad the Che- Character shire Cat rabbit the March Hare having a Activity smiling running tea party Then Alice went down the large rabbit hole after the rabbit but never









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