高中英语语法动名词讲解练习 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章高中英语语法动名词讲解练习更新完毕开始阅读1ed143ed88eb172ded630b1c59eef8c75ebf9577

She denied making a mistake. 她否认犯了一个错误。

You must try your best to avoid meeting him in that street. 你必须尽量设法避免在那条街上遇见他。

When I heard his vice, I couldn't help thinking of my father. 当我听到他的声音时,我不禁想起了我的爸爸。

The doctor advised me giving up smoking and drinking. 医生劝我戒烟和酒。

You'd better put off having the meeting next month. 你最好把这个会议推到下个月。 2.在介词后面作宾语

动名词跟在一些固定的词组后作宾语。 insist on 坚持 excuse… for 为……而原谅 think of 想到 devote… to 把……贡献 look forward to 盼望 know of 对……了解 be(get)used to 习惯于 set about 动手去做…… be proud of 为……自豪,骄傲 spend… in 在……花费 be succeed in 在……spend… (in)doing 成功 sth. 花……做 be busy(in)doing(sth)忙于某事 be fond of 喜欢 做某 事 be good at 擅长于…… be afraid of 为……而害怕 be interested in be tired of 厌烦…… 对……感兴趣 be sick of 对……感到dream of 梦想 恶心 be ashamed of 为……hear of 听说 感到喜悦 prevent… from 避免 add to 加上 keep… from 避免 lead to 导致 stop… from 避免 get to 开始 be engaged in 从事于 come to 谈到 depend on 依靠 stick to 坚持 thank… for 为……而be sentenced to 宣判 感谢 feel like 愿意做什么 There is / are or I / We have (some)difficulty (some)trouble problem fun


a good time a hard time (in) doing ????????????????????????There is no need use harm hurry

+ (in) + doing ????????

I'm proud of being a Chinese. 作为一个中国人,我感到骄傲自豪。

Our teacher has devoted her life to her teaching. 我们的老师把她的一生都贡献给了教育事业。

He insisted on doing the same experiments hundreds of times. 他坚持做同样的实验做了成百上千次。

Today I don't feel like listening to some music. 今天我不愿意听音乐。

On hearing his boss' voice, he turned off the switch at once. 他一听见他老板的声音,立刻把开关关了。 Before leaving here please call me. 离开这儿之前,请给我打电话。

I know the way of working out the problem. 我知道解这道题的思路。

I have some difficulty(in)finding out when the trainleaves. 在弄清这辆火车何时开车这个问题上遇到些困难。 We had a good time(in)celebrating his birthday. 庆祝他的生日,我们玩得很愉快。

There is no harm(in)pointing out his mistakes. 指出他的错误来对他没什么害处。

We spent two weeks(in) visiting the city. 我们花费了二周参观这座城市。

Now they are busy(in)preparing their lessons. 比较

Now they are busy with their lessons.

在些句型中 with 后只能跟名词或代词,如果跟动名词则用 be busy(in)doing sth.' in 常常省略。 现在他们正忙于准备他们的功课。

3.动名词和不定式均可作宾语且区别不大者 常见于 continue, begin, start 这些动词

After finishing his composition he continued reading(toread)a novel.


They usually begin to work(working)at nine in the morning. 他们通常是上午九点钟开始工作。

I prefer making(to make)a plan before I go over our lessons. 我在复习功课之前宁愿做一个计划。


常见于 like, hate, learn, prefer, love…这些动词 I like skating. But I don't like to skate today. 我喜欢滑冰,但是我今天不想去滑冰。

( like skating 是指一贯的、习惯性的爱好,而 like to skate 是 指暂时的动作。) 比较

She hates to smoke before other people. 她不喜欢在别人面前吸烟。

(不定式的逻辑主语是 she,是指她吸烟) She hates smoking. 她不喜欢吸烟。

(动名词的逻辑主语不只是句子的主语 she,还有别的人) 比较

The girl has learned to cook.

这个小姑娘已经学会做饭了。(现在会做饭) The girl has learned cooking.


5.动名词和不定式都可以作宾语,但在意义上有很大区别 a. remember, forget, regret + 动名词——动作已经发生 不定式——动作尚未发生 ????


不定式表示的动作在谓语动词之后发生,动作还没发生,指将来的 动作。 比较

I remember giving the letter to him. 我记得把信给他了。

I will remember to give the letter to him. 我会记得把这封信交给他。

(动名词 giving 表示一个在 remember 之前发生过的动作不定式 to give 表示一个在 remember 之后发生的将来的动作。) 比较

I forget giving the letter him. 我忘了已经反信给他了。

I'm afraid I will forget to give the letter to him. 我担心我会忘了把这封信交给他。

(动名词 giving 表示在 forget 之前发生的动作不定式 to give 表

示在 remember 之后发生的将来的动作) 比较

I regret accepting your advice. 我真后悔听了你的建议。

I regret to tell you that I won't accept your advice. 我十分遗憾地(要)告诉你,我不准备接受你的意见。

(动名词 accepting,指在 regret 之前已发生过的动作。不定式 to tell,表示在 regret 之后或同时的一个动作。) b try +

= do one's best to do .

动名词——试一试( ~) 不定式——设法去做某事 ????

Never mind. Try doing it in another way. 没关系,试试用另一种方法做。 You must try to do it well. 你必须尽量(设法)把它做好。 c. mean +


不定式——企图,打算去做…(主语一般是人) ????

Sure, At 5 a. m. I mean to get up early. 对,是 5 点钟,我打算早点儿起床。

Catching the first bus means getting up early. 赶上头班车就意味着要早起。 d go on +

= continue to do / doing = do sth next .

动名词—继续做某事( ~) 不定式—接着做的某事( ) ????

They went on talking about the education.

他们继续谈论教育问题。(在中断谈话之前他们就谈论着教育,之 后又继续同一内容)

They went on to talk about the education.

他们接下去就谈教育问题了。(指在中断谈话之前讲的不是教育问 题)

e. stop +


不定式——停下来(一件事)开始做另一件事 ????

(=stop sth. to do another)